the garden is really springlike, daffodils, violets, grape hyacinths, kerria, camellia all flowering away, sparrows twittering and making such a racket that people phoning me comment! the cats think it's heaven and are chasing each other through the bushes and round the plant pots. Caenothus and spirae will be flowering any time and so will the clematis and the climbing roses.
I've planted an Acer and a beech, my tree poppy that's been in for 3-4 years and done virtually nothing has the biggest fattest flower bud
for the first time.
The little bonsai I was given survived the winter happily.
The roses are in bud and the geraniums, which shouldn't be put out yet, have survived their 3rd winter outside and never stopped flowering all winter (motheaten looking but bravely flowering).
I've got some busy lizzies to add to pots under shrubs and taller plants when it warms up just a little more.
It's small but I love my garden