Thu 19 Oct, 2006 02:12 pm
We just arrived in Jerusalem late today, and a small group of us went for a walk and dinner. Our hotel is located just about a couple of blocks from the Old City, and I can see the walls from my hotel room window. We're going to be visiting the Jewish Section of the Old City tomorrow. We're really seeing a lot of the religious history of Israel. We visited where St Peter lived, and went on a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. This tour is really cut out for christians or Jews, and for anybody interested in learning about the Jewish society of today. We visited a Druze famility yesterday, and they hosted dnner which we ate sitting on the floor. Our stay during the past two nights were at a kibbutz situated on a high hill above he Sea of Galilee, and our trip north brought us to the borders of Syria and Lebanon. I'll write more when I get home.