Lash wrote:Lie #1
Lash wrote:So, in order to keep that psycho crooked Gov. straight, we need to outlaw gambling?
That is not what I said and you know it. I stated that the crime rate had increased in Louisiana and I would imagine that some of the crimes were related to gambling and was asked to provide proof of such a claim. This crime was related to gambling.
Arella Mae wrote:Echi,
You can start with this article. If there had been no gambling casinos then there would have been no one for the Governor to extort money from for gambling licenses.
Lash, you can't hit them with facts like that one.....she'll never respond to you now.
I'd also like to point out that her other "facts" included things like murder and rape as being connected to gambling, which is totatlly absurd to blame on gambling. So even her other "facts" are highly questionable.
She has yet to provide any substantial data to support her opinion as being anything other than church docterine. And when presented with a government report based on a 12 year study she simply passes by with no comment.