Any serious Christians left?

Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 08:22 pm
maporsche wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
75% of the American population is white and only 12% is black. However, black people account for 44% of those in prison.

Are the black people committing the majority of the crime, or is the white majority seeing to it that the black people are charged and convicted unfairly?

Start a new thread. This has nothing to do with this topic.

Exactly. Just as a lot of what has been posted has nothing to do with the topic.

Such as your post on athletic shoes. Seems it is ok for you to go off topic, but don't let anyone else...especially a Christian do the same.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 08:24 pm
maporsche wrote:
Do you know what else causes an increase in crime?

Athletic shoes. Many teenages were killed in thefts where their Air Jordans were stolen, sometimes their shoes were they only things stolen. We should ban the manufacturing of high priced basketball shoes.

Also, the nicer a car you drive the higher likelihood that someone will steal it or break into it. This is not the theifs fault, it is the car manufacturer for making a car that is so tempting to steal.

Gambling is like this too. The addiction to gamble is the cause of people pickpocketing, stealing, etc. These people are not to blame, you have to blame the casinos, and outlaw gambling for everyone.

This is fun, what else causes an increase in crime that we should all vote for banning? That is if we all were willing to use the same logic that Arella Mae admits to using.

OR you could just STFU and stop voting to remove individual freedoms and rights because of your superior level of thinking.

You know, I was beginning to think you and I were at least having a civil discussion and perhaps at least trying to understand each other's viewpoints. Guess I was mistaken. Crying or Very sad
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 08:26 pm
TV and that damn rock music.

Hot pants.


Long haired hippies!

Tie Dye!

0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 08:29 pm
echi wrote:
Show me where I told you that you don't have the right to exercise your rights.

Echi, I apologize. I read something incorrectly. I went back through this thread to see where you had said that and you didn't. Please forgive me.

No. You have not stated your reasoning. You have stated that you know how to vote. . . Vote for something you want. Vote against something you don't want. I get that. I have voted before.
But, your "reasoning" has to do with how you decide which way to vote. Please tell me you understand.

Ok, let me try. If I believe something is wrong Echi then I am not going to believe it is a good thing. I am not going to vote for something I believe is wrong. Now, maybe you think gambling is not wrong so you would vote for it. That's fine. But no matter what you vote, you vote for what you think is the right thing to do, correct? That is what I do. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 08:29 pm
Arella Mae wrote:
Guess I was mistaken.

One of many Arella Mae. One of many!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 08:29 pm
Lash wrote:
TV and that damn rock music.

Hot pants.


Long haired hippies!

Tie Dye!


Stamp in fundamentalism
Stamp out fun
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 08:32 pm
Intrepid wrote:
maporsche wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
75% of the American population is white and only 12% is black. However, black people account for 44% of those in prison.

Are the black people committing the majority of the crime, or is the white majority seeing to it that the black people are charged and convicted unfairly?

Start a new thread. This has nothing to do with this topic.

Exactly. Just as a lot of what has been posted has nothing to do with the topic.

Such as your post on athletic shoes. Seems it is ok for you to go off topic, but don't let anyone else...especially a Christian do the same.

No, I'm pretty sure that one fit.

I was showing the flaw in AM's thought process. She thinks that gambling caused people to steal, rape, murder, etc. I was showing her how silly that logic sounds when applied to other crimes.

Please explain how 12% of Black people making up 44% of the prison population fits in with this conversation?

If you can show me how it applies, I will apologize and we can move on.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 08:32 pm
Stamp out hunger
Stamp out poverty
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 08:33 pm
echi wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
There are plenty of other statistics Echi. Would you like me to get you some more or would you like to research it for yourself?

I assumed that since you had formed this opinion, you likely had some good statistics all ready to go. (I guess not.)

Anyway, nevermind. Unless, of course, you can dig up something better than this:
timberlandko wrote:
United States General Accounting Office: Impact of Gambling - Economic Effects More Measurable Than Social Effects (Note: 72 page .pdf download)

Multi-year study with data drawn from FBI national crime statistics, various official state and local crime statistics, the Internal Revenue Service, the Small Business Administration, the National Institute of Health, the Department of the Census, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Education, and an assortment of peer-reviewed, published academic studies and articles, among other sources. The upshot of the report is that while nationwide there was no discernable statiscally significant correlation between crime rate and the presence of casinos in communities, communities with casinos to a statistically significant extent had lower unemployment, higher average earnings and standard of living (including healthcare), lower suicide and bankruptcy rates, and overal more robust economic, infrastructure (including both public education and public safety assetts and personnel), and population growth than had otherwise essentially similar communities distant from and/or without casinos.

Otherwise, the only reasonable conclusion is that you feel justified in restricting other people's rights, ummmmm. . . . . just because that's how you feel! Okay. THAT IS YOUR RIGHT. Good luck convincing anybody else!

You copping an attitude now? We both know that we both can go to the internet and pull up plenty of statistics that will back up either of our assertions. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. I am only trying to answer your questions and explain to you why I feel the way I do. Isn't that what you were wanting me to do? Isn't that what you are trying to do with me? Or are you trying to convince me to change my mind? :wink:
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 08:38 pm
maporsche wrote:
No, I'm pretty sure that one fit.

I was showing the flaw in AM's thought process. She thinks that gambling caused people to steal, rape, murder, etc. I was showing her how silly that logic sounds when applied to other crimes.

Please explain how 12% of Black people making up 44% of the prison population fits in with this conversation?

If you can show me how it applies, I will apologize and we can move on.

And just where did I say a thing about murder or rape? I didn't. I mentioned theft and muggings, etc. (unless, of course, you took etc. to be murder and rape Rolling Eyes )

Look the fact is, some believe that gambling has been a factor in the increase of some crimes and some don't. There are statistics to back up both assertions.

And there's no reason to start using God's name in vain and I find it highly offensive.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 08:43 pm
maporsche wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
maporsche wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
75% of the American population is white and only 12% is black. However, black people account for 44% of those in prison.

Are the black people committing the majority of the crime, or is the white majority seeing to it that the black people are charged and convicted unfairly?

Start a new thread. This has nothing to do with this topic.

Exactly. Just as a lot of what has been posted has nothing to do with the topic.

Such as your post on athletic shoes. Seems it is ok for you to go off topic, but don't let anyone else...especially a Christian do the same.

No, I'm pretty sure that one fit.

I was showing the flaw in AM's thought process. She thinks that gambling caused people to steal, rape, murder, etc. I was showing her how silly that logic sounds when applied to other crimes.

Please explain how 12% of Black people making up 44% of the prison population fits in with this conversation?

If you can show me how it applies, I will apologize and we can move on.

Jeremiah started this thread with:
"Anyone want to talk the christian bible? For ..against..whatever? Is this against the law yet? "

How does the last several pages of items that seem to belong to politics rather than religion fit into this initial question?

I agree that gambling, like many other things causes increase in crime. People have to feed their habit. The same as areas of drug activity also increase crime. Many things that people accept or fight for increase crime. Wearing expensive jewellery invites crime. Just about anything that is indulged invites crime.

I am asking whether being a black man creates more crime since 12% of the population has 44% of prison inmates. Or, is it because they are supressed by the rich? I was in a huge casino in Detroit one time where the only black people I saw were working there or serving the high rollers.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 08:43 pm
Arella Mae wrote:
maporsche wrote:
No, I'm pretty sure that one fit.

I was showing the flaw in AM's thought process. She thinks that gambling caused people to steal, rape, murder, etc. I was showing her how silly that logic sounds when applied to other crimes.

Please explain how 12% of Black people making up 44% of the prison population fits in with this conversation?

If you can show me how it applies, I will apologize and we can move on.

And just where did I say a thing about murder or rape? I didn't. I mentioned theft and muggings, etc. (unless, of course, you took etc. to be murder and rape Rolling Eyes )

I took the murder/rape from the link you provided from Focus on the Family to support your opinions. Or was this a section from your statistical proof that you disagree with. Here it is so you can read it.

The number of purse snatchings, assaults, rapes, robberies and murders skyrocketed after the casinos opened. FBI statistics show the crime rate per 1,000 residents went from 134.3 in 1978 to a peak of 450.3 in 1988.5

And don't roll your eyes at me just because you didn't bother oto read your entire link.


Look the fact is, some believe that gambling has been a factor in the increase of some crimes and some don't. There are statistics to back up both assertions.

And there's no reason to start using God's name in vain and I find it highly offensive.[/color]

So the fact that there are 'some' statistics on both sides has led you to believe that is sufficient justification to remove that right from everybody?

And I choose to use God's name in any way I see fit. That is between me and god, not you.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 08:51 pm
maporsche wrote:
I took the murder/rape from the link you provided from Focus on the Family to support your opinions. Or was this a section from your statistical proof that you disagree with. Here it is so you can read it.

The number of purse snatchings, assaults, rapes, robberies and murders skyrocketed after the casinos opened. FBI statistics show the crime rate per 1,000 residents went from 134.3 in 1978 to a peak of 450.3 in 1988.5

I can accept that Maporsche. However, specifically I was referring to the thefts, etc.

And don't roll your eyes at me just because you didn't bother oto read your entire link.

And I choose to use God's name in any way I see fit. That is between me and god, not you.

And I choose to use the rolling eye smiley wherever I see fit. Laughing And if it offends me, then it does concern me and since you are the one that caused the offense I'd say that is between me and you :wink: .
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 08:52 pm
Intrepid wrote:
maporsche wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
maporsche wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
75% of the American population is white and only 12% is black. However, black people account for 44% of those in prison.

Are the black people committing the majority of the crime, or is the white majority seeing to it that the black people are charged and convicted unfairly?

Start a new thread. This has nothing to do with this topic.

Exactly. Just as a lot of what has been posted has nothing to do with the topic.

Such as your post on athletic shoes. Seems it is ok for you to go off topic, but don't let anyone else...especially a Christian do the same.

No, I'm pretty sure that one fit.

I was showing the flaw in AM's thought process. She thinks that gambling caused people to steal, rape, murder, etc. I was showing her how silly that logic sounds when applied to other crimes.

Please explain how 12% of Black people making up 44% of the prison population fits in with this conversation?

If you can show me how it applies, I will apologize and we can move on.

Jeremiah started this thread with:
"Anyone want to talk the christian bible? For ..against..whatever? Is this against the law yet? "

How does the last several pages of items that seem to belong to politics rather than religion fit into this initial question?

I agree that gambling, like many other things causes increase in crime. People have to feed their habit. The same as areas of drug activity also increase crime. Many things that people accept or fight for increase crime. Wearing expensive jewellery invites crime. Just about anything that is indulged invites crime.

I am asking whether being a black man creates more crime since 12% of the population has 44% of prison inmates. Or, is it because they are supressed by the rich? I was in a huge casino in Detroit one time where the only black people I saw were working there or serving the high rollers.

Ya oughtta go to Lake Charles if you want to see black gamblers. They make up a large part of the crowd.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 08:56 pm
Arella Mae wrote:
And if it offends me, then it does concern me and since you are the one that caused the offense I'd say that is between me and you :wink: .

What was between me and you was the improper use of YOUR name. Which you'll notice I've corrected.

The improper use of god's name is between god and myself.

If you're offended, then that only concerns you, I did not cause the offense, you did. I may have offended god, but that is not the same as offending you. You have the sole power to choose what you will and will not be offended at.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 09:09 pm
Gee, you guys seem to get to vote on all kinds of stuff that we elect our politicians to do. Once we elect them, we just let them fight it out and enact the laws that they see fit for us. We Canadians are so easy going that way.

My biggest political decision at the moment is deciding who I will vote for Mayor, Councillor and School Trustee in our Municipal election on November 13th.

If our elected officials think it is a good idea to open a casino...it is built and opened. Gambling is big business in politics.

As for religion. That never seems to be an issue.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 09:20 pm
maporsche wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
And if it offends me, then it does concern me and since you are the one that caused the offense I'd say that is between me and you :wink: .

What was between me and you was the improper use of YOUR name. Which you'll notice I've corrected.

The improper use of god's name is between god and myself.

If you're offended, then that only concerns you, I did not cause the offense, you did. I may have offended god, but that is not the same as offending you. You have the sole power to choose what you will and will not be offended at.

I am offended when anyone uses vulgar language. I consider what you did vulgar language; therefore, you offended me by using it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 09:21 pm
Arella Mae wrote:
maporsche wrote:
Arella Mae wrote:
And if it offends me, then it does concern me and since you are the one that caused the offense I'd say that is between me and you :wink: .

What was between me and you was the improper use of YOUR name. Which you'll notice I've corrected.

The improper use of god's name is between god and myself.

If you're offended, then that only concerns you, I did not cause the offense, you did. I may have offended god, but that is not the same as offending you. You have the sole power to choose what you will and will not be offended at.

I am offended when anyone uses vulgar language. I consider what you did vulgar language; therefore, you offended me by using it.

I'm offended by your lies.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 09:25 pm
Now, Lash. Lies is harsh. How about "prevarications." It's much more refined.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Oct, 2006 09:26 pm
And if thine eye offends thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee
0 Replies

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