rosborne979 wrote:Eorl wrote:If you cut an eye in half, that is equal to a half evolved eye. Obviously half an eye is useless, therefore my god created everything.
(Thought I'd just step in for real life for a sec. I'm sure he won't mind.)
The thing is though, he would have found a way to say the same thing, but make it look perfectly sensible.
That's pretty good, but you're right, RL has a slicker spin.
Here, let me try one...
The scientist in the article said, each stage in the evolutionary process needed to be beneficial, but what good is a lens without a retina, and what good is a retina without a lens? How could two different things evolve randomly side by side to produce a single functioning organ. It's impossible.
Speaking of two different things--
How about: if the eye 'evolved' randomly from
a single patch of light-sensitive skin , then how come we (and most other critters)
a) have TWO of them which just happen to be in the same area of the body (the head),
b)they both just happen to be placed symmetrically on either side of the head,
c)they both just happen to 'report' to exactly the same area of the brain where their data can be deciphered
d)they both just happen to have both evolved to have EXACTLY the same structure
e)they both just happen to work together , focusing at the same time, turning side to side at the same time, dilating at the same time, etc
f)the skull, accomodatingly enough, 'evolved' identical twin holes in itself to allow these remarkable 'patches of skin' to sink down into a protected area
g)the 'skin' in the vicinity of BOTH of these independently 'evolving' skin patches (eyes) also amazingly evolved identical support features , i.e. eyelashes, tear ducts, eye lids, which are identical in every way
and we could go on...........
If the eye 'evolved' from
a single patch of light-sensitive skin, doesn't this seem unusual to anyone?
How did TWO eyes 'evolve' if it came from
a single patch of light-sensitive skin?