Thermo-dynamics, which is a combination of the phrase thermal-dynamics, applies to heat. Systems use energy to do work. Work can never be done with 100% efficiency so some of the wasted energy is released as heat.
When a central processing unit of a computer receives electricity and performs computations, some of the energy is wasted and is released as heat. The same concept applies to humans. Humans use food and oxygen as their energy source, the brain performs calculations, some of the energy is wasted and is released as heat. This is why your forehead is hot. When you run and your muscles use their energy sources to perform work, the muscles release the wasted energy as heat. The sweat glands of your body trap that heat in a liquid which gets pulled away from the body by evaporation. This is practically the same way liquid cooling systems for computers work, the heat gets trapped by the liquid and is pulled away from the source of the heat.
Where creationists and various other theists screw up in visualizing the system at work is that they forget the body is an open system. An isolated system will decrease its entropy overall but open systems can locally increase their own entropy as long as they have an external source of energy. An isolated system is one where there is no external source of energy. The Universe is the only isolated system that exists.
The Universe, however, contains open systems. Plants, which can obtain matter and energy from external sources, such as the nutrients in the soil and the solar energy of the Sun, are open systems. We, humans, are open systems in that we obtain matter and energy from external sources, such as plants, animals, and the oxygen released by plants. We can take the energy from these external sources to do work. Because this work is not 100% efficient, we release heat from our bodies. If the human body didn't follow the second law of thermodynamics, we would be able to use the food and oxygen with 100% efficiency and not release heat from our bodies. The fact that you can take the temperature of someone's forehead is proof that we follow the second law of thermodynamics.
Another common mistake made by creationists and theists is thinking that thermodynamics applies to chemical combinations. For example, the human body is such a complex combination of chemicals that it goes against the laws of thermodynamics. Remember my creationist/theist friends, thermodynamics applies to thermal energy and not chemicals. Honestly, just think about it, if the complexity of the human body didn't jive with thermodynamics then we would've thrown away the law of thermodynamics hundreds of years ago. What use would we have for the ideas, and why would we call them laws, if we knew they were wrong? The human race has observed absolutely nothing in this Universe that contradicts the laws of thermodynamics. If we had then they wouldn't be called laws. Feel free to consult the work of Allan H. Harvey,
here, who is a Christian with a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering who not only says the same thing as I do, but also shares the same feelings as I do in the sense that Creationists and other Theists should stop making this pathetic argument.
Real Life, haven't we had this conversation before? (Farmerman, do you remember participating in that discussion?) Did you forget what I said about thermodynamics before? Or have you willingly ignored the truth so you can spread lies in a vain attempt to convert people to your sect of insanity? I do not mind if someone wants to put forth arguments in favor of God's existence; what I do mind, however, is when the most obvious of truths are misrepresented as falsehoods. Please stop advancing this argument, it only makes people take your arguments less seriously.