Sat 7 Oct, 2006 02:07 pm
Which 9/11 conspiracy theory is the most plausible ?
You missed out the most important option:
None of them.
As it is your poll is likr the "When did you stop beating your wife" question.
The only reasonable response is silence, or a post such as mine.
I don't like any of the ones you list. My own theory is that it was all a sham, performed by David Copperfield, the illusionist who made the Statue of Liberty disappear right in front of a nation-wide TV audience back in...what was it...1986? The Twin Towers were never destroyed. They're still there. The reason there's a big fence around Ground Zero is because, if they let people in, they'd find the towers are still there, can be touched. You just can't see 'em. Go ahead. Prove me wrong.
dlowan wrote:You missed out the most important option:
None of them.
As it is your poll is like the "When did you stop beating your wife" question.
The only reasonable response is silence, or a post such as mine.
BTW, in case you need it clarified, your mention of the normal explanation of 9/11 is rendered unacceptable because of your inclusion of clearly sneering material within that option.
Now I am keenest on Merry's theory, of course.
To all the poster above --