Ticomaya wrote:Funny ... I don't feel trapped. (And who the hell is "we"?)
It sounds as if you have three options, and you don't know which to believe. Although since Option #1 and #2 involve the Jews, my money is on one of those two. And since #1 directly implicates the Jews, I suspect that's the one you believe the most, and that's why it's at the top of your list.
'We' the conspiracy nuts. Who just happen to have thousands of websites millions of articles and thousands of photo evidence of 9/11, we're growing stronger and stronger through out the world.
Your true option would be -- 19 Arabs from caves (some invincible, who are alive) with invincible passports, using box cutters ?
Is that what Bush told you ?
I can't blame you really, you wern't to know he was a liar at the time, 5 years back.