I don't mind you taking a break, m'lord, but I don't want you doing poorly.
If you are resting or semi-poorly, or poorly, well..
Ordinarily any of us can be missing for weeks, but given your constitution, we worry ourselves and reach to support you...
Jeez, Folks
He's only going for a dirty weekend!
Ok, ok, sorry, I'll shut up now.
margo wrote:Jeez, Folks
He's only going for a dirty weekend!
Has been back and posted already.
Yeah, but his last post was on friday!
Yeh, littleK, that's what's had me concerned. Hopefully for naught.
What? So my post traumatic motorway hell ramblings of last night don't count?
Oops! Didn't get around so much last night! Sorry to have missed your nocturnal admissions.
Truth be known, I was in a stop start 70 mile crawl of solid traffic for nearly four hours, yesterday evening, trying to complete a motorway journey of 100 miles!
Arrived home twitching and busting for a pee at about 8ish, spent half an hour emptying the bladder and had a quick scan of A2K, posting a small amount of jibberish.
I then suddenly realised that the latest episode of the Sopranos was about to start, leapt in front of the TV, set the DVD recorder (luckily) and promptly fell asleep on the couch.
Awoke several hours later to find some obscure early morning low budget film baing displayed on the screen, switched off the recorder and shuffled up to bed.
I have now risen, had some marmite on toast and a large chocca mocca coffee, and feel like a new man, but I don't know where I'll find one at this time of the morning.
So......GOOD MORNING EVERONE! Hope you all had a marvellous weekend.
Life is beautiful, eh?
Pleased then to see you, lordie. And cheers to Missus Lordie. Best to rest when weather doing its tumble thing.
Lord Ellpus wrote:Awoke several hours later to find some obscure early morning low budget film baing displayed on the screen, switched off the recorder and shuffled up to bed.
Yeah, all those soft pornos aren't really entertaining.
Good morning ... - ... and hoping, England will get some moments of inspiration (that's not only football related :wink: )
littlek wrote:Oops! Didn't get around so much last night! Sorry to have missed your nocturnal admissions.
its the emissions you have to watch out for lk.
back on line
I am back on line....I am very pleased too see your name and to read your post . How do you like your new location ? When you can let me know how you have been getting along.
Joe Harris
I like New Mexico, Joe, it's a beautiful state.
was sick?
if you are feeling well, come on over to my house.
I will make you some good food and wear that french maid outfit you got me
[size=7]ohh.... i wasnt supposed to say THAT outloud was i ?[/size]
Hope you're feeling better, Lord Ellpus.
Hi kehoe, haven't seen you around for a while.
Yep, back to normal now, and actually trying to get my weight back up a bit, which is a rare thing for me to say, nowadays.
When I returned from my summer hols, I was 13st 4lbs (186lbs) and could just about fit into 34inch waist jeans.
Horrified or what?!?
I know I'd put on about 20lbs due to a long term course of steroids about a year or so ago, and just couldn't get rid of it. (laziness and fondness for food, really). So I had a big change of diet, and set myself a target weight of 11st 7lbs (161lbs)....and after sticking to a diet and taking lots of extra exercise for about six weeks, I'd just managed my target weight when I fell ill and didn't really eat much at all for a week or so, and have ended up at 11st (154lbs). My 34inch jeans kept falling down, so I bought some 32inch. THESE kepr working their way down....so today, I've just purchased three pairs of 30inch waist jeans, which FIT PERFECTLY! Bloody hell!
I'm determined to try and keep to that size for as long as poss, but know in reality that I'll end up going to 32inch, but won't mind too much.
As soon as the 30's start pinching, I'll know to move back onto salad and light stuff for a while......well, that's the theory anyway.
Well now, what's this I heard about you being off-colour? Poor baby! You need a great big get-well kiss?
Glad to see/hear you are doing better. Hate that when the machinery breaks down or is not as well oiled as the 20-30's, eh? Makes you want to trade in the older body for a newer, fresher one. If only .....
I'll add my hugs with the rest of the gang and hope you are on the mend. Don't you go getting sick on us. Mind that lucious body now!