ul, temps are very mild in the Sierra's as well, so i decided to open all the livingroom windows, clean screens, etc. The windows face a landscaped area with lawns, trees, and also a birdbath.
Well, i was fetching something in another room, and i hear bird screeching! Mandy, one of the herd, was sitting in the sunshine on the livingroom carpet, and a young bird had flown through the window. Mandy had the poor bird in her mouth, and i thought oh no - then told Mandy to drop the bird. She did, and the little critter began running through the livingroom, both me and the cat chasing the bird. Well, long story short, i was able to pick up Amanda in mid jump - and the bird flew to the window sill, sat for a few seconds retrieving bearings, then flew away unharmed.
Amanda and i just stood there wondering what had just happened! I'm certain the bird wondered the same, but thankfully was able to contemplate from the Lily tree.
There is still an abundance of wild birds, hummingbirds haven't begun migrating yet, and with the mild weather, we may see birds that normally migrate, remaining for another month. The deer haven't gone yet either, so i bought wire and surrounded the potted plants Mz Clem and her deer buds seem to enjoy better than alfalfa and oats.