Thomas wrote:okie wrote:Uh, what is the legal basis for terrorism, Thomas?
There is none. But that's a red herring, because I'm not defending anyone's right to terrorize.
okie wrote: As to what legal basis we hold people caught trying to kill us, Thomas, I would call it using common sense in regard to acts of war and self defense.
Even if I granted you that the Bush administration used common sense in detaining these people -- and I do not -- I still don't see any legal basis for you. No competent jurist recognizes common sense alone as a legal basis for anything.
In a sense you are correct, Thomas. This era of terrorists has created a new problem for which the legal path to properly deal with it is totally plowing new ground. Unless you propose to turn them all loose, I don't see what else we can do but hold them, extract information from them, while "being nice" to them, and treat them as decently as reasonable, and go from here. It will probably end up with military tribunals, but I think the reason the wheels of justice are moving so slowly is that the authorities are somewhat stumped as to what to do, and holding them is easier politically than moving faster and possibly making more mistakes in the process. Remember, we have released a number that we consider to be low risk, and of even those, I've heard some have shown up again on the battlefield. I have been asked for evidence for this, and will when I get time. Do a websearch and it would probably show up.
Bottom line, we did not create this problem. Bush did not create this problem. They did. The vast majority of them are likely guilty as sin. A small number might be innocent. That is regretable, and hopefully virtually all of those have been released already. There are innocent people in prisons all over the world, this is a fact of life, justice is not perfect, and there are unintended consequences that are unavoidable.
And finally Thomas, not everything is done legally. If they were, there would be no wars.