OK, your talking to a PNW person! I've lived north of Seattle for 11 years now. When I first moved here we met family at a hotel just across HWY 99 from the airport. I think it was a Red Lion Inn or a Westin, not sure, but it had a big pool lounging area.
As far as dining...would you care to make a short drive to enjoy some awesome scenery? Try Salty's at Alki Beach, this is in West Seattle and has the most spectacular view of downtown and the Space Needle. There is also a Salty's south of the airport in Federal Way on Redondo Beach
http://www.saltys.com/ There's lots of activity on Alki when the weather is nice. I still enjoy going to the Pike Place Market and take visitors there often, stop at the original Starbucks.
I'll think of more in a bit....