Hi there,
_Heatwave_ wrote:Ok, that makes sense. But jeez louise!- she's been on drugs for almost a month! I think she never got over her first infection in the first place, and it continued into her second and now, probably, her third.
That's very possible. That's the way it happened with us the winter that sozlet started preschool -- one after another. It was never completely clear if it was a single ear infection that never cleared up, or a whole series. She had an infection in one ear, went on antibiotics -- and got an infection in the other (WHILE on antibiotics!!) Then another and another and another, with ever-increasing strengths of antibiotic, winding up with a shot in her leg. At that point, having done some research, I decided enough with the antibiotics. For the next ear infection, I didn't give her any. That one resolved fine, and was the last one she had until the following year; I also didn't give her antibiotics for that one, and that one was the last one she's had (knock on wood, fluid in her ears now).
Quote:Does it take that long, and that many drugs to clear up fluid?
The fluid can definitely take a LONG time to drain/ be reabsorbed. It's taken her up to six months.
Drugs don't really clear up the fluid. It plain has to be reabsorbed. Drinking a lot helps in terms of making it more diluted and more able to reabsorb/ drain.
Quote:Yeah, that's what the doctor's first response to my telling her that M had just started daycare: "welcome to daycare hell."
Yep. At one point, when things were at their worst, we considered taking sozlet out of preschool, as a preventive. Hopefully you can get a handle on this, but may be something to consider if other methods don't work.
Quote:I'm still breastfeeding her in the mornings and through the nights. (That is going to be whole another topic as & when I find the time.) You refreshed my memory because I had Totally forgotten that the suckling action helps the ears! Thanks. Question: do you think that suckling actually relieves some pain/pressure in the ear? She seems to want to do it as much as I will let her when she's sick, but I thought that was merely for comfort. (And some sustenance, because her appetite goes straight through the window!)
Yes, I think it really helps a lot. It's the trifecta -- comfort, antibodies, and helping deal with the ear infection itself.
Quote:Yeah - just read a whole report in Time (?) Newsweek (?), can't remember, on how EIs are over-treated. And doctor's push antib's to simply cure the symptoms. And how simple pain medication is ok to give, because the body will take care of itself, fight the infection off. Not sure what approach to take. What did you do? Or is this something new (don't give antib's)?
It's hard to give a simple answer. I'm very hesitant to say "don't give antibiotics".... I now regard them with a great deal of suspicion based on our experiences, but there are definitely situations in which they are called for. There was one really good article that Noddy sent me that goes into the more subtle problems with antibiotics -- it's not just that they're overprescribed (though that's a big problem), but that they overwhelm the immune system in a certain way. If they happen to be exactly what is called for, great -- if not, they actually impede the body's ability to solve the problem itself. That's a rough paraphrase, I'll try to find and send it to you/ link to it here.
But again, at this point
I avoid antibiotics for sozlet's ear infections. We found a really wonderful ENT guy who supports that completely... I highly recommend finding an ENT who you like and trust. Pediatricians often go with the highly interventionist approach, which may not actually be the best idea.
Quote:Your responses are very much appreciated. Just read on another thread that your daughter, Sozlet, has been unwell too. Hope you're all doing better! Nothing feels worse than your sick child.
Ain't that the truth.
Quote:PS: Just got off the phone with the doctor's office. They advised me to watch her for the next 24 hours, and if she continues to feel poorly, call to make an appointment for tomorrow. I explained that she doesn't get a fever right away (at least, hasn't come down with one right away after showing other symptoms: crankiness, as though in pain, crying, etc.) I'm going to check with her daycare mid-morning, and if she's still not doing ok, will push to bring her in to doc today itself.
Sounds good. Best of luck!