Quote:, the things that you think would happen were drugs made legal would, in general, happen anyway.
Of course, we are talking scales.
Quote:If you support keeping drugs illegal...
You support robberies and assaults on innocent people
That argument is so silly it's laughable. Going by that reasoning, if you support the legalisation of drugs, you support the increase in suicide, the increase in road death and road trauma, the increase in mental illness, the increase in psychotic episodes and the fear and injuries caused to others that go with it etc etc etc
Quote:You support clogging our prisons and jails with nonviolent people.
Wrong. The penalties for drug use are a completely separate issue to whether or not drugs should be illegal or not.
Sweden, which has the lowest (or very near the lowest) drug problem in the western world, tries to avoid jailing its drug offenders, rather, it sends them to rehabilitation, and backs this up with a very well funded program.
Quote:You support environmental destruction.
Excuse me? This coming from someone who likely uses woods, plastics, power, oil, meats etc etc etc. That's an incredibly hypocritical statement.
And how do you know it will stop if drugs are legalised? Columbia may find it easier to import to the US. Their workers are paid much less, and so would be able to undersell any US manufactured cocaine. Production could even go up.
Quote:You support drug dealers and street gangs.
Drug dealers and street gangs fight over drug territories.
Uh yeah, like Street gangs wouldn't exist without drugs. Rather niaive don't you think?
Quote:You lure thousands of young people into quitting school.
Excuse me? The arrogance of personally attaching this to me is astounding. The ignorance is equally so.
Have you even taken a moment to think about whether these kids are doing well at school, what their home culture is like, what their neighbourhood is like, what their socio-economic situation is like, what their own economic situation is like, what friends they hang around with, their current criminal history, their attitudes to society etc etc etc?
What you are also suggesting is that with legal drugs, only the adults would peddle it, because they know better how to sell it. Like the kids wouldn't have an easier, and greater supply to be dealing in school.
Quote:You do nothing to keep drugs away from kids or out of schools.
In spite of what you may believe, keeping drugs illegal does not keep drugs away from children!
As I've said nothing on this subject, how do you presume to know what I believe? And how does legalising change this? An attack with no foundation.
Quote:You subsidize criminals by letting them reap huge drug profits without paying taxes.
Sorry, but this statement is hilarious. You are suggesting that criminals of any calibre, want to pay taxes? Or are you suggesting criminals are only smart enough to deal drugs? (well, some would be, but the ones you object to, those making a fortune, certainly could turn their minds to other crimes)
Quote:You advocate punishing millions of harmless drug users
Really? Go back to my Sweden example. As I said, punishment is a different issue to the issue of whether or not drugs should be illegal.
Quote:If you still believe drugs should be illegal, answer this question... Why do you believe it is good policy to punish me--and 20 million adult Americans like me--because I choose to use marijuana in the privacy of my own home? Who benefits from this policy and how do they benefit?
Marijuana? I had the understanding that this was about drug use in general. If you want to discuss specific drugs, this should belong in a specific thread. As it is, you are drawing parallels between all drugs in your argument for legalisation. As I've said previously, each drugs legalisation (or other) should be based on it's own merit. My concerns against marijuana are two fold, it's economic costs in lost productivity (which has to be supported by others), and it's mental health costs. Apart from those two issues, I don't have any other major problem with it.