At least he comes right out with it, not like your run-of-the-mill anonymous wingnut
I would love to have a name of Dr Peter Beeter. Enrollments in my " Applied drill tools" would be through the roof.
Could someone list these "top Academics"? Steve Jones is a damn nut, I wonder who the rest are. Just because someone teaches at a college doesnt make that person immune to the same wackiness that infects the rest of the planets people.
Its like the TV commercials that "90% of DOctors reccomend (some kind of fat melting medicine). Doctors are the least informed people about pharmacology. They learn most of what they know from the drug salesmen
well Gore Vidal was interviewed on BBC radio 4 this morning. I made some notes, and this is what I wrote
Interviewer What is the result of 9/11 5 year on?
GV We lost the Republic. Victory of oil and gas people who seized control. Coup d'etat leading to a police state. 9/11 was the trigger which was exploited.
The Bill of Rights...gone
Due process of law...gone. Rendition, kidnapping, torture. A sado masochistic vice President going to congress to plead the case for torture.
Media collusion, owned by the same oil and gas people.
bin Laden the "Bogey man" invented by the US though undoubtedly anti American.
"Homeland Security" a Hitlerian phrase never heard before 9/11.
They grabbed all the centres of power in the US. The US is no longer a free and open country.
We lost the Republic.
Steve 41oo wrote:well Gore Vidal was interviewed on BBC radio 4 this morning. I made some notes, and this is what I wrote
Interviewer What is the result of 9/11 5 year on?
GV We lost the Republic. Victory of oil and gas people who seized control. Coup d'etat leading to a police state. 9/11 was the trigger which was exploited.
The Bill of Rights...gone
Due process of law...gone. Rendition, kidnapping, torture. A sado masochistic vice President going to congress to plead the case for torture.
Media collusion, owned by the same oil and gas people.
bin Laden the "Bogey man" invented by the US though undoubtedly anti American.
"Homeland Security" a Hitlerian phrase never heard before 9/11.
They grabbed all the centres of power in the US. The US is no longer a free and open country.
We lost the Republic.
A fine mixture of hyperbole and bullshit.
I cant be responsible for the views of your compatriot McG.