Setanta wrote:This is entirely self-referential. One cannot sin unless one commits an offense against the "laws" of "god." If there were no god, there would be no sin. There would still be crime in that one can offend against society's laws, and one might argue that one indulges in vice when one does that which is harmful to oneself. However, sin can only exist if a god is known to exist. One can be fairly certain of the existence of one's family and one's acquaintance (except, of course, that any one or several of them may have died since one last saw them), but i have as yet seen no one produce "god" for an introduction.
God is your imaginary friend, he or she is not someone to whom you can point with the assurance that others will see what you claim to see.
You are partially right and partially wrong.
Yes, it was indeed self-referential. God is a totally personal experience. If you have felt that I have been too violent in expressing my views, then I apologise for that.
Let me clarify now that I believe in God because I have experienced Him, His Infinite Grace and Compassion. There are hardly any words that can do justice to my experience. I really cannot go around and convince everybody of God's existence, because that is not my purpose, nor do I have the authority or power to do so. Only God has that.
Therefore, I cannot prove His existence to you. Nor can you prove His non-existence to me, because my experience would not allow me that.
You say that He is my imaginary friend. What makes you think that something that is
imaginary is also false? There are some times when the imaginary becomes a more acceptable premise than the perceived reality. For example, take matter. If you break down matter to smaller bits, finally you will reach the atomic level, and what do you find in the atom??? electrons revolving around the nucleus. But most of the atom (much much more than 99%) is empty space!!!. You go inside the nucleus into protons and neutrons, they too seem to be made up of empty space mostly, apart from quarks. So what you think you is
tangible at the macro level, turns out to be
empty in the micro level. So, our very existence seems to be based on something that we cannot yet comprehend - emptiness.
So what is Real, and what is Imaginary?