Reply Sat 12 May, 2007 12:22 pm
Five US soldiers were killed and three went missing when their unit was attacked south of Baghdad, the US military has said.

The attack on a patrol of seven US soldiers and an Iraqi interpreter occured early on Saturday morning.

The US military said the attack took place at 4:44am near Mahmudiya, about 30km south of the capital.
Mahmudiya is a stronghold of Sunni Arab fighters opposed to the US-backed government in Iraq.

Troops who arrived later found five of the soldiers dead and the other three remained missing, according to a statement from Major-General William Caldwell, the chief US military spokesman in Iraq.

"The quick reaction force reported finding five members of the team killed in action and three others whose duty status and whereabouts are unknown," Caldwell said.

Search operations

The military refused to specify whether the Iraqi interpreter was among those killed or among the missing, citing security reasons.

Soldiers were searching for the missing, using drone planes and jets and setting up checkpoints throughout the area.

Soldiers were also trying to enlist support from local leaders for information.

Caldwell said: "Make no mistake: We will never stop looking for our soldiers until their status is definitively determined, and we continue to pray for their safe return."

The attack occurred nearly a year after two American soldiers went missing following a June 16 attack in the same area, prompting a massive search. Their bodies were found tied together with a bomb between one victim's legs several days later.

Two other US soldiers remain missing in action from the current conflict, including Sergeant Matt Maupin, of Batavia, Ohio, missing since April 2004 and Ahmed Qusai al-Taayie, a 41-year-old Iraqi-born reserve soldier from Ann Arbor, Michigan, who was abducted while visiting his Iraqi wife on October 23 in Baghdad.


Iraq is over for the US (and British) Why waste more lives?
Why leave the troops out there to pay the ultimate price
for their country's grotesque behaviour abroad?
Why prolong all the agony?
Bring them home now and give everyone a chance to heal.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 May, 2007 04:37 pm

The Moral Obligation to Lose The War


0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 May, 2007 12:40 am
Endymion wrote:
hi Naima
How's preperation for the exams going - or have you started them already?

Hope you're not anywhere near Karachi

you take care now

Peace (one day)

Hey Endy,
well about the prep...i never actually prepare for exams, i've been attentive during all the lectures and i think that's what matters...I always make it like that :wink:

No, luckily i'm not near Karachi but i live near Islamabad, and the irony is my exams will be there(starting Tuesday)

thank you so much for all your concern.
waiting for the peace

0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 May, 2007 06:08 pm

0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 May, 2007 05:10 am

by Patrick Cockburn


For the Iranians, Mr Cheney's message probably will make the most impression. "The American people will not support a policy of defeat," he said. "We want to complete the mission, we want to get it done right, and then we want to return home with honour."


Dick Cheney is f*cking nuts
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 May, 2007 10:06 am
Endymion wrote:

Dick Cheney is f*cking nuts

I'm currently in search for a modern-day politician who does NOT belong to that category!!!

(Let me know whenever you think there is one :wink: )
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 May, 2007 05:41 pm
I like Tony Benn - he's nutty, but he's not nuts. He's also in his eighties, so his been around - He's no longer a Labour MP, so maybe he doesn't count, but he knows his history, he's active in the peace movement and I've heard him talk several times - he's a good person.


"It is true that very little of the American Left has yet felt able to take a stand against the Imperialist war policies which are the centre piece of White House thinking, though we can hardly complain since the New Labour government has committed itself totally to those policies, though with far less public support than Bush can rely on.

In the long-term it will be the American people, properly informed and well led who must play a key role in ending the US Empire, just as the Left in Britain helped the national liberation leaders to get their case across in Britain, finding good and strong allies here to support their demands.

The Atlantic ocean may be wide but "[email protected]" has helped to narrow it, and with the power of the internet growing we should not be surprised to hear that the security services have now been authorized to intercept all our e-mail messages because they know that we are stronger than we seem to realize ourselves."

Tony Benn

0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 May, 2007 05:52 pm

Hands off the pomegranate!

Don't Attack Iran: Public meeting
Friday 2nd June 2006 6.30pm

Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London WC1 (opposite Euston Station)
Speakers: Human rights lawyer and Nobel Peace Prize Winner Shirin Ebadi, Tony Benn, Lindsey German (Stop the War Coalition), Jeremy Corbyn MP (CND), Zibir-Mir Hosseini & Elaheh Rostami-Povey (London Middle Eastern Institute, SOAS).

0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 May, 2007 11:53 pm
Anger at Pope's Brazil comments

Indigenous leaders in Brazil have reacted angrily to Pope Benedict's comments that their predecessors had willingly converted to Christianity.

One Amazon Indian leader, Jecinaldo Satere Mawe, said the Pope's remarks had been arrogant and disrespectful.

Pope Benedict XVI told Latin American bishops in Brazil that American Indians had been "silently longing" to become Christians 500 years ago.
The Pope has now returned home after his five-day trip to Brazil.
The Vatican has made no further comment.

The BBC's Emilio San Pedro said the Pope had said the Christianisation of the region had not involved an alienation of the pre-Colombian cultures.

Our correspondent said Pope Benedict also made no mention of the violent history that followed or the documented decimation of native cultures in favour of the Christian model Conquistadores and other Europeans colonisers.

He said the comments had even been criticised by the Catholic Church's Indian advocacy group in Brazil, which described the Pope's statement as wrong and indefensible.


Has the world gone mad?



Hey, no man that's pretty freaky - I'm seeing Nazis everywhere..
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 10:29 pm

May 15, 2007

Senator Fred Thompson
American Enterprise Institute
1150 Seventeenth Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20036

Dear Senator Thompson,

Given that it has been publicly reported in The Weekly Standard, a leading neo-conservative publication, that you support Fidel Castro and the Cuban regime by being a purveyor of fine Cuban exports despite the trade embargo, I was surprised to see your recent op ed in a more traditional conservative outlet, The National Review, regarding my trip to Cuba (I suspect you choose The National Review in an effort to pander to an outlet that had criticized you for your opposition to medical malpractice legislation).

In your May 2, 2007 National Review article, "Paradise Island," you specifically raised concerns about whether my trip to Cuba with 9/11 heroes, who have suffered serious health problems as a result of their exposure to toxic substances at Ground Zero that have gone untreated, was somehow going to support Castro and the Cuban government:

"It always leaves me shaking my head when I read about some big-time actor or director going to Cuba and gushing all over Castro."

Putting aside the fact that you, like the Bush Administration, seem far more concerned about the trip to Cuba than the health care of these 9/11 heroes, I was struck by the fact that your concerns (including comments about Castro's reported financial worth) apparently do not extend to your own conduct, as reported in The Weekly Standard's April 23, 2007 story, "From the Courthouse to the White House Fred Thompson auditions for the leading role" (emphasis added):

"Thompson's work space looks just like what the home office of a successful politician or CEO should look like--though a little messier: a large desk, dark wood, leather furniture, lots of books and magazines and newspapers, a flat-screen TV, and box upon box of cigars--Montecristos from Havana."

In light of your comments regarding Cuba and Castro, do you think the "box upon box of cigars - Montecristos from Havana" that you have in your office have contributed to Castro's reported wealth?

While I will leave it up to the conservatives to debate your hypocrisy and the Treasury Department to determine whether the "box upon box of cigars" violates the trade embargo, I hereby challenge you to a health care debate.

Survey after survey has indicated that health care is one of the top issues to the American voters. Today, more than 46 million people lack health care coverage, including 9 million children. We pay significantly more than any other country in the world - and get less back. Americans life expectancy is lower than other developed countries and our infant mortality rates are higher. And our heroic Ground Zero 9/11 workers live in a society where the Bush Administration has shown more concern about their travel than about their health.

Our debate would provide you an opportunity to appeal to the right wing of the Republican Party by continuing to attack me; it would give me a chance to discuss health care and tell you exactly what happened in Cuba, given your apparent interest; and it would provide the American people an opportunity to see just how serious Hollywood can be, with a purported conservative and an avowed progressive Hollywood personality on stage.

Over the course of the debate, we could specifically address the following issues:

(1) Your work as a lobbyist in light of the fact that the health care and insurance industries have maintained the current health care system through their effective control of the political establishment.

(2) The fact that you raised hundred of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from the health care and insurance industries.

(3) Discuss the fact, highlighted in yet another conservative outlet The New York Sun, that you inexplicably wanted to cut funding for AIDS research.

(4) Your relationship with the Frist family and by extension HCA, one of the nation's largest for-profit hospital chains. It has been reported that former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (who was renowned for his over-the-television-screen Schiavo diagnosis) is serving as one of your confidantes on your potential presidential campaign. The Frist family has historically controlled HCA, which paid a record $1.7 billion in civil and criminal fines, including a $631 million penalty for Medicaid fraud - in other words, ripping off the taxpayers.

(5) Discussing whether Arthur Branch, as the District Attorney of Manhattan, supports a woman's right to choose, gun safety reforms, gay marriage, the trans fat ban and anti-smoking laws (which would impact Cuban cigars, including your Montecristos).

Like American Idol, we could even have the country vote to determine which one of us wins the debate. Though in the spirit of full disclosure, I feel obligated to forewarn you that I was the winner of the 1971-72 Detroit Free Press Debate Award for the state of Michigan.

The winner of our health care debate could even light a victory cigar with one of your Montecristos (though we may want to consider shipping them to the safe house where I have put a master copy of SiCKO in the event that the Bush Administration tries to seize the film).


Michael Moore
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 May, 2007 05:28 pm
Time to chill out on the Revolution thread. Time to cast George Bush, Tony Blair, Dick Cheney and all the rest, out of my tired mind.

Hey Olga-

by John Lennon

Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one


(thanks for reminding me about this, Olga)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 May, 2007 05:53 pm

Elvis Costello -

Don't start me talking
I could talk all night
My mind goes sleepwalking
While I'm putting the world to right
Called careers information
Have you got yourself an occupation?

Oliver's army is here to stay
Oliver's army are on their way
And I would rather be anywhere else
But here today

There was a checkpoint Charlie
He didn't crack a smile
But it's no laughing party
When you've been on the murder mile

Only takes one itchy trigger
One more widow, one less white nigger

Oliver's army is here to stay
Oliver's army are on their way
And I would rather be anywhere else
But here today

Hong Kong is up for grabs
London is full of Arabs
We could be in Palestine
Overrun by a Chinese line
With the boys from the Mersey and the Thames and the Tyne

But there's no danger
It's a professional career
Though it could be arranged
With just a word in Mr. Churchill's ear

If you're out of luck or out of work
We could send you to Johannesburg

Oliver's army is here to stay
Oliver's army are on their way
And I would rather be anywhere else
But here today

And I would rather be anywhere else
But here today

But here today


here's costello again



Remember the British Music industry? If anything need a f*cking revolution, it does.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 May, 2007 06:19 pm
The Clash

If you can play on the fiddle
How's about a British jig and reel?
Speaking King's English in quotation
As railhead towns feel the steel mills rust water froze
In the generation
Clear as winter ice
This is your paradise

There ain't no need for ya
There ain't no need for ya
Go straight to Hell boys
Go straight to Hell boys

Y'wanna join in a chorus
Of the Amerasian blues?
When it's Christmas out in Ho Chi Minh City
Kiddie say papa papa papa papa papa-san take me home
See me got photo photo
Photograph of you and Mamma Mamma Mamma-san
Of you and Mamma Mamma Mamma-san
Lemme tell ya 'bout your blood bamboo kid.
It ain't Coca-Cola it's rice.

Straight to Hell, boys
Go straight to Hell, boys
Go straight to Hell, boys
Go straight to Hell, boys
Oh Papa-san
Please take me home
Oh Papa-san
Everybody they wanna go home
So Mamma-san said

You wanna play mind-crazed banjo
On the druggy-drag ragtime U.S.A.?
In Parkland International
Hey! Junkiedom U.S.A.
Where procaine proves the purest rock man groove
and rat poison
The volatile Molotov says-


Go straight to Hell, boys
Go straight to Hell, boys
Straight to Hell

Oh Papa-San
Please take me home
There ain't no need for ya,
There ain't no need for ya

Go straight to Hell, boys
Go straight to Hell, boys

Can you cough it up loud and strong
The immigrants
They wanna sing all night long
It could be anywhere
Most likely could be any frontier
Any hemisphere
No man's land
Ain't no asylum here
King Solomon he never lived round here

Straight to Hell, boys
Go straight to Hell, boys
Go straight to Hell, boys
Go straight to Hell, boys

Oh Papa-San
Please take me home
Oh Papa-San
Everybody, they wanna go home now


The late, great, Joe Strummer (1952 - 2002)- sorely missed.

Wonder what this dude would have had to say about the state of things today - if he was here.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 May, 2007 07:10 pm

While the sun hangs in the sky and the desert has sand

While the waves crash in the sea and meet the land

While there's a wind and the stars and the rainbow

Till the mountains crumble into the plain

Oh yes we'll keep on tryin'

Oh tread that fine line

Oh we'll keep on tryin' yeah

Just passing our time

While we live according to race, colour or creed

While we rule by blind madness and pure greed

Our lives dictated by tradition, superstition, false religion

Through the eons, and on and on

Oh yes we'll keep on tryin'

Oh we'll treat that fine line

Oh oh we'll keep on tryin'

Till the end of time

Till the end of time

Through the sorrow all through our splendour

Don't take offence at my innuendo

You can be anything you want to be

Just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be

Be free with your tempo, be free be free

Surrender your ego - be free, be free to yourself

Oooh, oooh -

If there's a God or any kind of justice under the sky

If there's a point, if there's a reason to live or die

If there's an answer to the questions we feel bound to ask

Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask

Oh yes we'll keep on trying

Hey tread that fine line

Yeah we'll keep on smiling yeah

And whatever will be - will be

We'll just keep on trying

We'll just keep on trying

Till the end of timeTill the end of time

Till the end of time


Freddie Mercury - born Farrokh Bulsara; (centre of course) before he conquered Britain


and after.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 May, 2007 07:40 pm

The night is dark, the moon is full
Across the blood red plain
Every step and every breath
Brings me nearer home
The spirits watch me on my way
They whisper on the wind
And when the dawn lights up the sky
Ill see my land again

A hot wind blows the scrub and dust
Across the barren land
Trees stand bare like skeletons
The mountains all torn down
The water holes are dry as bones
No birds are singing now
And faraway a city stands
Tombstones against the sky


Shane MacGowan, a real poet

0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 May, 2007 07:41 pm
Salut, endy.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 May, 2007 07:59 pm
Bringing it a bit more up to date with the Asian Dub Foundation (great creative, band)


Asian Dub Foundation

How did we get to this lord?
How did we get to this?
How did we get to this lord?
How did we get to this?
How did we get to this lord?
How did we get to this?
How did we get to this lord?
How did we get to this?
(We want your oil)
(We want your oil)
The villages are mined the contract's been signed
we'll tell you one more time
(We want your oil)
Supply no longer guranteed we demand security
Running out of Texas tea
(We want your oil)
Children of the CIA we want somewhere new to play
Better get right out the way
(We want your oil)
Civilisation birth nerve centre of the earth
Welcome to our new turf
(We want your oil)
How did we get to this lord?
How did we get to this?
How did we get to this lord?
How did we get to this ?
Smart bomb with more brains than the President
Blipping and bleeping as they target residents
Of market squares and hospital wards King rat is safe in the wings of the hawk
While King rat is safe in the wings of the hawk
Watch me now
Beat seeking missile gonna blast yer mind out
Bomb for peace I'm gonna burn your eyes out
I'm covering my ears don't wanna receive it
I'm trembling in fear say me can't belive it
Inspector defector arms dealer revealer
Document leaker over here Mr.Speaker
A spin refugee like Mohammed Ali
Me say no Iraqi ever called me Paki
How did we get to this lord?
How did we get to this?
A secret never to be told always to be sold
Digging out the Black gold
(We want your oil)
Petro junkies must be fed Going Barefoot in the head
It's S.U.V's with warheads (We want your oil)
Tearing up formalities there is no neutrality
Welcome to reality (We want your oil)
Ignore treates line by line Litte countries fall behind
The lunatics will lead the blind (We want your oil)
The lunatics will the blind
How did we get to this load?
How did we get to this?
How did we get to this load?
How did we get to this?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 May, 2007 08:24 pm
Ian Dury & The Blockheads

Wrap yourself in silver paper put a sandbag on your head
Crawl inside your fall-out shelter underneath your garden shed
Boil an egg, have a cuddle, cut your toe-nails, make the bed
By the time this record's finished, everybody will be...

Wrap yourself in silver paper put a sandbag on your head
Crawl inside your fall-out shelter underneath your garden shed
Boil an egg, have a cuddle, cut your toe-nails, make the bed
By the time this record's finished, everybody will be dead

Ban the bomb
Ban the bomb
Ban the bomb
Ban the bomb

For those that do not wish to die, raise up your voices to the sky
And sing away the missiles

Wash your smalls, feed the cactus, telephone your uncle Fred
By the time this record's finished everybody will be dead

Ban the bomb
Ban the bomb
Ban the bomb
Ban the bomb...

0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 May, 2007 02:43 pm
CORRECTION:The Asian Dub Foundation track is called OIL. Sorry. TANK is the name of the album.
0 Replies
Dorothy Parker
Reply Thu 17 May, 2007 02:48 pm
Are you angry today Endymion?
0 Replies

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