No Biblical Basis for Modern Zionism

Reply Sat 12 Aug, 2006 03:35 pm
The best way for Israel to stop terrorist attacks in its territory is by first ceasing its occupation of all Arab land it captured in the 1967 War which, admittedly, Israel did out of self-defense. Israel was correct in defending itself.

However, the issue now is no longer so much self-defense. The problem is that Israel will not pull back to its pre-1967 borders so long as many Israelis and most evangelical Christians in America continue to believe that present day Jews have a biblical right to all of Arab territory in Palestine. For this reason a biblical examination of the issue is necessary.

As an evangelical Christian, of Indian origin, I wish to set the biblical issue in proper perspective.

Although the modern state of Israel now has every right to exist as any other nation (and all need to respect and honor this fact) this does not mean that Zionism ( the belief that Jews have a biblical right to all of Palestine ) is correct. And it is Zionism that is primarily fueling the building and expansion of Jewish settlements on Arab land.

From a purely biblical perspective Zionism has enormous problems. The fact is that almost none of the Jews in modern Israel today are descendants of the original Jews of Palestine thousands of years ago. Most of the Jews in Israel today are descendants of Europeans who had converted to Judaism in the Middle Ages (known as Khazar or Ashkenazi Jews).

The last time that God had promised in Scripture to bring the Jews back to their ancestral homeland was already fulfilled centuries ago when He brought them back from their Babylonian captivity. Thus, the Jews in present day modern Israel are not a fulfillment of that ancient promise.

Furthermore, God's promises concerning the land to the Jews in the Old Testament were conditional - only so long as they obeyed Him were those promises concerning the land binding.

Most evangelical Christians today are looking forward to the seven year tribulation period of Israel which would require for the Jews to be in the land. But this period had already occurred in history during 63 A.D. to 70 A.D. ( seven years ) when the Roman army besieged and destroyed Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple. It was this destruction that Jesus said would mark the end of the age (the Jewish Age, that is).

Evangelical Christians who are dispensationalists are still seeking for an Israel that the New Testament says is the spiritual body of Christ made up of both Jew and Gentile believers in Jesus Christ and who together inherit the same promises.

The problem with most evangelical Christians today is that they interpret the Book of Revelation literally. Revelation is a book of symbolism and not to be interpreted literally. The Book itself tells us not to interpret it literally.

In the very first verse of the very first chapter we read, "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God (the Father) gave unto Him, to show unto His servants things which must shortly come to pass; and He sent and signified it by His angel unto His servant John" (Revelation 1:1, KJV). The word "signified" in the passage comes from a Greek word meaning "signs" or "symbols." Thus, Revelation was meant by Christ to be interpreted symbolically, not literally! The Book of Revelation, like the rest of the New Testament, was originally written in Greek so sometimes we must go to the Greek language to have a more precise understanding of certain words.

The modern state of Israel, now that it has been established, has every right to exist and most Palestinians now will agree to Israel's right to exist. What they do not agree with is Israel's continued occupation of the West Bank and Israel's continued building of settlements there. Most Palestinans will stop supporting terrorism if Israel simply gets out of their way (the West Bank) and that is the best way for Israel to stop the terrorism and preserve its security and peace - not to mention the security and peace of others.

It is important, however, to have some basic background knowledge of how the modern state of Israel was founded.

As one writer points out: "Israel was created (in the beginning) not by force of arms or military invasion, but terrorist activity advocated by Jewish immigrants, in an effort to get rid of the British Administration (the lawful government of the day, as sanctioned by the predecessor to the U.N). Britain abandoned its mandate and Israel was created by the U.N."

Any solution to the present crisis must also involve monetary or financial compensation being made by Israel to Palestinian families who have had their homes and lands seized and taken away during the formation of the modern state of Israel in the 1940's.

During that time Palestinian families suffered huge atrocities including many pregnant Palestinian Arab women having their wombs ripped open alive and their babies slaughtered before their very eyes. This was one of the many horrible crimes committed against Palestinians even by such notable political figures as former Prime Minister of Israel Menachem Begin, and the Palestinians should be compensated by the modern state of Israel for these crimes. That is only right.

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Reply Sat 12 Aug, 2006 03:50 pm
Regardless of any any religious pretentions Israel does not continue its occupation of Arab territory because of vague textual decrees. The reasons are relatively modern, the reasons are primarily political.
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Reply Sat 12 Aug, 2006 08:35 pm
During that time Palestinian families suffered huge atrocities including many pregnant Palestinian Arab women having their wombs ripped open alive and their babies slaughtered before their very eyes.

That is very significant. However, given the Palestinian's press's penchant for creative writing, not worthy of comment.

let's say the Jews pull back to the 1967 boundaries. Do you thing that the fascist MOslems, including the hizzys, the hamas, and the president of Iran, would be satisfied?
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Reply Sun 13 Aug, 2006 02:32 am
When Sharon started removing some of the provocative Israeli settlement construction in Palestine, I was hopeful that peace would be achieved by the establishment of a Palestinian State.

There is another remaining issue to be resolved which is overlooked by most people. The Golan Heights were taken away from Syria after being invaded by Israel. Israel refuses to give up the Golan Heights for strategic security reasons. Syria wants them back.

It also is clear that access to water is a major issue re Israel's military actions.

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Reply Sun 13 Aug, 2006 02:37 am
Brookings wrote:
Regardless of any any religious pretentions Israel does not continue its occupation of Arab territory because of vague textual decrees. The reasons are relatively modern, the reasons are primarily political.

Welcome to A2K, glad to have you here.

I agree the issues are complex, but they should have been settled long ago. Many of the issues in the Middle East are the result of policies and actions of the colonial powers in the last century after WWI and the discovery of oil. The English are especially culpable.

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Reply Sun 13 Aug, 2006 07:36 am
If Hamas,Hezbollah,and all of the other groups that want Israel destroyed were to disarm and leave Israel alone,how long do you think they would survive?

If Israel were to disarm,how long do you think they would survive as a country?
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