Wow. A quick bit of Googling on <"george allen" "life begins at conception"> shows that there's a whole world of blogs etc out there that are to the RIGHT of George Allen. Who himself already is the most conservative of currently viable presidential candidates (if even he is one).
The truly fundamentalist religious apparently object to George Allen exactly because of the abortion issue; the RNC For Life Report even calls him "pro-choice", surely the ultimate insult. Instead, the preferred choice is more someone like Sam Brownback.
For one, because Allen has announced that if a bill like South Dakota's recent law, outlawing all abortion except in case the life of the mother was threatened, had come through his own state's legislature, he would have vetoed it. If only, apparently, because it outlaws abortion also in cases of rape and incest.
Moreover, Allen has apparently gone further still, having so far opposed abortion, but not all abortion. Not right from conception onward. This is where RNC For Life recalls sternly:
Quote:In 2000, Senator Allen responded to a Project Vote Smart questionnaire, saying abortions should be illegal when the fetus is viable, with or without life support. In other words, he supported abortion until viability, when 98% of the abortions are performed. He said abortions should be legal when pregnancy resulted from rape or incest, when the life of the woman is endangered, and he added that abortion should be legal for gross fetal abnormality. Of course, he supported the usual restrictions such as a partial-birth abortion ban, waiting periods, and opposed public funding of abortions. But the views he expressed can only be described as pro-choice, not pro-life.
And on, columnist Adam Graham notes:
Quote:Allen has also issued ambiguous statements on abortion. Professor Ed Lynch writes:
"Allen has to clarify his position on abortion. During his run for the Senate in 2000, [..] Allen said that he would not restrict abortion during the first trimester, since at that early point in the pregnancy, it is not certain that there is another person involved."
Now Professor Lynch is confident that with some study, Allen will come to the conclusion that life begins at conception and provide a clear position on the issue. As he has yet to do so, its not at certain that he will be able to unite Conservatives [..].
A post on highlights Allen prevaricating ostensibly on overturning Roe vs Wade on Meet the Press, and in the comments, poster Alexander Brunk adds,
Quote:George Allen was on record as a Congressman and Governor of Virginia that he supported abortion in the early stages of pregnancy. [..] Thats not pro-life.
In short, it looks like Allen has thus far only opposed abortion from a certain point onwards - from the third month on, from viability on, or whatever.
It is therefore not hypocritical of him to own stocks in a company that produces morning after pills.
Save the GOP blog item
RNC For Life Report article
Renew America column