I am all for differing opinions when they are not loaded with insults, am talked down too, treated like I was an idiot and told what I should and shouldn't feel or think.
Taking your post, before my rolling eyes, I'll explain what I mean.
dlowan wrote:I haven't looked at the whole of the thread Montana.
However, I do have strong beliefs about chivalry, both the historic form, and the odd stuff that is talked about as chivalry today.
So far, so good.
dlowan wrote:My belief is that, those women and men who yearn for chivalry are ACTUALLY yearning for the historical form, and women and men who moan about its loss are well advised to undersatnd its true nature.
Here you say that those who yearn for chivalry are ACTUALLY yearning for the historical form. That is just not true. You can't tell me or anyone else what I yearn for and what I don't! I do have a mind of my own!
Then you said "women and men who moan about its loss are well advised to undersatnd its true nature".
Sorry if I made the mistake of moaning in your atmosphere! (This is where the eyes start to roll
dlowan wrote:If you want "chivalry" then you realistically also want few human rights, an aristocracy where aristocratic women get token crap instead of legal rights, and most women get sweet **** all, and less than that in spades, and a position of weakness and the grossest legal inferiority for women.
Wrong again! You obviously have no clue as to what I want! After knowing me all these years, it's hard to believe that you don't know how strongly I feel about equal rights.
dlowan wrote:I suspect you just want certain courtesies that, frankly, repel me Montana, without the reality that gave them birth, because you have not understood it. I may well be wrong, though.
Sorry, I certainly didn't mean to repel you! (more eye rolling
dlowan wrote:That is fine...but I suggest you look at the history of what you desire and think again.
Nah, I think I'll pass. Sounds depressing.
dlowan wrote:Atavistic represents exactly this...so look well.
I don't think you quite understand what he's talking about and maybe I'm wrong, but I think I know what he's saying and I tend to agree with him, for the most part.
He seems quite capable of defending himself, so I'll leave it at that.
dlowan wrote:
Take your stupid projections and move them elsewhere. They represent nothing but your particular set of fears and paranoias.
Your comments here certainly represent something of you, and that matches your name well.
The talk was of chivalry, you said women destroyed it, and I pointed out what a swindle it always was, as you made utterly manifest with your rantings about which women might or might not, in your view, warrant your posturings.
The obsessiveness is yours, as are your ridiculous projections about what you assume I might think. They appear to be the projections of a very insecure man.
Well, it looks like I struck a nerve. You seem to be very intolerant of views that are different from you're own. This isn't very progressive of you. You're opinion on chivalry is just that, an opinion. Who made you the final word on chivalry?
BTW, everybody has insecurities, including myself. For the most part though, I don't let them influence my social or political views.
I'm very sorry for disrupting your thread
material girl wrote:The future seems too cold and clinical to me.
Funny, I went into a large computer store yesterday, only go in to one maybe twice a year. So I don't keep up on what they have on display.
Anyway, I was walking to the front of the store w/ my purchase, and glanced over at a couple of different areas where they had these big screen monitors with the people on the screen looking like they were reporting the news, with, it seems slightly futuristic looking clothes.
I felt totally comfortable with this, whereas a decade ago I would have found this confusing (and maybe a little scary, the world changing too fast, that sort of thing)
Anyway, all of a sudden I thought...."OMG, I'm IN the future! I'm in BLADE RUNNER!!!!!"
I would not have liked to live in the past nor would I like to live in the
future - now is pretty comfortable.
I also like the fact that I can show my vulnerability, my strength and
my feminine side without being labeled one or the other. I don't mind
being wined and dined and pampered, as it doesn't take anything away
from me being emancipated - I see it as an added bonus.
Initial question......
While I do believe that true philosophy is rooted in differing opinions....and the resulting debate that is sure to ensue.....I feel compelled to remind that the initial question pertained to the era that people felt they should have born in to....As a woman of the United States in this time, I feel very fortunate about the liberties given to me. I know of some, in other parts of the world, that could not even be typing this post without looking over their shoulder....However, I too feel that I am of a different era. I believe it's that innate part of your soul that just feels a certain belonging to that time.
In summary, not necessarily where you would want to be logically....but where you feel pulled to.
Yeah, I'm not sure of the exact time span, but I think I could have been the guy that knocked up mitochondrial Eve. Eeyep.
Re: Initial question......
redlox2203 wrote:While I do believe that true philosophy is rooted in differing opinions....and the resulting debate that is sure to ensue.....I feel compelled to remind that the initial question pertained to the era that people felt they should have born in to....As a woman of the United States in this time, I feel very fortunate about the liberties given to me. I know of some, in other parts of the world, that could not even be typing this post without looking over their shoulder....However, I too feel that I am of a different era. I believe it's that innate part of your soul that just feels a certain belonging to that time.
In summary, not necessarily where you would want to be logically....but where you feel pulled to.
Exactly! When I posted about the late 1800s, it wasn't because that's where I want to be, but just this feeling that I had been there.
Oh, and welcome to A2K Redlox :-D
Chivalry is basically dead.
But that's great news for me, cause I'm one of the only one 'uses' Chivalry, and the ladys love that. :wink:
"I am not a teary guy, the kind that complains and rants as a vice; if life let's me, I fondle her; if not, I like my job. And if dreaming is free and I don't believe in reincarnation, with a bit of imagination I'll depart to live other lives, wear other names, sneak into the clothes and skin of everyone I'll never be:
"Al Capone in Chicago, legionnaire in Melilla, painter en Montparnase,
merchant in Damascus, porter in Seville, black boy in New Orleans; dirty old man in Sodom, deported in Siberia, sultan in a harem, cop -not even as a joke-, winner in the county fair, little gypsy in Jerez. Gambler in Montecarlo, cigarrette in your mouth, taxi driver in New York, the best pimp in the hood, flunked in religion. Confessor of the queen, bullfighter in Cádiz, bar tender in Dublin, communist in Las Vegas, drowned in the Titanic, flautist in Hammelin.
"But if I am to choose among all lives, I choose the one-footed pirate's, with a wooden leg, a patch over the eye, a mean face, the old truant, captain of a ship that would have, as a flag, a couple of ltibias and a skull.
"Three band billiard player, a rebel in heaven, a cabaret owner, a scratch on your back, tenor in Rigoletto, pianist in a brothel, bongo player in Havana, Casanova in Venice, old man in Shangri La, stoaway in your bed, vocalist in an orchestra, best time in Le Mans. Lifestyle journalist, detective in the 40s, well kept in alcohol, rapist in your dreams, suicidal in the highway, cutie in a soap opera. Morphine addict in China, desertor in war, boxer in Detroit, hunter in India, sailor in Marseille, photographer in Play-Boy.
"But if I am to choose among all lives, I choose the one-footed pirate's, with a wooden leg, a patch over the eye, a mean face, the old truant, captain of a ship that would have, as a flag, a couple of tibias and a skull".
Joaquín Sabina.