Keep venting here if it helps. I hope your mom is okay and you hear from her soon.
I'm no expert in Alzheimer's, but I have worked with a lot of people who have come to face some tough changes in circumstances and level of ability. Some of them have had Alzheimer's. I've spoken to a lot of families.
I've had personal relationships where the person i once knew changed bc of disease.
So, yeah, I'm no expert, but I feel qualified to share a bit in this thread.
You really sound like you need this break. As Noddy said, to gather your strength and support.
Shewolf knows what she is talking about, and she is not trying to scare you. It's stuff that you need to digest. Sometimes things happen quickly.
It's 'show time' as they say. Time to rise above old disputes and old wounds.
Is it easy? Lord, no! But you can do it. You have to do it.
You mom is going to need you. It is as simple as that. She needs you to be strong. To be there in her time of need.
There's a saying that is used in my family a lot. We're a tough lot, been through a lot, as many families that endure have.
"Go ahead and hate me. Hey, I might hate you sometimes. BUT BE THERE."
You just do what you have to do. One day it may be me, or you, driving our kids up the wall and wanting to bolt. (I don't have kids yet, but I might).
If your mom needs care away from you, then that is fine.
But be careful....it can be easy to blur 'disease' and when the person is saying something that is just 'life'. Like, maybe I read incorrectly, but in your original post did you not say that you moved her right after her sister's death? And she was unable to attend the funeral?
That could p-off a person, Alzheimer's or not.
Your last post mentioned your mom calling and saying 'this has to end' and showing a desire for the family to pull together.
Perhaps she has some understanding that things are not right with herself, something scary is happening. I honestly still can not imagine how scary and confusing Alzheimer's must be.
Take care. Recoup. Gather yourself. And I'll be sending good vibes hoping your mom is safe and sound right now. And good vibes for you too.