The philosophical implications of the knights move are quite notable.
As with the 7th day adventists it was takeing a few arbitrary dates from the Bible and applying them to present day events and times.
The knights move is actually a "queering" of things or to "bend" them. The knight moves along a predictable line and then suddenly halts and veers in a different direction. A deflection. Logically this is to see parallels. To draw inferences and then to speculate. To plan and devise stratagems based upon linear conclusions then change in mid stream and act on the abstract. Surprise attack.
No chess piece can move like the knight. The knight contemplates in the midst of many possible logical conundrums.
People often surround themselves with the intricacies of logic. They are at peace in the midst of perplexity. They stay focused that out of a series of clever moves they may conquer the matrix and checkmate, the regicide of their own shadow, of the checkerboard heart and dichotomy of duality and power.
For the knight holds the key to duality. The knight moves in both directions in one move and may land on any color. The knight is harmony.
The knight swings both ways...
So the knight moves three spaces in one direction, are the last two last spaces etherial? Are they spiritual?