Wed 26 Jul, 2006 08:13 am
Are there celebrities that you feel are over-exposed?
Are there some that you wish would retire to a monastery in Tibet or simply return to Iowa or where ever they came from?
Who is on your go away list?
Although I was never enthused about Jennifer Anniston, Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie, the celebrity that I wish would go away is Rachel Ray.
She may be cute. People have told me they liked her cable show.
However, the constant pitching of her network show is too much. Put a sock in it, Rachel. I'm already tired of you.
I have never heard of, or seen, Rachael Ray. I am a big believer of the power of the remote control!!!
I am also sick of the self-promoting Mo'Nique.
I don't know who Rachel Ray or Monique is either....If jennifer aniston walked in here right now, I'm not sure I'd recognize her, no angelina j if she had no makeup on....I don't pay any attention to any of it.
Since we dropped cable and got dish, I figured out how to record shows. Every sunday I look at the paper and read the synopsis of the shows all week on KLRU...Nova...Wide Lens...whatever....I record them, and watch while I exercise.
I don't even turn on the TV besides that.
Have to admit I dont know much about selbs anymore as I have seemed to have stopped buying mags.
But what does bug me is the supposed Brad/Angelina/Jennifer love triangle.The mags are so desperate to sell copies that they cant notice the fact that theer is no love triangle.
I dont think Paris Hilton is worthy of any kind of celebratory status.
Footballers wives and girlfriends(known in the UK as WAGS). Im sick of them.Who cares what clothes they buy.I bet if they had interests other than shopping the papers wouldnt find in 'amazing' and wouldnt report on it!!
All time list
Category of Their Own (most annoying to me):
Jerry Lewis
Rosie O'Donnell
Tracy Ullman
Anyone named Simpson (OJ...Homer, Bart, Jessica, Nicole)
Howard Stern
Paula Abdul (all of American Idol ..but mostly her and Simon Cowell)
Britney Spears
Roseanne Barr
Tony Danza
Here's a few on my Every-day All-time list :
Regis Philbin
Kelly Ripa
Rachel Ray....DEF-i-nit-ley
Justin Timberlake
Woody Allen
Paul Mcartney (OK...yes...he was cute and cheeky in the 60s - early 70s)
Jerry Seinfeld
Jay Leno
(not David Letterman because he actually HAS talent and isn't an empty- suit. His TV prod group World Wide Pants is successful)
David Hasselhoff
Pamela Anderson (Lee)
David Spade
Jason Alexander (from Seinfeld)
Eddie Murphy (sorry...I like him also...but 'nuf is 'nuf)
Nick Nolte
Why Jerry Lewis?I like him!!
I do not have cable nor do I have a VCR. I generally watch PBS except for Letterman and Craig Ferguson's brilliant monologs. I do watch CBS in the morning -- especially now that school is out, while I drink my coffee or while I am ironing or quilting. My television is so old -- my former boyfriend found it on a "trash walk" -- that it has no remote, but, I know you are using an analogy.
I am quite surprised that neither of you have heard of Rachel Ray. I worked selling cookware for several years and she was an almost constant subject of conversation among customers.
phoenix answer
Phoenix32890 wrote:plainoldme wrote:I am also sick of the self-promoting Mo'Nique.
You and I must inhabit a different universe. I have never heard of Mo'Nique. If you can't stand hearing about these people, why do you watch channels that advertise them?
Some of us have little self-control, unlike you! :wink:
I, like a few others, am (are) fascinated by TV's power and the effect it has on our society so I "drink" them in to see where "we" are going. <flush>
celebrity exhaustion
Does anyone know where celebrity "WAG" Colleen's top lip has gone? Why doesnt she just buy another?
Ragman -- I agree with most of your list. I think Rosie O'Donnell is a fraud with a put-on accent.
MaterialGirl -- Although athletes' wives aren't quite the subject of fascination here that they seem to be in GB, they really aren't worthy of celebrity. The former Posh Spice seems to wear very little, which may be why her celebrity has lasted longer than 15 minutes!
As for Paris, she's the Zsa Zsa Gabor of her generation, famous for being famous.
Haha, cant say Ive looked at her enough to notice.Both her and hubby are Z list in my opinion.Cant see it lasting!
By 'it' I meant their marriage.
jerry lewis
material girl wrote:Why Jerry Lewis?I like him!!
I like many on my list too...but Jerry is so way over-exposed and caught up in his own image it's repulsive. Try to listen to what he has said about female comedians and a few other subjects like his health issues, personal power (re the MD charity) and you'll put him HIGH on the list. He's a bona fide humanitarian, but overblown. He CANNOT edit his own comments not stay away from the camera when he SHOULD.
OMG..I missed Jacko
OMG how could I miss these 2:
"Whack-o Jacko" Michael Jackson
Janet Jackson
material girl wrote:Haha, cant say Ive looked at her enough to notice.Both her and hubby are Z list in my opinion.Cant see it lasting!
I had to refer to her as the former Posh Spice because I don't know her real name . . . or if she has one!
Sorry, my comment was refering to Cheryl Tweedy.
Posh Spice's name is Victoria Beckham(nee Adams).
I like her, she may be a fashion clothes horse but she is very well resented, a good wife and she looks after her kids well.
What annoys me is an article in the paper today about how the Spice girls may have lead to the increase in teenage pregnancies!!!
I dont understand how they can blame them as teens have been getting pregnant for years and still are even after they are out of the limelight.
Plus the journalist seemed to have neglected to point out thatthe girls worked hard and earned there money, Id imaging they at some point became millionaires!!Surely people should take more notice of that, but nope they skip to the pregnancy issue.
I meant to typte that Posh is well Presented, not resented.What a faux pas.