Chapter Six
Safety was here beyond the pale blue sky overhead from which Vleg was looking down her spaceship telescope and remarking to her Captain "Who is that bloke singing to the crowd behind the rubbish dump? He looks like abit of allright".
"That's Eddie" the Captain replied. "I'll wager that he is a great stud as well; look at that physique and listen to the authority in his mighty voice as he addresses the crowd with such compassion!"
Vleg swooned. When she recovered and reapplied her make-up, and adjusted her bra, she still could not believe how gorgeous Eddie was.
The Captain, realising that Vleg was besotted, hatched a cunning plan to emphatically and conclusively end the war as well as all discomposure over who she should give her overdue favours to. He sent a swirling lazar transporter beam down to the planet surface - reminding Vleg of their true situation - caught up a surprised Eddie and deposited him right into their cockpit, and
her incredible enthusiasm
attitude from his
(last post ciao)