Conservatives without conscience

Reply Tue 11 Jul, 2006 11:05 am
I just ordered John Dean's latest book: Conservatives Without Conscience. Dean has really nailed the dominent personality traits of the major characters in the Bush administration and what drives them toward authoritarianism (read that fascism.)

With the perspective of a former Republican political insider, and experience in the Watergate scandal when he was White House counsel to Nixon, Dean takes a sincere, well-considered look at how conservative politics in the U.S. is veering dangerously close to authoritarianism, offering a penetrating and highly disturbing portrait of many of the major players in Republican politics and power. Looking back on the development of conservative politics in the U.S., Dean notes that conservatism is regressing to its authoritarian roots. Dean draws on five decades of social science research that details the personality traits of what are called "double high authoritarians": self-righteous, mean-spirited, amoral, manipulative, bullying. He concludes that Chuck Colson, Pat Robertson, Newt Gingrich, and Tom DeLay are all textbook examples. Dean calls Vice-President Cheney "the architect of Bush's authoritarian policies," and deems Bush "a mental lightweight with a strong right-wing authoritarian personality." Dean maintains that conservatives without conscience have produced such a hostile, noncollegial environment in Congress that threats of resistance through filibusters have been met with threats of a "nuclear option" and that conservatives have used fearmongering about terrorist attacks to the point where the nation faces a greater threat of relinquishing its ideals of democracy. Dean appeals to conservatives to find their consciences and to all Americans to take serious heed of what is going on in the nation.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,565 • Replies: 28
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Reply Tue 11 Jul, 2006 03:01 pm
I haven't read it yet. Does he talk about how Democrats don't do squat? There wouldn't be a crisis in Iraq, North Korea, Darfur, or Iran if Slick had been putting in a full day instead of getting a lip massage.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 07:55 am
paull wrote:
I haven't read it yet. Does he talk about how Democrats don't do squat? There wouldn't be a crisis in Iraq, North Korea, Darfur, or Iran if Slick had been putting in a full day instead of getting a lip massage.

A continuing sign of your debating weakness to always invoke Clinton.

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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 07:59 am
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 08:10 am
Re: Paull
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
paull wrote:
I haven't read it yet. Does he talk about how Democrats don't do squat? There wouldn't be a crisis in Iraq, North Korea, Darfur, or Iran if Slick had been putting in a full day instead of getting a lip massage.

A continuing sign of your debating weakness to always invoke Clinton.

Perhaps... but he's definitely right about Iraq (allowed inspectors to be kicked out in 98) and North Korea (allowed Carter to negotiate Kim Jong Il into nukes in 93). Idea Not opinions, mind you… FACTs.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 06:52 pm
Re: Paull
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
paull wrote:
I haven't read it yet. Does he talk about how Democrats don't do squat? There wouldn't be a crisis in Iraq, North Korea, Darfur, or Iran if Slick had been putting in a full day instead of getting a lip massage.

A continuing sign of your debating weakness to always invoke Clinton.

Perhaps... but he's definitely right about Iraq (allowed inspectors to be kicked out in 98) and North Korea (allowed Carter to negotiate Kim Jong Il into nukes in 93). Idea Not opinions, mind you… FACTs.

Not only are conservatives devoid of conscience, they don't appear to argue from the facts either.

The inspectors were not kicked out by Saddam Hussein. They were denied access to sites by the Iraqi regime as a protest from the Iraqi regime for the UN inspector groups containing spies for the Americans. As a result of the denial of access, Clinton warned the chief inspector to get out immediatley prior to launching a massive bombing campaign on Iraq. Numerous other media outlets, reported it accurately at the time (December 17 1998) that chief inspector Butler ordered his inspectors to evacuate Baghdad, in anticipation of a military attack.

it was reported the following January that the Iraqis were correct, viz., that the Americans actually did use the the UN weapons inspection tours to spy on the Hussein regime. This abbrogated the terms negotiated by the UN and Iraq.

it is the height of mendaciousness to squeal about the Iraqis denying inspectors site access as the Americans were spying on Iraq in direct violation of the settlement agreed upon by both sides. One can use a defense that "well, those Iraqi dogs were lying son-of-bitches we could not trust, so we had to spy on them" but then to act like raped virgins and blame Iraq for denying site access when the Americans were caught violating the UN agreement is just being tone deaf to logic.

On December 16 1998 U.N. weapons inspectors withdrew from Baghdad one day after reporting Iraq was still not cooperating. On December 17 1998 the Russian Ambassador Sergei Lavrov criticized Butler for evacuating inspectors from Iraq Wednesday morning without seeking permission from the Security Council.

Iraq did not throw out UN weapons inspectors. Clinton attempted to spy on Iraq surrepticiously using American spies disguised as UN weapons inspectors, and bombed Iraq when he could not get his way.

posting a remark replete with factual errors for the basis for a political attack reinforces the thrust of John Dean's central thesis, that for conservatives, the ends justify the means, and whatever goal to be achieved is more important than conscience, facts, or internal logical consistency.

the debate on A2K on North Korea over a year ago should have settled the tripe on whether or not what Clinton\Carter did in the mid 90's was useful. and in reflection all that the six years of that idiot from Texas did with North Korea was push them to build more bombs and now ballistic missiles.

What Clinton and Carter did was reduce dramatically the chances of a war on the Korean penninsula that would have eventually moved from a conventional one and escalated to nuclear war within miles of China and Japan. In the mean time those men slowed the development of nuclear weapons nuclear progam of the North Koreans for a decade. It was the brash stupidity of an arrogant and clueless man who threatened and taunted the North Koreans that helped make them decide to build nukes so they would not go the way of Saddam Hussein and the Bath Party loyalists.

the one thing that the Bush Doctrine shows the world vis-a-vis the "Axis of Evil" is that if you have nukes, the USA will not attack you; if you do not have them, the USA might just invade your country, replace your government, and lay your nation to ruin.

With that altenative it is small wonder that both North Korea and Iran push for rapid acceleration of both the nuclear weapons program but also their ballistic delivery system programs.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 07:18 pm
That's gotta be a record for whatever we decided to call the blaming Clinton version of Godwin's Law!

First post!

Last time I can remember counting it was Clinton in 2.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 09:39 pm
Re: Paull
Too many words, to say very little. I readily concede that the inspectors left voluntarily (that time, though they had been expelled previously), just before the initial bombing of Dessert Fox and just after reporting that the Saddam had never lived up to his end of the bargain and that further inspections would be a futile waste of time… since they had NEVER had the unfettered access they were entitled to. Semantics. Six of one, half dozen of the other.

Please provide any evidence you have that "Americans were spying on Iraq in direct violation of the settlement agreed upon by both sides" I submit there was neither a provision that restricted spying nor any provision that allowed Saddam such a remedy. Quite the contrary: Numerous resolutions were passed mandating unconditional cooperation and in 1998-->

[URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_disarmament_crisis_timeline_1997-2000]wikipedia[/URL] wrote:

February 23, 1998
• Iraq signs a "Memorandum of Understanding" with the UN, which says that the country will accept all relevant Security Council resolutions, cooperate fully with UNSCOM and the IAEA, and will grant UNSCOM and the IAEA immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access for their inspections.

It was a good story, Kuvasz, and you tell it so well, but anyone interested in the truth instead of your history revision need only click the link above.

kuvasz wrote:
the debate on A2K on North Korea over a year ago should have settled the tripe on whether or not what Clinton\Carter did in the mid 90's was useful. and in reflection all that the six years of that idiot from Texas did with North Korea was push them to build more bombs and now ballistic missiles.
Yet another revision. Here again you simply ignore the FACT that had Clinton gone ahead and taken out the reactor at Yongbyon, INSTEAD of letting Kim build nukes by way of the idiotic "Agreed Framework" we likely wouldn't be looking at a nuclear North Korea today. This would have pre-empted even his secret Uranium Enrichment program by at least 3 years. Instead we paid bribe money for Kim to build his arsenal to new heights of destructive power while turning the blind eye as he hideously oppressed his people, starving untold millions to death. I'll grant you Bush has done nothing to improve it, but your denial that Clinton allowed Kim's conventional threat to morph into a nuclear one is just straight BS. Bush inherited a much worse nightmare (nuclear) than the one that developed while Clinton slept at the wheel.

How you could even look at the North Korean Crisis today and declare a job well done is beyond me. That story, you don't even tell well. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2006 01:33 am
Re: Paull
Too many words, to say very little. I readily concede that the inspectors left voluntarily (that time, though they had been expelled previously), just before the initial bombing of Dessert Fox and just after reporting that the Saddam had never lived up to his end of the bargain and that further inspections would be a futile waste of time… since they had NEVER had the unfettered access they were entitled to. Semantics. Six of one, half dozen of the other.

Look, Bill you seem to be a nice guy, albeit with a wholly unhealthy affinity for wearing processesed dairy products, but saying as you have that 1+1 = 3 and having me call you on it is not a semantic argument, it is fundamental to any honest commitment to human communication we have to be real with the facts, and the easiest way out is to just stop lying about things when you first say them, then nobody has to point out your lies. But I can understand that if you really, really, really believe them and then say them, you can say that they weren't lies, because you believe them to be true. But that is how most right wing shills weasel out of their lies.

btw: 1+1 =2

Althought we are mightily slouching that way, we are not yet in Oceania

Please provide any evidence you have that "Americans were spying on Iraq in direct violation of the settlement agreed upon by both sides" I submit there was neither a provision that restricted spying nor any provision that allowed Saddam such a remedy. Quite the contrary: Numerous resolutions were passed mandating unconditional cooperation and in 1998-->

[URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_disarmament_crisis_timeline_1997-2000]wikipedia[/URL] wrote:

February 23, 1998
• Iraq signs a "Memorandum of Understanding" with the UN, which says that the country will accept all relevant Security Council resolutions, cooperate fully with UNSCOM and the IAEA, and will grant UNSCOM and the IAEA immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access for their inspections.

It was a good story, Kuvasz, and you tell it so well, but anyone interested in the truth instead of your history revision need only click the link above.

It really isn't a good story it is called "news," in case you haven't heard it by watching the Faux Network instead of the "news," and since you asked:

First a little background on UNSCOM

UNSCOM itself had neither the manpower nor the financing to carry out widespread inspections in a country of 23 million people. The vast majority of the 160 technical experts working for UNSCOM in New York City and Baghdad were supplied by governments which participated in the Gulf War against Iraq. Most of these experts are still on the payroll of their respective governments.

Although these individuals sign statements of loyalty to the UN, swearing not to divulge information to the governments which pay their salaries, "it is no secret that some of these experts report their findings not only to the commission but to their own governments as well," the newspaper reported.

"Sensitive information about Iraq does flow in and out of the commission's offices on the 30th and 31st floors of the United Nations tower in New York," said the Post account, not only through individual agents, but as part of the official workings of UNSCOM, which relies on "unpublicized assistance" from agencies like the US Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency.

American U-2 planes take detailed photographs of Iraqi sites for UNSCOM, with the film developed at NSA laboratories which routinely copy the information for American use. In addition, UNSCOM has turned over dozens of Russian-made engines, gyroscopes and other parts of ballistic missiles for analysis by the CIA, because "no other country knew as much about these missiles."

According to a report in the Washington Post (8 January 1999), 'The United States for nearly three years intermittently monitored the coded radio communications of President Saddam Hussein's innermost security forces using equipment secretly installed in Iraq by the UN weapons inspectors, according to US and UN officials. In 1996 and 1997, the Iraqi communications were captured by off-the-shelf commercial equipment carried by inspectors from the organisation known as Unscom, then hand-delivered to analysis centres in Britain, Israel and the United States for interpretation, officials said.' The US used this information to try and destabilise the Iraqi regime, and CIA operatives also provided assistance to elite guards who were plotting to overthrow Saddam Hussein.

One implication of these revelations was clear. As US officials demanded ever more intrusive searches of alleged weapons facilities--which they knew had already been effectively dismantled by the Persian Gulf war and eight years of inspections and sanctions--they had another purpose in mind. They were engaged in profiling the Iraqi security apparatus and monitoring Saddam Hussein's movements, to assist in efforts to kill the Iraqi leader, either through outright assassination, a coup attempt or as a consequence of US air strikes.

The front-page reports by the Washington Post's and Boston Globe on the spy role of the UN Special Commission (UNSCOM) cited advisers to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, US intelligence officials and former UNSCOM official Scott Ritter, the American ex-Marine who resigned from the agency last August. Both UN spokesmen and Clinton administration officials denied the reports, but provided no factual refutation.

The Post quoted a source close to Annan declaring, "The secretary-general has become aware of the fact that UNSCOM directly facilitated the creation of an intelligence collection system for the United States in violation of its mandate. The United Nations cannot be party to an operation to overthrow one of its member states. In the most fundamental way, that is what's wrong with the UNSCOM operation."

The Washington Post's Barton Gellman revealed in a front-page article, sourced to "advisors" and "confidants" of U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, that Annan had "obtained what he regards as convincing evidence that United Nations arms inspectors helped collect eavesdropping intelligence used in American efforts to undermine the Iraqi regime." A similar story appeared in the same day's Boston Globe.

Gellman's article, along with the Globe story, was widely credited with "breaking" the UNSCOM-spying story--a story that touched on a highly contentious issue at the U.N.

Iraq had frequently accused UNSCOM arms inspectors of being conduits for American spying, and was often joined in its criticism of the disarmament agency by U.N. Security Council members like France and Russia.

Coming after December's bombing campaign against Iraq, the revelations in Gellman's article--along with corroborating information that came to light in the U.S. and British media over the next few days--gave further ammunition to UNSCOM's critics at the U.N., and were considered to be a final nail in UNSCOM's coffin.

But Gellman, who had produced some of the best and most enterprising coverage of UNSCOM during the past year, had known about the UNSCOM-spying story for months--all the way down to its "operational details," such as the brand names of surveillance equipment used in eavesdropping operations--and was in a position to publish what he knew by early October 1998. But at the behest of a senior U.S. government official, he and the Washington Post's top management chose not to reveal the extent of U.S. intelligence's links to (and possible abuse of) UNSCOM, for reasons of "national security."

The links finally came to light in January only because of aggressive leaking from Annan's staff--leaks which Gellman knew were being pursued by a competing reporter at the Boston Globe. Gellman's January 6 story included a paragraph disclosing that information had been withheld from readers:

[quote]The Post reported on October 12 that an UNSCOM operation code-named Shake the Tree involved synchronizing arms inspections with a new synthesis of intelligence techniques allowing Washington to look and listen as Iraq moved contraband. At the request of the U.S. government, the Post agreed to withhold from that report operational details on national security grounds.

Gellman he said his decision was based on a longstanding Post policy not to spoil ongoing U.S. intelligence operations by exposing them. Although Gellman and his editors were "well aware of the news value" of the story, he said, they believed that the potential drawbacks of publishing it--as explained to them by the official--outweighed the advantages.

The U.S. official had insisted that the nature of this particular operation in Iraq was such that any reference to the eavesdropping would have given the mission away, Gellman said. The official also told Gellman that the Iraqis might use evidence of U.S. spying to justify arresting and executing UNSCOM inspectors, who were expected to return to Iraq soon.

But Gellman reported in a January 8 article that "the Iraqis may have suspected that their communications were being monitored, and used Arabic code words to describe individuals and equipment." Moreover, Gellman had already referred obliquely to the operation in earlier reporting. Thus, it is unlikely that revealing "eavesdropping" would have given anything away.

As for the UNSCOM inspectors whose lives would supposedly be endangered by the story, they did not ultimately return to Iraq until November 17--and could have chosen not to return at all if they believed that their lives were at risk.

Moreover, the story was far more newsworthy in October, when Gellman and his editors decided to hold it, than in January when it finally ran. In January, few people believed the inspectors would ever return to Iraq. By contrast, in October, the U.N. was embroiled in a prolonged stand off between Iraq and the weapons inspectors in which Iraq's accusation of spying by UNSCOM was one of several issues being discussed.

In fact, during that standoff, Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz sent a letter to U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, demanding an investigation specifically into whether UNSCOM was being used by U.S. and other intelligence agencies "to carry out exposed espionage on Iraq." Had the Post run its story in October, it would have been a timely--and potentially explosive--contribution to the debate.

So it appears that the serious concern here was that the Washington Post's journalism might affect the real world--that the revelation of a questionable U.S. espionage operation would upset people, including some U.S. allies, and embarrass U.S. policymakers, thus exposing U.S. policy in Iraq to harsh questioning. Faced with this possibility, the newspaper chose to protect the operation from public scrutiny--until it mattered much less.

Even so, some at the Post were obviously displeased that the story came to light at all.

In an outraged editorial the day after Gellman broke the story ("Back-Stabbing at the U.N.," 1/7/99), the paper berated Annan's advisors for giving its own reporter the information, calling the act a "gutless ploy" whose "principal beneficiary" would be Saddam Hussein. If Annan "had reason to suspect the cooperation [between UNSCOM and the U.S.] had crossed some line of propriety," the editorial said, "they could have raised their concerns in private."

"We live in a dirty and dangerous world," the Post's then-publisher Katharine Graham said in 1988, addressing a group of CIA officials at the Agency's Langley headquarters (Regardie's, 1/90). "There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn't. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows." That spirit seems to be alive and well at Graham's paper.

The US was engaged in spying as a part of a UN weapons inspection program for the direct purpose of toppling a foreign govenment, which is against the UN Charter signed by both sides and is a priori to any agreement that flows from the actions of the charter or security council. If the Iraqi government, as a member nation of the UN expects any agreement on inspection actions to be carried out on its soil by the UN it has a right to expect such UN actions to be within the UN Charter and one of those rights is not to have UN actions that were negotiated and agreed upon by each party be used to topple one of the the governments.

and what is more amazing is that had this attempt at spying which was done by Clinton been done by Bush, you would have applauded the sneakiness in defense of THE U S A.

On the other hand, I think the actions mean more than who does them and am appalled if either man would do them. I condemn the actions of Clinton, while you get a hard-on attacking the personality of Clinton. It shows how blinded from reality you are by your hatred of Clinton, and Democrats in general, as John Dean writes about in discussing Right Wingnuts in his book.

US Used UN to Spy on Iraq, Aides Say By Colum Lynch, The Boston Globe, January 6, 1999


Annan Suspicious Of UNSCOM Role, By Barton Gellman, Washington Post, January 6, 1999


Reports of U.S. Spying Dim Outlook for Iraq Inspections. By Barbara Crossette, New York Times, January 8, 1999


Now Butler Admits UN May Have Fed Iraqi Secrets to US, By Mark Riley, Sydney Morning Herald, January 9, 1999



kuvasz wrote:
the debate on A2K on North Korea over a year ago should have settled the tripe on whether or not what Clinton\Carter did in the mid 90's was useful. and in reflection all that the six years of that idiot from Texas did with North Korea was push them to build more bombs and now ballistic missiles.
Yet another revision. Here again you simply ignore the FACT that had Clinton gone ahead and taken out the reactor at Yongbyon, INSTEAD of letting Kim build nukes by way of the idiotic "Agreed Framework" we likely wouldn't be looking at a nuclear North Korea today.

First, you should know that for normal people things that do not happen or are proposed by someone, especially yourself as "likely to happen" are not in of themselves "FACTS," instead they are imaginary, just like your opinion is here. I suspect that if you truely saw the face of the war you call for you would piss in your pants and vomit on your shoes, but do bray on as a member of 101st Fighting Keyboard Battalion about a military strike upon which you lust but for which you have no earthly actual idea how it would end.

Would the North Koreans launch everything that have at Japan, the world's second largest ecomomic power in an orgasmic death throe and lead to world-wide Depression? Would they attack South Korea with everything thay have and wipe on the 37,000 American service men there before the US could muster the strength to repel them from attacking Soul with its multi-million-man army? Would the US have to use nukes on North Korean soil, would one stray and wipe out a Nothern Chinese city?

Would you bet the world on it?

None of these potential things are even on your mind, You are talking like some TV cowboy you watched on Saturday morning as a kid. Shoot first and Fukk the world?

George Bush (the Lesser), the hobby-horse Napoleon is your Great Leader.

One cold hard fact of war is that once the shooting starts no one knows what happens next, or how it will end, except for idiots who think they can read the future.

The debacle in Iraq with a $500,000,000,000 price tag, and 25,000 dead, wounded and damaged Americans has taught you nothing.

Why don't you go back and re-read the extended encounter and series of posts we exchanged last year and remember that the CIA stated North Korea was likely to have had 1-2 nuclear weapons back in the early 1990's, and that the feed and oil program bribed them from building more and that when Bush took over he stopped the program and the North Koreans started back up both their nuclear program as well as accelerate the ballistic misile program in response..

This would have pre-empted even his secret Uranium Enrichment program by at least 3 years. Instead we paid bribe money for Kim to build his arsenal to new heights of destructive power while turning the blind eye as he hideously oppressed his people, starving untold millions to death. I'll grant you Bush has done nothing to improve it, but your denial that Clinton allowed Kim's conventional threat to morph into a nuclear one is just straight BS. Bush inherited a much worse nightmare (nuclear) than the one that developed while Clinton slept at the wheel.

North Korea had 1-2 nuclear weapons because of the program George Bush (the Greater) allowed the North Koreans to have under his own administration, so your declaration that it was primary Clinton's fault is pure political hackery. The 10-12 they probably have now are predominantly the result of th acceleration of the armament program that was reconsitituted after Bush (the Lesser) sabre rattled and the North Koreans went on to build them post a Bush (the Lesser) inaugural.

If you are so damned sensitive about oppressed people, how come you are not advocating attacking China, which oppresses a billion-three when North Korea oppresses a pitiful fraction less?

Or is your morality based upon good old American business accounting pratices?

Your "selective" call for freedom of North Korea because you think it helps your argument here is abominable crap.

How you could even look at the North Korean Crisis today and declare a job well done is beyond me. That story, you don't even tell well. Rolling Eyes

Well, thank you for making an argument I did not make. and the only "story" being told is one by you.

Again, just as John Dean said about conservatives, they cannot debate the arguments of their political adversaries so they make up ones to defeat and dance about claiming that they vanquished those of their opponents'.

You might note that my claim was about what Clinton and Carter did in the mid-1990's not as you write: [quote]How you could even look at the North Korean Crisis today and declare a job well done is beyond me.

This current crisis was instigated by the Bush administration with the rhetotical attacks he and his minions made on the North Koreans during the Fall 2000 campaign, even before Bush (the lesser) was sworn in. No one who understands the situation believes his actions have helped prevent this crisis. Those knowledgable in the field believe and the think the Lesser Bush has screwed the pouch on this dangerous affair.[/color]
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2006 03:19 am
As condeded already, yes "kicked out" was a careless compression of what happened. But, the result remains the same. Denying access to the point of making inspections useless is tantamount to kicking them out.

The rest of that entertaining refresher course does absolutely nothing to exonerate Saddam for denying UNSCOM and the IAEA immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access for their inspections. Unconditional access means unconditional access.

Bitch about Clinton or Bush's clandestine operations till your heart's content... but in retrospect, none of it will relieve Saddam of his obligation. I for one would prefer that our forces have the superior inteligence that activity nets.

Your snide Ad Hominem attacks on my personal experience (the lack thereof), do nothing to exonerate him either.


Also careless was my use of the word FACT. Got me. Beyond that:

You're interpreting a report about the posibility of 1 or 2 nukes being in NK in 1990 as fact. Possibility, but far from fact and most of what I've read suggest it's unlikely.

You continue to write as if the Agreed Framework was honored. It wasn't. It was no less a charade than the Sunshine Policy because Kim is as much a liar as he is a murderer. It is now common knowledge that NK was working towards enriching Uranium soon after the bogus agreement was made. Further, it allowed Kim to keep both the Yongbyon facility and all of the spent fuel that they've since processed. Millions more North Koreans have been murdered and Kim is more dangerous than ever. That's no solution.

Asleep at the wheel in both theatres. Your assumptions that I'm a big Bush Fan and a Clinton hater are both false. Had Clinton had the courage to deal with these problems when they came up, I have little doubt he'd have done a hell of a lot better job at selling it to the world and recruiting partners. But, alas, he was asleep at the wheel.

Why not China? Not as bad as NK in per capita numbers or degree of oppression by a damn sight. I consider Kim the most evil man currently residing on Planet Earth. My assumption is they are entirely too mighty to risk threatening with head to head action. They would have to be last… at least.

Your assumptions that I ignorantly welcome more carnage than you are also false. I reasonably disagree on which approaches, actions and inactions create more carnage. I do not accept your authority to deem my conclusions invalid based on my lack of combat experience. Philosophically, perhaps it is that very lack of experience that allows me to examine the macro academically without getting bogged down in the relative micro. Perhaps not… but I've no interest in further defense against this Ad Hominem.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2006 06:51 am
Why not make a Clinton thread to talk about clinton instead of cluttering up every single thread which deals with the currentadministration? Can't the defense of the Bush administration stand on it's own merits?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2006 06:57 am
Here's an interview with Dean about his book. He talks about how conservatives are a bunch of sheep. It's the liberals who hold up the sign saying "Question Authority". The conservatives say "Follow, follow, bbaaaaaa."

0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2006 07:49 am
xingu wrote:
Here's an interview with Dean about his book. He talks about how conservatives are a bunch of sheep. It's the liberals who hold up the sign saying "Question Authority". The conservatives say "Follow, follow, bbaaaaaa."


Thanks for the link, xingu.

John Dean identifies himself as a "Goldwater Conservative" and says he is very disappointed at the current direction of the Republican Party. He recognizes the issues from what he learned from the Nixon Administration and is very concerned.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2006 07:54 am
It's interesting to watch how anyone that suggests the Democratic party may be going in the wrong direction is demonized, yet those who say the same about Republicans is praised.

Typical of the political schism I suppose.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2006 07:56 am
McGentrix wrote:
It's interesting to watch how anyone that suggests the Democratic party may be going in the wrong direction is demonized, yet those who say the same about Republicans is praised.

Typical of the political schism I suppose.

If anyone should know that it would be you---in reverse.

Raising the Clinton issue in a thread whose topic is about Republicans or conservatives is the usual diversion tactic used by those who don't want to face facts.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2006 08:05 am
They are a bunch of hopeless, knee-jerk, sycophants who are doing more to screw up this country and the world than many of the people we now consider outside the mainstream of reasonable humanity.

American conservatism is the most hypocritical piece of garbage that has ever masqueraded as a political philosophy. The sooner this cycle turns and they are back where they at least have a chance of making a reasonable contribution (as the loyal opposition)....

...the better for our country and the better for the world.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2006 09:29 am
xingu wrote:
Here's an interview with Dean about his book. He talks about how conservatives are a bunch of sheep. It's the liberals who hold up the sign saying "Question Authority". The conservatives say "Follow, follow, bbaaaaaa."


Interesting theory and not really sure I have a problem with it. Tends to show why Republicans have been largely successful and Democrats have been woefully unsuccessful. Republicans have strong leadership and followers willing to support them. Democrats are diverse and disjointed and have difficulties achieving consensus on those few issues they have in common.

Rawstory wrote:
OLBERMANN: Did the studies indicate that this really has anything to do with the political point of view? Would it be easier to impose authoritarianism over the right than it would the left? Is it theoretically possible that it could have gone in either direction and it's just a question of people who like to follow other people?

DEAN: They have found, really, maybe a small, 1%, of the left who will follow authoritarianism. Probably the far left.

I gotta big laugh out of this statement from Dean. Isn't he one of those "far left" authoritarian figures he's harping about?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2006 09:56 am
slkshock7 wrote:
Tends to show why Republicans have been largely successful and Democrats have been woefully unsuccessful. Republicans have strong leadership and followers willing to support them. Democrats are diverse and disjointed and have difficulties achieving consensus on those few issues they have in common.

Like he says conservatives are followers and will be herd minded. Democrats question so you would expect far more diversity among them then sheep.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2006 10:12 am
rawstory wrote:
OLBERMANN: And the idea of leaders and followers going down this path or perhaps taking a country down this path requires -- this whole edifice requires and enemy. Communism, al Qaeda, Democrats, me... whoever for the two-minutes hate. I overuse the Orwellian analogies to nauseating proportions. But it really was, in reading what you wrote about, especially what the academics talked about. There was that two-minutes hate. There has to be an opponent, an enemy, to coalesce around or the whole thing falls apart. Is that the gist of it?

DEAN: It is one of the things, believe it or not, that still holds conservatism together. There is many factions in conservatism and their dislike or hatred of those they betray as liberal, who will basically be anybody who disagrees with them, is one of the cohesive factors. There are a few others but that's certainly one of the basics. There's no question that, particularly the followers, they're very aggressive in their effort to pursue and help their authority figure out or authority beliefs out. They will do what ever needs to be done in many regards. They will blindly follow. They stay loyal too long and this is the frightening part of it.

OLBERMANN: Let me read something from the book. Let me read this one quote then I have a question about it. "Many people believe that neoconservatives and many Republicans appreciate that they are more likely to maintain influence and control of the presidency if the nation remains under ever-increasing threats of terrorism, so they have no hesitation in pursuing policies that can provoke the potential terrorists throughout the world."

Both parties can be accused of making up boogeymen to energize their followers to vote their party into power. BB started this thread by equating authoritanism with fascism, trying to goad people to her position by using their fear of fascism. Dems do this all the time on social issues (vote democrat or see the return of Jim Crow laws; vote democrat or your abortion rights will go away; etc.).

His book might be an interesting read (when it's available in the public library; I myself wouldn't spend a dime that might end up in his pocket). As it stands his position will be difficult to refute. After all, he admits his evidence is undocumented and has "never been shared with the general public". As we all know, however, undocumented studies are worth the paper they're written on. Books based on them are worth little more.
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Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2006 02:58 pm
slkshock7 wrote:
xingu wrote:
I gotta big laugh out of this statement from Dean. Isn't he one of those "far left" authoritarian figures he's harping about?

You got that wrong. John Dean is a Goldwater Republican conservative who served President Nixon.

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