Finn d'Abuzz wrote: But friends like Justan, Drew, and Amigo would have us believe that they are the only TV news outlet that is.
Said fellows will argue ad nauseum that the NY Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times, NPR, PBS, ABC and CBS et al are not biased, but Man they got it right about Fox!
Not exactly. I can't speak for others, but my main problem is to the
degree that FOX slants their news. Clearly, people are people, and as hard as one might want a news source to be completely unbiased, that's just not going to happen.
The biggest problem here is how FOX
seems to go out of their way to influence their viewers and be a mouthpiece for the administration. There have been organizations that investigated FOX's tactics (similar to the linked vid) that make it clear how FOX violates journalistic standards regularly and to an
absurd degree. Their interviews with "experts" has something along the lines of an 80% conservative to 20% "liberal" ratio.
They consistently use "some say" to insert editorial comments during what is supposed to be a serious news delivery. The line between editorials and newscasts is so blurred that people can't tell the difference anymore.
This is beyond irresponsible. This is boarderline dangerous. Not in the "physical harm" sense, but in the sense that it polarizes political understanding in the country in a way that makes the opinions relied on not based on FACTUAL information, but based on slanted misinformation, and thus makes it damn near impossible for people to really engage in honest political debate. Just look at the percentage of people who actually believed we discovered "WMD" in Iraq. Fox viewers were at the top of the list. How can you engage in a real debate with someone when they are relying on false/misinformation?
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:This drives Justan et al mad, because they believe their biased news sources are unbiased, and damnation, they are not about to give an inch to members of the other effin tribe (Conservatives)!
You've read what I said above, but I just wanted to add that no other news source goes to such ends to provide misinformation. FOX is truly in a league all their own.
Finn d'Abuzz wrote: What we all should be clamouring for is an unbiased source of news. Wouldn't it be great? We'll never get it though because for all the self-important protestations of journalists, almost none of them put the plain truth above their personal interpretations.
I don't know about you, but I find that a combination of CNN and the BBC words pretty well. After those two, I skim over various other sources (right and left "slanted") and usually I can get a strong grasp of the issue. The only problem is that most Americans just don't have the time to do this.
Anyway, I can see you stand on the other side of many of the issues than myself. Thanks for actually presenting your arguments is a reasonable manner. Good to have someone on A2K who can offer the more conservative side of an issue without coming off like a complete kneejerk tool.
(We all know who I'm talking about, we've read their posts