Denial of American & Israeli 'State Terrorism'

Reply Fri 30 Jun, 2006 12:31 pm

If you're interested, following is a copy of an Email just sent -

To my "Arizona" Senators John McCain and Jon Kyl in "ISRAELI OCCUPIED TERRITORY"... (Pat Buchanan's earlier sarcastic, but accurate label for the United States Congress.)

From: - a Republican Conservative since 1951, disgusted by Bush's and your behavior.



As loyal parrots of our "anti-terror crusader" President, you Senators ceaselessly denounce ALL "TERRORISM" - and especially "STATE-SPONSORED TERRORISM."

But you make 2 EXCEPTIONS: when the TERRORISM is carried out by AMERICA - or the STATE OF ISRAEL!

Senators McCain and Kyl, by parroting the Israel-obedient Bush regime, you have shamefully distorted the definition of "Terrorism." You have all deceptively RE-defined as "noble," AMERICA'S (totally unjustified) 2003 "Shock and Awe" Terror attack on weaponless Iraq. ("Shock and Awe" was openly pre-announced by the Likudnik/Neocon staffed Pentagon and General Franks as their tactic intended to TERRORIZE Iraqis into swift surrender).

And you have also RE-defined (as "justifiable self defence") the racist, Jews-only STATE OF ISRAEL'S 50+ years of daily TERRORISM in occupied Palestine!

Distorting reality, you have dishonestly RE-defined both America's and Israel's tactics of STATE TERRORISM - pretending Israel's and America's own terrorism tactics are NOBLE by re-labeling them with the self-contradictory title "War ON Terror."

War IS "TerrorI" Bush's 9/11 writers would have been honest, naming it "WAR ON WAR" or "TERROR (tactics) AGAINST TERROR (tactics)." But had they, most Americans are unlikely to have supported such a War.

Mislabled, Bush's (and your) "War On Terror" has confused naive Americans to falsely think OUR American (and Israeli) Terror Tactics are somehow "noble" - while Terror Tactics of those we've targeted for destruction, are "evil." No, BOTH are evil!

Senators, the deception that America's (and Israel's) war (terror) tactics are "just" and noble, is now gullibly parroted by millions of otherwise intelligent Americans - and especially by America's obedient (or cowed), 100% Israel-defending and supporting, MAJOR NEWS MEDIA (today all owned - or dominated - by American Zionist Jews, loyal members of Israel's American "Israel Lobby").

So far, not one major American TV commentator has shown any courage to challenge the ABSURDITY of Israel's claim that destroying Gaza's only Electrical Power Plant was their justified attack on "TERRORIST INFRASTRUCTURE." (Or are Israel's leaders so paranoid they believe EVERY ONE of the 1.4 million Gaza Palestinians are "Terrorists?")

And no one in our media has so far dared to challenge (or mock) Israel's equally absurd excuse that they just bombed and set ablaze the Palestinian Interior Ministry building - because "terror was being plotted" inside! As of tonight, widespread Israeli bombing and shelling of Gaza has intensified!

Israel's massive military response to the deaths of two Israeli soldiers and kidnapping of a third, seems an ENORMOUS OVER REACTION - when one is aware of the countless cruelties, provocations and unceasing terror the STATE OF ISRAEL has been inflicting upon Palestinians, especially recently! Read the following...

Since Israel's so-called "disengagement" in March, 2006 (citing UN statistics) "over 8,000" Israeli artillery shells have fallen on Gaza, about " a hundred shells a day." Just prior to their "disengagement" Israeli forces razed "over 16,000 (Palestinian) homes" in the southern border town of RAFAH (currently under new Israeli attacks).

Since Israeli PM Olmert spoke to our servile-to-Israel Congress, Israel's Occupation Forces have slaughtered 32 Palestinians, including 10 children. Olmert also refuses to stop regular "targeted assassinations" such as one a few days ago, when an Israeli helicopter missile fired at a so-called "militant's" moving car in a crowded street, missed and killed a pregnant Palestinian woman inside her home! Also just recently, an Israeli gunboat shelled and killed a family on a Gaza beach, wounding many others.

Early on in Israel's history, Israel's leaders (including Sharon) nurtured and financed HAMAS to encourage a violent, religiously extremist COMPETITOR to Arafat's Fatah party. Their future plan was that if HAMAS somehow later became an elected government, Israel would be justified to refuse to cooperate with a such a "terrorist" group! The original Israeli plan has succeeded!

But now, to COLLECTIVELY PUNISH ALL PALESTINIANS for actually voting into power Israel's former (behind the scene) "protege" HAMAS, Zionist Israel, with the totally servile cooperation of Bush and (both parties in) Congress, has cut off ALL finances needed to even minimally run the Palestinian government. In occupied Palestine, Israel's military has also enormously restricted or totally cut off travel, fuel, food shipments in or produce out! Palestinians, especially the majority of already badly undernourished children, are nearing starvation!

With Palestine's economy close to being quickly destroyed by the vengeful STATE OF ISRAEL, Palestinian unemployment has ballooned and expected to double by the end of 2006 (according to the World Bank). "Seventy percent of the population... is now living below the poverty line."

Yet you Senators McCain and Kyl, refuse to honestly label the above as ISRAELI STATE TERRORISM? Shame on both of you dishonest, amoral men!

If you have the courage, open the following URL and read further about the preceding listed horrors detailed at the recent Washington, D.C. public forum "The Politics of Starvation: The Humanitarian Crisis in Palestine" http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article13774.htm

Israel totally ignored that the elected HAMAS government immediately also decried the 2 Israeli soldiers deaths and the kidnapping. Instead, Olmert exploited the relatively small incident as his (pre-planned) excuse to COLLECTIVELY accuse and blame the entire elected HAMAS leadership, even kidnapping (by illegal "arrest") many of them.

Just days ago, Israel's (clearly carefully PRE-planned) bombing that totally destroyed Gaza's ONLY electrical power plant, was unmistakably "STATE TERRORISM" to collectively punish, sicken (and potentially kill), every man, woman and child among the 1.4 million Muslim and Christian "inmates" in Gaza's fenced in and divided giant "Prison Camp" complex! Without electricity GAZA'S "INMATES" CANNOT PUMP WATER!

The carefully planned destruction of the Gaza electrical plant (built by Norway), may take MONTHS to repair, if then - and cost multi millions the elected Palestinian HAMAS government does not have. What Israel's cruel Zionist rulers and heartless military have just done violates the Geneva Conventions!

Destroying the Power Plant is clearly an International Crime against Humanity! A Humanitarian Crisis now exists in Gaza! (which our Israel-subservient major news media may never report to us.)

In ordering the Power Plant destruction, Olmert (trying to outdo barbaric Ariel Sharon?) appears to be guided by the views of other famous hatefilled Zionist leaders, such as... "One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." -- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 (Source: N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1)

Senators Kyl and McCain, will we soon hear YOUR courageous voices condemning Israel's criminal act of STATE TERRORISM by destroying Gaza's power plant?

OR are you, with the Bush regime and both our Israel-obedient political parties in ("Israeli Occupied") Congress, so cowed by the great wealth and media power of the influential "Israeli Lobby", you will parrot Bush, illogically defining ISRAEL'S UNIMPEDED STATE TERRORISM - as "ISRAEL'S RIGHT TO DEFEND ITSELF?"

I expect the latter - unless, through some divine miracle, both of you suddenly decide to reaffirm your PRIMARY allegiance is to the interests of America and Arizona - not continued subservience to the interests of the (alien) Zionist State of Israel.

Hopefully, through your needed reaffirmations, you Senators will also ultimately prove Ariel Sharon was mistaken (or just exaggerating) when, following 9/11, Sharon boasted after Shimon Perez' cautioned that Americans may be angry if Sharon increases his actions against the Palestinians...

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.

Do prove Sharon mistaken, Senators McCain and Kyl! We will all be waiting and watching to see what you both do next - if anything!
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Reply Fri 30 Jun, 2006 01:29 pm
So much ignorance packed into a single post. Most impressive.
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Reply Fri 30 Jun, 2006 02:20 pm
Any other country on Earth would have exterminated the "palestinians" by now. Any talk about American or Israeli state terrorism here is BS.

There is one solution to the problem in the near east ane one only, and somebody needs to figure it out before it plunges the world into WW-V or something. The slammite world needs to be forced to find a place to put the 'palestinians' and that place needs to be hundreds of miles from Israel.

The two groups obviously cannot live near eachother, there is no way to make a 'state' out of gaza and whatever pieces of the west bank Israel needs for its own legitimate defense, and Israel is not going to go away.

There are several places in the slammite world which come to mind easily as feasible places for the 'palestinians': the Sahara, the Afar Triangle, the Arabian desert, the Tian Shan, the Himilayas....

For that matter I don't think anybody's mining ivory in the Liakhovs or Novo Sibirsk chains any more and Russia might be persuaded to let the palis stay there.
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Reply Fri 30 Jun, 2006 03:14 pm
Racism,Not Defence, At the Heart Of Israeli Politics

Of course, Olmert's comment, and the deep-seated racism at the heart of Israeli politics that it seems to expose, can be rationalised with the claim that it is not unreasonable that an Israeli Prime Minister would be more concerned about the lives of Israeli citizens than those of the Palestinian 'enemy'. After all, this is "war", is it not? Well, yes and no. Yes, if your definition of "war" is:

* to dispossess an entire people from large parts of their land

* shepherd them into refugee camps

* exile others and refuse them a right to return

* manipulate international opinion via the mainstream press and demonise the dispossessed people as terrorists when they resist your brutal measures against them

* deprive them of any real means to resist yet when they do manage to strike back, portray them as being a greater source of evil than you

* isolate them from any international aid and begin a process of slowly making their lives into a living hell

* periodically murder them, including many children to an average of 600 per year and then lie about it and ensure that their suffering is played down in the international mainstream press.
Posted Jun 30, 2006 09:47 AM PST
Category: ISRAEL

One of the justifications given for the attack on Iraq was that Iraq was in defiance of UN Resolutions. In hindsight, it turned out that Iraq was not defying the UN; they had indeed disposed of their banned weapons of mass destruction.

Israel, on the other hand, routinely ignores and defies UN Resolutions, some of which are listed here.

Resolution 106: " . . . 'condemns' Israel for Gaza raid".
Resolution 111: " . . . 'condemns' Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty-six people".
Resolution 127: " . . . 'recommends' Israel suspends it's 'no-man's zone' in Jerusalem".
Resolution 162: " . . . 'urges' Israel to comply with UN decisions".
Resolution 171: " . . . determines flagrant violations' by Israel in its attack on Syria".
Resolution 228: " . . . 'censures' Israel for its attack on Samu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control".
Resolution 237: " . . . 'urges' Israel to allow return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees".
Resolution 248: " . . . 'condemns' Israel for its massive attack on Karameh in Jordan".
Resolution 250: " . . . 'calls' on Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem".
Resolution 251: " . . . 'deeply deplores' Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250".
Resolution 252: " . . . 'declares invalid' Israel's acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital".
Resolution 256: " . . . 'condemns' Israeli raids on Jordan as 'flagrant violation".
Resolution 259: " . . . 'deplores' Israel's refusal to accept UN mission to probe occupation".
Resolution 262: " . . . 'condemns' Israel for attack on Beirut airport".
Resolution 265: " . . . 'condemns' Israel for air attacks for Salt in Jordan".
Resolution 267: " . . . 'censures' Israel for administrative acts to change the status of Jerusalem".
Resolution 270: " . . . 'condemns' Israel for air attacks on villages in southern Lebanon".
Resolution 271: " . . . 'condemns' Israel's failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem".
Resolution 279: " . . . 'demands' withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon".
Resolution 280: " . . . 'condemns' Israeli's attacks against Lebanon".
Resolution 285: " . . . 'demands' immediate Israeli withdrawal form Lebanon".
Resolution 298: " . . . 'deplores' Israel's changing of the status of Jerusalem".
Resolution 313: " . . . 'demands' that Israel stop attacks against Lebanon".
Resolution 316: " . . . 'condemns' Israel for repeated attacks on Lebanon".
Resolution 317: " . . . 'deplores' Israel's refusal to release Arabs abducted in Lebanon".
Resolution 332: " . . . 'condemns' Israel's repeated attacks against Lebanon".
Resolution 337: " . . . 'condemns' Israel for violating Lebanon's sovereignty".
Resolution 347: " . . . 'condemns' Israeli attacks on Lebanon".
Resolution 425: " . . . 'calls' on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon".
Resolution 427: " . . . 'calls' on Israel to complete its withdrawal from Lebanon.
Resolution 444: " . . . 'deplores' Israel's lack of cooperation with UN peacekeeping forces".
Resolution 446: " . . . 'determines' that Israeli settlements are a 'serious obstruction' to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention".
Resolution 450: " . . . 'calls' on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon".
Resolution 452: " . . . 'calls' on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories".
Resolution 465: " . . . 'deplores' Israel's settlements and asks all member states not to assist Israel's settlements program".
Resolution 467: " . . . 'strongly deplores' Israel's military intervention in Lebanon".
Resolution 468: " . . . 'calls' on Israel to rescind illegal expulsions of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their return".
Resolution 469: " . . . 'strongly deplores' Israel's failure to observe the council's order not to deport Palestinians".
Resolution 471: " . . . 'expresses deep concern' at Israel's failure to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention".
Resolution 476: " . . . 'reiterates' that Israel's claim to Jerusalem are 'null and void'".
Resolution 478: " . . . 'censures (Israel) in the strongest terms' for its claim to Jerusalem in its 'Basic Law'".
Resolution 484: " . . . 'declares it imperative' that Israel re-admit two deported Palestinian mayors".
Resolution 487: " . . . 'strongly condemns' Israel for its attack on Iraq's nuclear facility".
Resolution 497: " . . . 'decides' that Israel's annexation of Syria's Golan Heights is 'null and void' and demands that Israel rescinds its decision forthwith".
Resolution 498: " . . . 'calls' on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon".
Resolution 501: " . . . 'calls' on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops".
Resolution 509: " . . . 'demands' that Israel withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon".
Resolution 515: " . . . 'demands' that Israel lift its siege of Beirut and allow food supplies to be brought in".
Resolution 517: " . . . 'censures' Israel for failing to obey UN resolutions and demands that Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon".
Resolution 518: " . . . 'demands' that Israel cooperate fully with UN forces in Lebanon".
Resolution 520: " . . . 'condemns' Israel's attack into West Beirut".
Resolution 573: " . . . 'condemns' Israel 'vigorously' for bombing Tunisia in attack on PLO headquarters.
Resolution 587: " . . . 'takes note' of previous calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon and urges all parties to withdraw".
Resolution 592: " . . . 'strongly deplores' the killing of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops".
Resolution 605: " . . . 'strongly deplores' Israel's policies and practices denying the human rights of Palestinians.
Resolution 607: " . . . 'calls' on Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Resolution 608: " . . . 'deeply regrets' that Israel has defied the United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians".
Resolution 636: " . . . 'deeply regrets' Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians.
Resolution 641: " . . . 'deplores' Israel's continuing deportation of Palestinians.
Resolution 672: " . . . 'condemns' Israel for violence against Palestinians at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount.
Resolution 673: " . . . 'deplores' Israel's refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.
Resolution 681: " . . . 'deplores' Israel's resumption of the deportation of Palestinians.
Resolution 694: " . . . 'deplores' Israel's deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return.
Resolution 726: " . . . 'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of Palestinians.
Resolution 799: ". . . 'strongly condemns' Israel's deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Jun, 2006 03:43 pm
"Those who cannot learn
from history
are doomed to repeat it".

~ George Santayana

In this following case (as in many others of that kind) I would slightly like to change this quote to "Those who repeat history are doomed to fake it".

So nobody would recognize what they are doing all the time. Over and over again.

Seems, that whole Israel's army is now searching for that one 19 year old soldier of the IDF, who allegedly was announced as "kidnapped" by those fierce forces of the Palestinian whatsoever-organization-army. Nobody knows. I mean, whether they are an army or an organization - it always seems to be a matter of words. Terrorists turn all at sudden to "freedom fighters" and freedom fries once have been French fries.

The word rules.

Stupidity also.

The media gives us those words.

Stupidity also.

Almost for free.

I'am gonna bring back to your mind a story that happend (at least history tells us that it did happen that way...) almost 67 years ago. It happened on the border between Poland and Germany. It started off a big War and goes like this:

From Wikipedia (slightly edited):

The Gleiwitz incident was a staged attack on 31 August, 1939 against the German radio station Gleiwitz on the eve of World War II in Europe. It was one of several actions in Operation Himmler, a German project to create the appearance of Polish aggression against Germany, which would be used to justify the subsequent invasion of Poland.

Much of what is known about the Gleiwitz incident comes from the sworn affidavit of Alfred Naujocks at the Nuremberg Trials....


...On the night of August 31, 1939 a small group of German operatives led by Naujocks seized the Gleiwitz station and broadcasted a message in Polish that urged the Poles living in Silesia to strike against Germans. The Germans' goal was to make the attack and broadcast look like the work of anti-German Polish insurgents.

In order to make the attack scene more convincing, the Germans brought in Franciszek Honiok, a German Silesian known for sympathizing with the Poles, who had been arrested the previous day by the Gestapo. Honiok was dressed to look like an insurgent; then killed by lethal injection, given gunshot wounds, and left dead at the scene, so that he appeared to have been killed while attacking the station. His corpse was subsequently presented as proof of the attack to the police and press.

In addition to Honiok, several other convicts were kept available for this purpose. The Germans referred to them by the code phrase "Konserve" ("canned goods")...


...At the same time as the Gleiwitz attack there were other incidents orchestrated by Germany along the Polish-German border, such as house torching in the Polish Corridor and spurious propaganda output. The entire project, dubbed Operation Himmler and comprising 21 incidents in all, was intended to give the appearance of Polish aggression against Germany.

On the day following the Gleiwitz attack, 1 September 1939, Germany launched the Fall Weiss operation — the invasion of Poland — initiating World War II in Europe. In a speech in the Reichstag, Adolf Hitler cited the 21 border incidents, with three of them called very serious, as justification for Germany's "defensive" action against Poland....

Looks almost, like the "German Defensive Army" (I'm sure they weren't called that way...) has almost born a sucessor. Another "defensive" army that dosn't seem capable of generating genious ideas for how to fake an incident, suitable for an invitable "overkill" of...

...whole Gaza.

Gilads instead of Gleiwitz. And it even starts with the same letter...

How creative.

Isn't it indeed ironic how we see history repeating itself?

So, the IDF is still "searching". Searching by destroying INFRASTRUCTURE.

Searching by arresting elected representatives of other peoples.

Perhaps they don't search in the right places?

Instead of blowing up power stations on Palestinian territory I would advice the IDF to try one in Tel Aviv. Perhaps THEN they will finally be capable of "finding" their "lost soldier"...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Jun, 2006 11:39 pm
freedom4free wrote:
Racism,Not Defence, At the Heart Of Israeli Politics

Of course, Olmert's comment, and the deep-seated racism at the heart of Israeli politics that it seems to expose, can be rationalised with the claim that it is not unreasonable that an Israeli Prime Minister would be more concerned about the lives of Israeli citizens than those of the Palestinian 'enemy'. After all, this is "war", is it not? Well, yes and no. Yes, if your definition of "war" is:

* to dispossess an entire people from large parts of their land

* shepherd them into refugee camps

* exile others and refuse them a right to return .....

Hard to even figure out where to start with all that.

You probably ought to start with Mark Twain, who described the holy land in his time as a largely uninhabited waste, with Jerusalem roughly comparable to a western ghost town. It was basically only after the zionists came in and made something of the region that slammites started moving in for jobs and, then following their usual custom, began trying to take the region over and usurp it.

You have to figure that maybe one or two percent tops of slammites living close to or in Israel have any history of living in the region going back more than about a hundred years. Golda Maier had it right; there's no such thing as a "palestinian" any more than there is such a thing as "palestine". We're dealing with fiction here.

On top of that, you look at the map, and you see a gigantic swath of territory called the slammite world stretching from the wall of China to the west coast of Africa and tens of degrees of latitude up and down, and this tiny sliver of land called Israel which you have to know precisely where to look for to even find, and the world has been treated to this relentless crybaby act for the last sixty years over the tiny sliver. Un-****ingbelievable.

Any other nation on Earth would have exterminated the "palestinians" years ago, nonetheless, the questions of what it would take for the Israelis to get really, really pissed off, or how many times can a mouse walk up to a cat and kick him in the balls and expect the world to feel sorry for him (the mouse) because he's simple minded, now seem to have answers.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jul, 2006 05:51 am
Gungasnake - What a load of Bull$hit Laughing


Without the lie of the alleged "Holocaust" and the alleged "gas chambers", the State of Israel would not exist and peace would be more prevalent. With that false "Holocaust", which has become the sword and the shield of Israel, peace is in danger. Thus it is that an imaginary holocaust, created and maintained by both the Zionists of Israel and the Jews of the Diaspora, may lead to a real, worldwide holocaust.

The Jews and the Americans

In 1947-1948, presenting themselves as the survivors of an alleged genocide, the Jews obtained, by blackmail and terrorism, the right to create a state in the land of Palestine. With aplomb, they persuaded the international community that, as compensation for an unprecedented tragedy (their supposed "Holocaust"), it was fitting that they be awarded an unprecedented remedy: the devolution of lands belonging to other populations. Then, having received this exorbitant endowment, they extended their territory considerably in chronic wars, paying no heed to the restrictions set down by the United Nations Organisation for the benefit of the Palestinians, provisions which the Zionists had made a commitment to respect. Over a span of more than fifty years, with the aid of the Jewish Diaspora, they have carried out a policy of colonial conquest and apartheid to the detriment of the Palestinian people. They have violated international agreements one after another, considering null and void about sixty UN resolutions made against their practices. The American political leaders have supported, armed and defended their state, Israel, as devotedly as if it were the first and foremost state of the United States of America. It must be said that they cannot afford to defy their Jewish lobby, which closely monitors and scrutinises all of the country’s political and media spheres. It may also be noted that most Americans, intoxicated by holocaust propaganda, are only too apt to find in the products of Jewish neurosis their own basic view of a world made up of two camps: one good (Jews and their associates), the other evil (Nazis and the like). For them, all is gauged in reference to the Nazi, the supreme villain, ever bent on killing the poor Jew, paragon of innocence and goodness. It is no mere coincidence that the ghastly hulk called "United States Holocaust Memorial Museum" stands in the immediate proximity of the Washington Monument, not far from Capitol Hill.

The Arabs and the Muslims

The Jews have ended up exhausting the patience of the Arab and Muslim world. In their long history they had, over the centuries, made themselves undesirable amongst all the peoples of Europe who had admitted them in large numbers, particularly the English, the French, the Spanish and, especially, the Germans and the Poles. Until rather recently the example of the Arabs’ long-standing (relative) tolerance towards the Jews served as material for morality lessons regularly dispensed to those peoples. Now such lessons are no longer possible. There is no more Arab exception: even their fellow Semites are now rising against the Jewish people, "domineering and self-assured" (Charles de Gaulle in 1967). Within the Jewish community itself there have indeed been efforts from time to time on the part of a few clear-sighted persons like Noam Chomsky and the late Israel Shahak, author of Jewish History, Jewish Religion, to make their warnings heard by the zealots, but in vain. That said, Chomsky, like Shahak, has always endorsed the great Jewish myth, thus effectively authorising Israel to go on using, with the clearest conscience, its best argument and the number one weapon in its arsenal: the "Holocaust", precisely. The Arabs, the Muslims and the whole people of Palestine are the main victims, today, of that weapon and that argument fashioned from a lie.

The New Crusade

On 11 September 2001, particularly in New York, the weak struck the citadel of the mighty. The heart of the Judeo-American power, the very district of Wall Street, where the lot of the world’s lowly billions is decided daily, was hit by the full force of "terrorists" brave enough to sacrifice their lives in a suicide mission.

In New York, the first tower of the World Trade Centre (a name carrying quite an agenda!) could have been called "Hamburg" or "Hiroshima" and the second "Dresden" or "Nagasaki". But their destruction seems to have left, according to various estimates, no more than between three and five thousand dead, which is a far cry from the great feats of annihilation of the US Air Force and the Royal Air Force in the early 1940s.

Nonetheless, America has thereupon embarked on yet another crusade. Already in the early 1940s, general Dwight Eisenhower (who, in reward, would be made president after the enterprise) had launched a "Crusade in Europe", a military-industrial project which was to prove extremely fruitful for the United States ("The Best War Ever") but, for the peoples of Europe, quite the reverse: for them it meant millions of dead, immense destruction and the entrustment of a good part of their continent to the Russo-Soviet Moloch. This "liberation" of Europe, moreover, was to bring in its wake an atrocious political purge, the murderous deportation of from twelve to fifteen million Germans, widespread sordid aggression against civilians, the dismemberment of a great country, its complete military occupation under a reign of censorship, an Allied-imposed famine and the establishment of tribunals at which the victors, acting both as judges and prosecutors, put the vanquished on trial in patently sham proceedings. Still today, in 2001, trials of that kind allow the children of Israel to exact vengeance on octogenarians or nonagenarians accused, on the strength of simple Jewish testimonies, of "crimes against humanity".

The previous crusades

In reaction to the attacks which it has sustained, America, this time, is out to get "infinite justice" in what will be its twentieth slaughter of civilians in sixty years. From 1941 to 2001, no military corps will have killed or burnt more civilians, more children, more infants than the air armada made up by the US Air Force and the squadrons of the US Army and Navy, at times seconded by their ally, the RAF. The flying champions of phosphorus, napalm, Agent Orange, fragmentation bombs, of the nuclear blaze and of enriched or depleted uranium, are presently set to inflict upon miserably poor lands their time-honoured lessons in international law, justice, virtue and "enduring freedom" as they have formerly done in Berlin, Hamburg, Dresden, and in Europe at large (67,000 killed for the "liberation" of France alone), and in Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Grenada, Panama, Yugoslavia and elsewhere. In the space of sixty years the Americans, who are, besides, the world’s biggest industrial polluters, have stuffed the Earth’s surface with billions of bombs, shells, missiles and mines, particular anti-personnel mines, which pose terrible danger for civilians. Anxious — and it is understandable — to spare the lives of their own soldiers, US "Defence" chiefs are inclined to opt more often than not for a particularly cowardly style of combat. Dropping bombs at high altitude, launching missiles from great distance, spreading terror amongst unarmed civilian populations, they have for some years been searching for the "zero-death war", which, as French revisionist Vincent Reynouard puts it, amounts to waging wars in which, on one side, the death count is nought or close to it whilst, on the other, the dead count for naught. Ensconced on their aircraft carriers or on bases well removed from the front, the boys, chewing their bubble-gum and absorbing peanuts and "soda-pop", comfortably wreak death and destruction on distant peoples.

The real holocaust of the German cities

Compared with the martyrdom of the German cities during the last war the fate of the Manhattan escapees just after the destruction of the two towers was enviable. Those people left the scene of the disaster without being strafed by machinegun fire. Unlike the Germans of 1942-1945, starved, exhausted by lack of sleep, each day stricken with grief by the news of the death of their brothers and husbands, particularly on the Russian front, they were not turned into living torches and shot at by fighter-bombers. The victims of carpet bombing would flee with their clothing and hair in flames. They would jump into a river. The fires died down but as soon as the poor souls got out of the water they would flare up anew. Phosphorus would have it so. The last survivors died with the roof of their mouth blistered by the ambient heat. As for the firemen and first-aid workers, many of them were killed by delayed detonation bombs.

The futile lessons of the past

In this recent black September, the Americans were able to get an idea — in truth, a scant idea — of what they have inflicted on so many countries over so many years. In Vietnam they had experienced a humiliating defeat that earned them 56,000 full bodybags. They seemed to have found out what it might cost to despise those who were smaller, weaker and poorer than themselves. France and Britain had, for their part, gone through identical humiliations during the collapse of their colonial empires and appeared, also, to have learnt some useful lessons. But here we have the United States, Britain and France all seized by a warlike frenzy, forgetting the lessons of their most recent history.

Terrorism magnified by those who complain of it

It is a bit comical to see the mighty denouncing the terrorism of their adversaries. Not only did these same mighty ones invent large-scale terrorism but they even promoted, praised and sublimated it under the term "Resistance". Roosevelt, Churchill, de Gaulle, Tito and their friend Stalin all, in varying degrees, drew up policies of murder, by snipers, of enemy soldiers and civilians. They thus coldly provoked reprisals, carried out in line with the provisions of international conventions, so that slaughter should breed slaughter. In the 20th century they institutionalised covert warfare, the war of cowards. Assuredly, the spirit of resistance is a noble one but not in that form. And what is to be said of the terrorism practised by the founders of the Zionist state, who murdered, for example, Lord Moyne, Count Bernadotte and so many others? A model, it seems, of struggle in a just cause.

The luck of the Jews

The two New York ("Jew York") office towers were held under a long lease by one Larry Silverstein, who will doubtless get large "compensation". His coreligionist Madeleine Albright, daughter of a Jewish thief called Korber, had, in 1996, stated that, if American policy towards Iraq had brought death to 500,000 (?) Iraqi children, then "the price… was worth it". The Israeli Netanyahu, for his part, could not hide his joy upon learning of the destruction of the towers and the death of thousands of Americans: it was good news for the Jews, as America would now understand that its own interests and those of Israel were identical. As for Sharon, the butcher and bludgeon man, he, along with Shimon Peres, saw in it an opportunity both for his policy of planting Jewish settlements amidst the Arab masses and for his programme of systematic assassinations. For the time being, the United States still allows him to kill Palestinian adults and children where and when he likes with bullets, shells, missiles, tanks, helicopters and planes supplied by the American taxpayer.

Bad times ahead for the Jews

The Americans and Israelis may carry on with this sport at their leisure. But it could cost them dearly, for the State of Israel is henceforth doomed. It will not even have lasted as long as the ephemeral Christian kingdom of Jerusalem. There need be no Ben Laden or new Saladin. Neither weapons, nor money, nor the United States, nor the Jews of the Diaspora, nor Germany which, in the grip of its national-masochism, would be capable of sacrificing its soldiers for the survival of the Jewish leech state, will halt "the Descent". (The Hebrews give that name to the movement of their kind in the direction opposite to that of "the Ascent" to the Promised Land.) The Israelis are already jumping ship. In Tel Aviv, in Jerusalem and in their settlements, Jewish fathers and mothers are in fear for their own lives and for their children’s, for their professional future or their business. The weight of taxes needed to cover the Israeli military budget and the length and dangers of national service, for both men and women, are making for a decrease, via the phenomenon of re-emigration, in the numbers of taxpayers and potential soldiers. The Promised Land is becoming the most hazardous spot in the world for the Jews. It used to be a perfect safe haven for fraudsters and thieves, particularly for the mafia called "Russian" and which is in fact Judeo-Russian. Only extremely rarely have requests for extradition ever been granted to countries trying to prosecute Flatto Sharon and his ilk. But today, the Paris courts have begun noticing that, in the case of the gigantic bank swindle known as the affaire du Sentier, the crooks who had fled the country to find refuge in Israel prefer to return, even if that means ending up in prison. The land of milk and honey is awash in blood and tears. Who is to blame?

The suitcase or the coffin

Thus the wandering Jew is about to take to the road once more. In nearly every place where he has stayed, his behaviour has brought on a revolt of the natives, who eventually have told him to choose between the suitcase and the coffin. In Palestine, he will soon have to pack his suitcase. He will make his way back to the rich lands polluted by his holocaustic propaganda. It will be enough for him to bewail a second "Holocaust" and a third Destruction of the Temple. He will demand new reparations and privileges. The "Shoah Business" and "Holocaust Industry" will pick up with renewed vigour but, this time, with a risk of reaching saturation point.

In a worst-case scenario, Israel may experience a civil war waged by a breakaway army of desperados. In the end, Tel Aviv could suffer the fate of Algiers in 1962 and Jewish Jerusalem that of Saigon in 1975. But a less dramatic end like, for example, that of communist East Germany or the Soviet empire, seems possible as well. In any case, the epicentre of the present conflict is Israel, and Israel is finished.

Various war propaganda

The lot of Palestinians of all faiths will be tragic, and this will provoke more and more despair and fanaticism. The masses of the Arab-Muslim countries already wish to see the West punished for crimes which, in their view, the latter has committed or allowed to be committed in Palestine (more so than in Saudi Arabia, Iraq or Afghanistan). By way of reaction, a spirit of crusade or holy war is also developing amongst them. Ayathoras and ayatollahs are inciting one another. On either side, both amidst the rich and mighty of the West and the deprived populations of the Arab-Muslim world, passions and fears are intensifying. There is going to be much killing and much telling of lies. The prodigious lie of the alleged "Holocaust" of the Jews, sword and shield of Israel and the Diaspora, may thus lead to a very real holocaust of global dimensions. The revisionist authors had for quite some time been warning that the religion of the false "Holocaust" with its imaginary "gas chambers" and its alleged "Six million" bore within it a frightful catalyst for hatred. Current events may rightly cause one to fear lest this hatred end up setting the world ablaze and thus provoke a worldwide holocaust.

The revisionists’ caution

The revisionists will follow the example set by Paul Rassinier, founder of their school. Not to be swayed by any war propaganda, they will aim for exactitude whilst emotions, on either side, breed lies. They will avoid promoting the inventions of anti-American, anti-Jewish or anti-Arab propaganda and, with regard to September 11th, they must spare us the gossip, customary in such circumstances, of the type "Bush knew", "The CIA couldn’t have been unaware", "The FBI is in on it", "The Mossad fomented it all", "Four thousand Jews, who should have been at work there that day, didn’t show up", "Explosive charges had been hidden in the two buildings", etc. Arab propaganda, more than ever, will orchestrate the myths of the Jew draining the blood from children or poisoning wells and will invoke the obvious fake comprised by The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. A batch of other rumours, deliria, psychoses and phenomena of collective belief must be expected. The Americans will underestimate the numbers of victims of their bombardments and the Afghans will exaggerate them. The services of God or Jehovah, on one side, and of Allah on the other will, along with those of their prophets, be called on to stir up hatred and fear. Their will be a proliferation of false witnesses, false reportages, false interviews, false documents. In this field perhaps Bush the son will surpass Bush the father and his story of the incubators unplugged by the Iraqis in Kuwait. Censorship, of course, will grow heavier without the various governments’ even having to pass new laws in that area.

The holy alliance of the mighty

In France, from the very outset, the daily Le Monde, which I am in the habit of calling the journal oblique, made its genuflexion. Under the by-line of its director, the hunched over, sweaty-palmed Jean-Marie Colombani, it led with "We are all Americans". In an instant, France found itself in a state of war. It is a tradition dear to the left (which, as everyone knows, has a monopoly of warm-heartedness and intelligence) to plunge the country into war without prior consultation of Parliament, nor any decision on the latter’s part. This amounts to a total disregard for the law, for the constitution, but who cares? It allows the French citizen to go to sleep at peace and to wake up at war. To be fair, let us remember that the president, Mr Jacques Chirac, a one-time Communist turned Gaullist, feels still more warlike and American than his prime minister, Mr Lionel Jospin, head of a Socialist-Communist-Green coalition. A kind of holy alliance has been forged against the bald-headed, unkempt enemy from whom all the harm came: Oussama Ben Laden (one must call him by his name). Formerly, he was called Adolf Hitler. Had not this latter committed an inexpiable crime by getting in the way of gold, of the Jews and of Communism? He had had the effrontery to refuse the gold standard. He had got on so well without it that his new economic system was allowing him to trade on a large scale with other countries poor in gold, notably Italy, Japan and some central European and Latin American states. Panic had struck Britain, France and the United States: Germany was encroaching on their turf and taking away their markets. The rich (in gold) never appreciate the revolt, the coalition and the success of the poor (in gold). In the late 1930s, the three rich ones, who claimed to be linked by one democratic system, were above all bound to one other by a chain of gold. After the war, in 1947, L. Genet and Victor-L. Tapié were able to publish, in their Précis d’histoire contemporaine, 1919-1939 (Paris, Hatier), a quotation which in English would read: "It is thus not an ideological link but a chain of gold that binds the great democracies to one another" (p. 206); they added: "Six years of self-sufficiency made Germany the world’s greatest industrial country" (p. 209). Still more than others, the Jewish financiers had taken offence: how could anyone get on in the world without them and their gold?! As for communist Russia, it saw Hitler achieve concretely the general social programme of its own aspiration. The intrepid dictator was to pay a high price for his daring, all the more as he tried to push his luck in other spheres. There then came about the catastrophe, for Europe and Asia, of the Second World War.

Currently, the new holy alliance of the western democracies and Russia against the new rabble-rouser bodes ill for the future. Beneath the customary veneer of generosity and disinterest, the United States is going to be ferocious towards the Arab-Muslim masses who might imperil Uncle Sam’s supplies of natural resources, his "World Trade" and his economy. Invoking their cherished "Holocaust" and the need to avoid a second "Holocaust", the Jews will be no less ferocious towards the Palestinians. The Russians will crush any vague desires of independence amongst their Muslim minorities, after which task they will, more than ever, hold out the begging bowl to the Americans.

The only chance for peace

The only chance for peace lies in the spirit of resistance to the falsehoods of the various propaganda. But, at the moment, the most dangerous propaganda is not that of the poor. It is that of the rich and mighty and their hirelings, all of whom are capable, if they feel truly threatened, of setting the whole world alight. It is that of the neurotics and their false "Holocaust". It is that of the Jews, the Americans and those beholden to them.

Had the revisionists been heeded, the religion of the false "Holocaust" of the Jews would have no legitimacy today. It would not still be feeding the sympathy of a great part of the Western world for the Zionist enterprise. The Diaspora would display less arrogance. To begin with, the State of Israel would not exist.

Historical lies breed hatred, a "crusader" spirit and war. A return to historical exactitude would favour reflection and peace.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jul, 2006 01:43 pm

I mean, aside from the holocaust denial thing, you make it sound like Hitler was some sort of a misunderstood genius and a victim of some sort of a Jewish/French/British/NewYorker conspiracy after the Poles invaded Germany for no reason....

The basic realities are that WW-II was caused by racism (mostly German), evolutionism and the ideological doctrines derived from it including naziism and communism, ideas about "will to power" and the like also derived from Chuck Darwin's bullshit as well as from that of people like Nietzsche, and also largely by an out of control arms race which Hitler hoped to win by simply catching a wave and riding it so to speak, and what that means is more or less as follows:

Prior to WW-I the most major mimlitary expense of western nations was capital ships which had a service life of two or three decades at least. After 1919 tanks and military aircraft became major expenses and they had a useful life of a few years before becoming outmoded. Nations trying to play the game had three options:

  • They could do what England did and prototype each new generation of tanks and aircraft and hope that God and/or their navy might keep the nation from harm in the event of war while the latest prototype was being produced.
  • They could do what the Poles and French did and build an entire new generation of weapons and spread it out amongst their forces and look like the baddest of the bad for six or eight years without fighting any major wars, and then have their governments overthrown by leftists as the costs of all that bankrupted them.
  • They could do what Hitler did, and build entire new generations of weapons and equip their militaries with them and start a major war on the assumption that how much he owed the banks would cease to matter the day after he was proclaimed Kha Khan (Genghis Khan's old title) of the entire world.

What Hitler did was called catching a wave and riding it, or at least trying to. What the British did had the disadvantage that most of its forces would have very little clue regarding the most modern weapons at the outbreak of any war and that the infrastructure for manufacturing and maintaining the latest weaponry would not be there initially. They got lucky.

As for the "misunderstood genius" Hitler, he had several chances to win and could have won very easily by doing any one or two very simple things differently. He could have built the jet Messerschmidt as an area defense fighter early on which would have totally denied the skies over Germany to allied bombers; he could have started the Atlantic war with the 300 ocean-going U-boats which Doenitz wanted instead of spending money on battleships which had no hope of beating the Anglo-Saxon powers in surface battles, he could have made Franco some sort of an offer he couldn't refuse and seized Gibralter early on; he could have entered Russia and the Ukraine as a liberator instead of as a mass murderer trying to kill everything in sight....

But the simplest thing he could have done which would have won was simply to not invade Russia. People I speak to who were living in Russia in the 30s say that the system was on the verge of collapse by 35 - 37. You misunderstood genius could have simply waited and picked up the pieces, after dealing with England.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jul, 2006 01:54 pm
f4f said...

Without the lie of the alleged "Holocaust" and the alleged "gas chambers", the State of Israel would not exist and peace would be more prevalent. With that false "Holocaust", which has become the sword and the shield of Israel, peace is in danger. Thus it is that an imaginary holocaust, created and maintained by both the Zionists of Israel and the Jews of the Diaspora, may lead to a real, worldwide holocaust.

That statement has cost you a lot of credibility.

If you dont think the holocaust happened,go to Auschwitz,go to Daccau,go to any of the old camps still standing.
Only someone that is terribly naive or stupid can claim that the holocaust never happened.

Which one are you?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Jul, 2006 07:51 am
It's not just naiveté and/or stupidity that causes Holocaust denial, I'm afraid.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Jul, 2006 08:00 am
mysteryman, to f4f, wrote:
That statement has cost you a lot of credibility.

Don't be silly; your criticism implies there had been some measure of credibilty with which to begin.
0 Replies

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