Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson urged his nationwide audience Monday to pray for God to remove three justices from the Supreme Court so they could be replaced by conservatives.
"We ask for miracles in regard to the Supreme Court," Robertson said on the Christian Broadcasting Network's "The 700 Club."
Robertson has launched a 21-day "prayer offensive" directed at the Supreme Court in the wake of its 6-3 June vote that decriminalized sodomy. Robertson said in a letter on the CBN Web site that the ruling "has opened the door to homosexual marriage, bigamy, legalized prostitution and even incest."
The same letter targets three justices in particular: "One justice is 83-years-old, another has cancer and another has a heart condition. Would it not be possible for God to put it in the minds of these three judges that the time has come to retire?"
Judging from the descriptions, Robertson was referring to Justice John Paul Stevens, who was born in 1920, and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who had colon cancer surgery in 1999. The identity of the third justice was unclear.
And here's Betty Bowers' "I Got Your Back, Pat" prayer:
Dear Mercurially Merciful Lord:
O Lord, we come before You today because we are sure that, by now, You know that Brother Pat Robertson has turned to You in solemn Christian prayer to beseech You to kill off a few Supreme Court justices that have rudely treated folks Pat hates with some respect. With atypical candor, Brother Pat is calling this a "prayer offensive." Indeed it is difficult to imagine a more offensive prayer, O Lord. Ever helpful, Brother Pat hints: "One justice is 83 years old, another has cancer and another has a heart condition."
Call us timid, O Lord, but it makes us rather nervous when a man who just went through a bout of prostate cancer himself thinks it wise to ask his Creator to go on a killing rampage, targeting people with cancer and heart conditions. After all, who will run the country if You take Dick Cheney from us? We are further concerned that You might respond to Brother Pat's imprecatory prayers in that mischievous, ironic way of Yours and, well, kill him, too. It is that delicious penchant of Yours of giving people what they pray for in others that we grow concerned for Brother Pat's safety.
If indeed You are again mulling over killing Pat (and second-guessing why You didn't act when You had the chance the first time), we are renewing the prayer we made when You first tried to kill Brother Pat Robertson with prostate cancer:
O Lord, we know that You have your reasons for lifting Your veil of protection away from Brother Pat's sin-and-cancer-filled prostate gland. Apparently he has said or done something to vex You and provoke Your famously itchy trigger finger.
While many might assume that it was Brother Pat's profitable career of putting words in Your mouth that got under Your skin, perhaps Brother Pat simply looked at You the wrong way. Any reader of the Bible knows that it is difficult to gauge exactly what will set You off. For example, we know that You turned Moses' yenta sister into a leper for simply asking a pesky question You found mildly intrusive, so there is a very good chance that Brother Pat has no idea what oversight led You turning on him and now wanting him dead.
We recall, O Lord, how You told Oral Roberts years ago that if he didn't come up with one million dollars, You would call him Home. Perhaps You struck a similar bargain with Brother Pat. Only this time, out of Your understandable frustration over Brother Roberts beating You in Your own bet, You raised the stakes to such lofty levels that it was too much money for even Brother Pat to cough up without having to sell his beloved race horses or investments in Liberian gold mines.
Nevertheless, we ask, O Lord, that You spare Brother Pat from Your wrath. In lieu of that, we ask Jesus that You allow Brother Pat's illness to be prolonged enough to allow him to become weepy in scores of telecasts of the 700 Club so that the phone banks will peal like a Christmas carillon, as sobbing homemakers in trailers throughout this glorious land send in cash to Your glory!
In Your glorious name Lord Jesus I pray,