I think the "carrot" part of the $3000 incentives plan could make a lot of sense -- without the stick. But the logic is indisputable: In all (I believe) administrations, the payouts to the rich have been much, much bigger than those to the needier -- this has to be changed.
Quote:Handouts are okay for the rich, who own most of the stock, but workers -- well, workers need to learn discipline.
That certainly is the drumbeat of the conservatives -- in the media, in A2K, and in the verbiage attached to the latest budget.
I'd like to see a really thoughtful discussion of what tax money the federal government should give to anyone -- what needs should be met by the federal government, what should addressed elsewhere.
Quote:Reckless, massive deficits have become, since Reagan, the signature gesture of Republican administrations. The goal is not so much to prime the economic pump, as in the liberals' beloved Keynesian theory, but to break it. And along the way, to do unto the despised liberals as the conservatives believe the liberals have done unto them for decades. Traditional deficit spending, according to conservative dogma, redistributes the hard-earned wealth of real Americans down into the pockets of liberalism's contemptible constituents. Republican deficit spending, by contrast, reverses this flow and redistributes wealth upward, into the bank accounts of their people.
That's the goal if you believe this has all been thought through.