Here you go McG............ just for you!
Over There, Over There:
Let our terrorists fight their terrorists!
Yee gods,
I turned on the TV this morning to find motor mouth Soledad O'Brien, bobbing that silly little head of hers as she produced her best 'perpetual frown' & blabbing with two totally air-headed women. They were practically bouncing off their seats as they repeated Bush propaganda about democratizing Iraq, especially the women of Iraq.
Oh those poor women in Iraq needed their help to remove those head covers they are now being forced to wear in public. Of course they overlook the fact that these women never had to do that under Saddam, but they do under the reign of King George! Drive a car? Oh hell no! Now they have to act like Saudi women and have a man accompany & drive for them.
These two gushing women, along with Soledad O'Brien should get their ample butts in military uniforms and mosey on over to Iraq if they want to do some real democratizing. They should take Karl Rove who sits on his fat behind in an air conditioned office, thousands of miles from the mess he helped create, spewing his BS about "staying the course".
When they stop to pick up Rove maybe they can also take Bush to let him finish up the Air National Guard duty that he skipped out on years ago. Don't forget Condi! Bush must have his true love with him at all times. Let's show these blowhards just what their democratization is like, up close and in person. Let them fight terrorists over there so we don't have to fight them here. In other words .... Let our terrorists fight their terrorists!
Come to think of it there is an abundance of wind bags they can take with them that would probably end this illicit police action in a New York minute! There's Tom DeLay who said that during Vietnam those Black people took so many slots in the military there was no room for him.
Dead Eye Dick (Cheney), Mr. Patriotic himself, got 5 or more deferments because he had better things to do like keeping his ample arse from being blown to hell. The list of possibilities to fight in this police action is almost endless. There's Newt Gingrich, Trent Lott, Jeb Bush, Bill (Medicaid Fraud Family) Frist, Paul Wolfowitz & dozens more ultra Patriotic Conservatives.
Heaven forbid that we should leave prissy, pansy arse Rick Santorum behind. He would probably love serving with Dann (Ann) Coulter. What a couple they would make!
I tried to tell him that wasn't no real girl
Ain't no woman got no Adam's apple like that nowhere in the world
He should have checked it cuz man, that's a drag
But let me hush my mouth because that might be Willie's bag
(with apologies to Joe Tex, writer of the original, "Be Cool (Willie is Dancing With a Sissy)." for the small change in lyrics)
We could throw in old Sean Hannity, one of the most blood thirsty wing bags on the air today, who almost had an orgasm of on air giddiness about the death of Zarqawi, as he exclaimed, "Those 500 pound bombsÂ… It gives me Goosebumps." Oooooooh, ahhhhhhhh, oooooooo dahlin' ooooooohh!
Take Zell Miller, former Congressman who wrote a book with tales of blood and gore after serving in the marines, stateside after the Korean War! On second thought let's place him with Santorum and Coulter. Can you picture the three of them as Miller repeats that 'self-adulatory' speech from the Republican Convention in 2004, "Nothing makes a marine madder than hearing our troops called occupiers instead of liberators"?
Thump that chest Miller as you grab old Rush Limbaugh to go with you. He has no excuses.... no wife, no children, no anal cysts (Surely in 40 yrs. they have healed)! Grab your fellow Georgian, Saxby Chambliss, attacker of Max Cleland who lost three limbs in Vietnam. Saxby Chambliss, who had a "bad knee" but now is a regular jogger. He should really be able to kick ass especially after that miracle election, thanks to the electronic voting machine. Praises be! Glory Halleluiah!
Bushy, get your gun, get your gun, get your gun
Take it on the run, on the run, on the run
Hear them calling you and Dickie
Every Son of Draft Dodgery
Hurry right away, Yes, Tom Delay, go today
Make your Poppy glad to have had such a lad
Tell Babs not to whine,
To be proud her boy's in line
Come on Soledad and Silly Ladies, get a move on. Once we get this "Patriotic" gang in Iraq, we will never again have to worry about a war. We won't have to send gushing, silly women to Iraq to tell the women of Iraq or any other country to take off their scarves. They can drive their cars where they damn well please. They can get back in school. They can let their kids play outside, worry free. American soldiers can pack up and come home, ALIVE!
The 'Ultra patriots' know just how to solve the problem of this illicit war. They will CUT AND RUN just the way they have been doing for the past 50 yrs!