Lord Ellpus wrote:Personally, I would take an extra lunch box (identical) with your proper lunch in it, and leave your usual lunch box in the same place as always, but fill it with three mars bars, a large slice of cake and a donut.
Then, when you are sure that they have peeked, switch the boxes around and wait to see the look on their faces when you open it up at lunch and pull out the healthy food.
I know it's childish, but it would be great fun, methinks.
OMG - That was going to be my advice exactly
Great minds think alike....
OR - If you REALLY want them to get the hint....get one of those BIG fake plastic rats, at least 6 to 8 inches long.
Put THAT in your lunch box, and wait for the shrieks.
If they say something, ask "then why were you looking in there?"
These women do not have proper boundaries, and will continue to overstep yours until you tell them exactly where they are.
A few years back, I had to move my office temporaryily to a different location, for about a year.
I soon discovered that many people had become accustomed in the past to using my "new" office space as a pass through to the clinic floor (there were 2 doors on opposite ends of my office).
When I would ask people individually to please not do that, it had no effect.
So, I took about 10 heavy boxes filled with files and stacked them in front of the door, completely blocking its use.
People would breeze in my office as usual, then stop, perplexed. They'd say something brilliant like "there's boxes blocking the door"
my reply......."yes, there are"
BTW, these same people were interested in my food intake too.
I sometimes like to eat a bowl of instant oatmeal as a snack.....I don't know of any law that stipulates a time range in which oatmeal may be eaten, apparantly they knew something I didn't.
"It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon! You're eating oatmeal?!"
hey, people got nothing better to do.