What a marvelous tale. Thank you Cicerone.
bob, It was no "tale." It was the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me...... What I left out was that our group snorkeled with sea lions and sharks. Yes, sharks! Our group counted nine sharks. That's also the truth.

The tale I realized is non fiction. Your order in telling was admirable. I almost felt as though I was there during the telling. Well done.
bob, Thanks a million - it's gratifying to know some people 'enjoyed' my commentary. c.i.
C.I., I for one enjoy your description so much that I truly don't know if I want to now take the same tour or if I now do not have to go to the trouble because I know what it was like. This is meant as a compliment to your portrayal of the adventure.
Thanks, C.I. I have enjoyed reading your description and imagining what it is would be like to live in Cuzco or on the Galapagos Islands. How interesting that some people end up there while others, like me, have a more mundane life. Glad you had such a great tour guide. I don't see how you saw half what you did in that time without a big organization behind the scenes.
Macchu Pichu sounds even more fascinating to me, than before you described what you saw. I wonder, for those who don't like heights... would they (would I?) be able to handle the Inca Trail? How wide? How high? Were you frightened?
Really looking forward to those pictures. Thanks for letting us have a vicarious trip with you!
edit -- yikes, horrible verb error.
Yes, Piffka. I believe that one can best visit some places with the help of a tour service. My two weeks in Leningrad and Moscow--one month or so before the coup that turned Leningrad back into St. Petersburg--would have been without half the insights gained had I and my wife gone on our own. Our tour guide made it possible for us to see and understand so much more in the time available. Now we'd like to return on our own.
By the way, regarding the Galapgos, I like to kid people when they ask me if I believe in Evolution. I answer: "Yeah, but only on the Galapagos."
Anybody know where I can post some photos for public viewing? c.i.
If any of you are interested in seeing some photos of Peru and Ecuador, you'll have to send me your email address by PM, because I'm using ACDSee, and I have to 'invite' you. Sorry, c.i.
ci yr account is wonderous !!
sending my email address to you straight away --
ci - a very very fast way for free photos online is an album at
mine is at
cobalt's fotolog
Thanks cobalt; will look into 'fotolog.net' for my next posting. Already went to the trouble of posting it to 'ACDSee.' c.i.
cobalt, 'fotolog' requires photos to be 2meg or less. It's gonna take too long to convert all my photos, so I'm gonna skip on fotolog for now. c.i.
Hi there ci. Thanks for posting back here. I think you have my email address to send a link to your photos? I'd love to see them. Friends were stationed on Galapagos for two years and I've heard much from them and seen some beautiful photos from about 5 years back.
I have never had any photos over 300k or so to upload anywhere, so had no idea that a 1 MG photo or larger was what you have. Usually the free hosts only supply 3 to 10 MG, so if you've got a free host that will handle the big files, please pass along to us/me - thanks!
Machu Picchu. Taken in May 2003.
cobalt, Sorry, but I've misplaced your email address after my computer was infected by a virus. Looked high and low for email addresses on hard copy, but couldn't find it. c.i.
Thanks for sending me those great pictures, c.i.