Yeah, most of what bothers me is related to plot contrivances -- the sitcommy vs. character-driven that I mentioned before. I mean, it IS a sitcom, I know that, but it's most interesting to me when they somewhat approximate reality.
It just seems like the season finale was more like a soap opera cliffhanger than a sitcom season finale. Yes, they've done cliffhangers before, but this just seemed, I dunno, like they'd hung on one too many cliffs.
Yeah, the puppet strings were showing. I read this 'n' that when there was the whole drama of whether this would, in fact, be the last season, and I seem to remember that the cast members were split -- some wanted to, some didn't, they reached a compromise. That probably affects chemistry, which is the main thing they've had going for them.

I love friends it is great, me and 2 of my friends watched the last one together, it was so much fun!

When is the next season coming out, anyone know? Jespah I think that your prediction of the whole Monica/Chandler adopting then finding out Monica is pregnant is a good prediction, we'll have to wait and see though...
Hey, I'd forgotten my predictions. Well, Joey and Rachel are no more, so the writers will probably torture us for a while longer before we all find some way to say Sayonara to Charlie.
Amazingly enough, tonight's episode is the first one I've managed to stay up late enough to watch since the season started!
What the hell happened with Rachel and Joey? I see Charlie is still in the picture.....and Emma's ears are now pierced.
Emma's ears are pierced?
I saw the season premiere, more puppet strings, then my TV broke. (Ultimate editorial comment?) I've been somewhat enjoying the forced media break, though it has also sucked (especially for Cubs and Packers games, though probably actually a blessing that I can't/ couldn't watch either) so I haven't made any moves to get it fixed yet. But I have NOOO idea what has happened since the premiere. I was singularly unimpressed with the parenting (or lack thereof) exhibited by Ross and Rachel in that episode, again. I forget what bothered me specifically, but there was definite harrumphing.
So what, dare I ask, has been happening?
Yep, Emma's ears are pierced. Thanks to Rachel's totally dingbat sister who offered to babysit for the day.....
Ummmm.....Phoebe and Mike are officially engaged.
And that's where I lose the rest of the plot.
I know nothing.
Forgive me.
Hee hee! Thanks for the attempt. That's more than I knew.
Dingbat sister, that's not so bad. (As long as it wasn't their decision, I mean.)
Officially engaged, cool. Wasn't there something about a girlfriend -- "Precious" or something -- who he took up with when Phoebe dumped him, and then Phoebe and Cutesyname met and Phoebe started thinking Mike was actually kind of a dork?
I vaguely remember seeing part of an episode with 'Precious' ~ and then sleep overcame me.
Told ya. I'm useless.
This is so silly, but I still want to see Rachel and Ross together. Please! TV Gods! If you're listening!
Oh, I think that's a foregone conclusion. They just want to drag it out 'til the finale.
I dunno.....I've been disappointed by so many movie endings.....I wouldn't put it past the powers-that-be to ruin the rest of my life with a television series.
I'm joking.
Okay. I'd be a bit upset. But I'd get over it.
Yeah, there was a "Precious", for one episode. I wonder if we've seen the last of her.
Other plot point from last night, a hurdle in Monica & Chandler's adoption process was overcome - they got a recommendation from Joey and allegedly the adoption people liked it.
Huh? These must be adoption people on Planet Pluto, because wouldn't most adoption agencies more or less automatically discount anything that someone as dimwitted as Joey could ever write? Sorry, I just despise characters who are that stupid - same with Rachel's sister. She was just SO damned dumb. I've seen smarter goldfish.
Okay, rant over.
So, ya think the writers are reading our thread? Because right now they are pulling the strings in the direction of everything we've talked about here - Monica and Chandler adopting, Ross and Rachel getting back together and Phoebe and Mike marrying. Next is Joey getting some sort of movie deal, but I predict we don't see that until much closer to the end of the series, as the set-up for the Joey spinoff.
well this is the saddest forum ever
I'm really gonna miss "friends", I don't want it to end.....awww
Me too, kerver. Especially after seeing Jennifer Aniston on 'Oprah' sobbing her little heart out.
I really dont' understand why they're ending the show anyway. It's still a big draw from what I understand.
Tell me more about the "Oprah" thing.
(I've been TV-less since late summer and my residual with-it-ness has long since faded.)