eoe wrote:Oh. Didn't mean to imply that i don't want to remember my folk. I'm just wondering when will the good memories start to overtake the sad ones.
But your reaction to them gets less intense.
Sadly that goes both ways. For the good memories and the bad.
They just lose their sharp power in your chest.
It goes from a physical sickness when you remember them, sort of like the feeling you get immediatly after you learn they have died,
to a dull constant throb. Nothing stops it . Not even alcohol
to .. just next to nothing.
You have to work at bringing up the memories so you can FEEL the happiness, the excitement, and even the pain.
it is a slow gradual process.
Im working on 10 years for one person. And that is about where I am right now.
I can remember her, but.. i truly dont feel much. Even when I concentrate. I dont want it that way, but ... that is how it has worked itself .
Im lucky if I get a small fleeting pain.. or smile..
but nothing is intense anymore.
it is best described as fleeting..
for me.
( hug )