There are also many on the Left that despise Michael Moore, or at least think he's a bit of a crook. Count me among them, purely on the basis of Fahrenheit 9/11. He is sure someone who is either loved or loathed, and though there are of course few conservatives who love him, there's enough liberals who loathe him.
I thought Fahrenheit, however emotionally effective as sheer propaganda art, was intellectually a disgrace of dishonesty. And I thought the scenes with the soldiers in Iraq ("burn! burn! let the motherfuccers burn!") were especially disgraceful. My (American) then-gf burst out in tears and ran off, upset into incoherence, and it's not that war is
not ugly, or that I dont want to know about it, but this was a set-up, Moore had tendentiously staged and montaged his images into maximum demonstrative ugliness. It was all about political effect, none about trying to get the facts straight, or the reality with its many contradictions out. Moore is all about shouting.
What made him look truly weaselly were his crocodile tears in other parts of the movie, where he was all indignant about the fate of the poor common folk snared into the army when the Senators' kids got off (an argument for which he apparently had to tweak the numbers a bit in the first place). How he interviewed this mother of a soldier with full sympathising "yes, of course's" - when he was damn well only gonna montage images of people just like her son to make 'em seem maxiumum evil/ugly if that served to make his point there.
Dont take my word now for it, though - just read back in this thread:
Michael Moore, Hero or Rogue