Sun 11 May, 2003 12:14 am
With the recent announcement of Dick Cheney remaining on the ticket, I must admit, I was a bit taken aback.
I am speaking strictly from the standpoint of succession.
Would it not be better to put someone who would be in a position to run on the top of the ticket in 2008?
What am I missing?
The Veep issue, at this juncture for this Pres is sorta a double edged sword. If he had asked anyone else, there would have been a huge flurry of negative news....
"Its Cheney's health; Bush shouldn't have chosen him in the first place"
"Bush knows some dirt on Cheney (Halliburton, Enron) and is dumping him to avoid being tainted."
"Cheney has asked to go due to his secret feud with __________." <fill in the blank...Powell, Rummy...>
I don't think there's any way for Bush to change Veeps, even if Cheney wanted to go.
It is a problem, though, not to have a Veep that can go for it in 2008. Bush is stuck. I remember him addressing this issue years ago. He said it was more important to have a partner, than a place-holder.
I think, short of a huge scandal or health concerns, the Veep horse is not traded in the middle of the stream.
If it EVER was, Bush I sure as Hell should have done it. IMO.
If this hadn't slipped by me, I woudl have been taken aback too. I read the initial account of Halliburton's supposed wrong doing, and at my level of bookkeeping, could not fault the company's accounting in regard to cost over runs. So what? If it is a mistake to confuse the average juror with technical details, how much more so the average voter. Cheney, is not likely to prove an asset, and his lack of visibility is not going to help.
The question I would have is how much weight does Cheney carry relative to how people will vote. I should think not much if any. IMO based upon Cheney's health problem he should not be on the 2004 ticket.
For the overall voter base as a whole the VP usually doesn't carry much weight. In this case IMO, Cheney is Bush's biggest negative.
There is alot of talk about Ashcroft from the far left but the general public doesn't buy it. As far as the left is concerned everything he does is somehow stripping us of our rights but very few people actually see anything different as far as law enforcement goes since 9/11.
Rumsfeld will disappear after Iraq settles down so I think that leaves Cheney as the big target. His business connections do look suspicious to many and as roger noted few people will dig far enough to see if the stuff circulating about him is true or not.
Sophia mentions the comments that would follow any Cheney departre and that is also a big concern. The rumours would be flying like crazy.
I'd rather see someone else in there but anything short of Cheney having more medical problems and using that as a reason to back out gracefully would go over like a lead ballon.
I gotta say I think Cheney is just about mandated, for all the reasons listed above and then some. While not a viable '08 Nominated Candidate-in-Waiting, Cheney, as most Veeps, isn't much of a liability. I agree too that reasonable examination of the pertinent documentation reveals no impropriety in the majority of Government Figure-Business relationships, though allegations generally get more press than do solid refutations. I was dismayed in 2000 when Cheney got the nod in the first place. I thought there were better choices. About the only way Cheney can be replaced now is if he himself graciously requests to withdraw due to health issues. There isn't much point debating it ... its what there is.
I was thinking, Timber, that he would do well by withdrawing due to health reasons before Sept. It is the only acceptable out.
I don't think Bush would ever ask him, or hint through leaks.
But, I can't readily come up with a Veep strong enough for the trouble. I feel Lott was dumped for Frist, but Frist hasn't proven himself Ready For Prime Time.
Powell? Who would be worth it? As a running mate for election purposes AND a good candidate for 2008? Possibly the anti-Hillary candidate?
Powell would be an excellent Veep and Heir Apparent, and would certainly be highly effective as a counter to Hillary. Unfortunately for that, Powell displays little relish for either Politics or Diplomacy. He simply doesn't like the work, and no doubt now eyes retirement with growing anticipation.
Timber- I agree. Powell is about the strongest candidate around, but I don't think that he has the "stomach" of a politician. Too bad. He would have made a good Veep.