Set, We are more liberal. While the conservative party may rule, they are NOT the republicans, comparing them is akin to apples and oranges. All though, I will concede they're not that "laid back", at least under the Harper regime.
The "liberal" party has been either been Canada's government or the leaders of the opposition since confederation. Our third largest national political party, the NDP is a "socialist" party, (the bloc don't count because they represent one province only, and in my mind should be considered traitors and not receive federal funding - another issue entirely). However, they do tax the province like the NDP would.
Provincially, the NDP have currently form the government in Manitoba and Nova Scotia and have previously formed governments in British Columbia, Ontario, and Saskatchewan, and the Yukon and/or have been the leader of the opposition in several others at one time or the other.
We have not only embraced civil rights, but taken them a step forward, we have universal gay marriage, we don't have a don't ask don't tell policy in the military.
Most of our healthcare initiatives were initially formed from socialist/liberal policies.
We have more liberal drug policies. Trudeau inhaled...
We have more liberal work regulations and more paid holidays than the US employees as well.
We pay higher taxes per person, but we also have more social programs and our social infrastructure is better for it.
Our liquor laws are softer too, in two provinces 18 years olds can drink, in the rest you must be 19, not 21.
About the only thing more liberal in the USA is gun laws, ours are far stricter.