Sat 10 May, 2003 12:08 pm
I have just about run the gamut with Colin.
From very high respect...
To anger at his leading us to the UN, to be insulted
(and then, I changed my mind on this--
retroactively glad we could say we tried to bring the UN along...)
I think there were weeks during the UN debacle, when Powell was persona non grata in the Bush administration. And, I see a distinct Hawk-ward shuffle in Powell since a couple of weeks before the war.
I say this because of his rather tough talk concerning Syria a few weeks back. Usually, it is Rummy with the more threatening pronouncements, and Powell, who comes in with softer, peaceable translations. To me, Powell has made a distinct change.
Was Powell's bid at the UN a mistake? A necessity? How will history view this man, during this time?
Do you think Newt's recent slam against the State Department was a contrived public whipping of Powell by members of the administration? <*cough*Rummy*cough*> Or just Newt?
IMO, position of Mr. Powell changed after his having dealt with the UN and the so-called "allies" like France. He realized that no progress can be achieved, and no consensus is possible.
I tend to agree with you, steissd. I think Powell was very self-assured that he was doing the right thing by coaxing Bush to the UN.
I think he was humiliated and horrified to lead his boss into worldwide embarrassment. I bet Powell hates deVillipin more than Bush does... I also think it made him much more vulnerable to criticism within the administration.
So, now he seems to be talking junk. Taking classes at the Rummy Institute of Yo Mama Diplomacy.
Bumping up for any comments.
Colin seems to have taken a seat toward the shadows of the limelight. I'm interested in any thoughts on him, how his job may or may not have changed him, and how Colin's job performance has shaped members' views of him.
There is little else he could have done and still remain in this administration. The question is how he could have joined it in the first place. And an even greater one how he remains part of it.
If you don't sit at the table and ante up, you don't play.
My computer returned to the land of the living today. I'll try to catchup with the conversations ASAP.
The more I see and read about Powell I am beginning to believe that the man is an opportunist with very few scruples. He has been carried along by doing anything to get along.
I don't buy the story that Mrs. Powell had secured a promise from Colin to serve one term.
It seems to me Powell had been thrust into his hawkward stance--serving at the pleasure of his President--through gritted teeth, since the UN fiasco.
I'm interested to hear others' thoughts--and your opinion on how damaging this might be in the election.
I don't see much heart behind Colin's demeanor lately, but he is sort of a reserved guy so he's hard to read.