okie wrote:Get a life! Do you buy anything? Credit companies and other companies have more information on you than you can imagine, including buying habits, etc, etc, etc, etc,........... How much does the government know about everybody in regard to everything? Plenty. Tax records, medical information, etc, etc, etc, ..............
Besides, when did this program start? Maybe it isn't the evil Bush that is sitting in his office dreaming up these evil plots?
It is my government.
I expect my government (i.e. the one who depends on my taxes for its very existance) to work for me. This means it should treat my personal privacy with respect. If I don't want my personal information stored in a searchable database, my government should respect this.
Likewise I expect my phone company (i.e. the one who depends on my money for its very existance) to work for me. This means it should treat my personal privacy with respect. If I don't want my personal infomation stored in a searchable database, my phone company should respect this.
Fortunately, if my phone company pisses me off (by sending my personal information to a goverment spy agency to be in a searchable database) I can do something about it. I simply send my business elsewhere.
I hope that we can do something similar with the current administration.
But neither my government nor my phone company should forget that they are serving me and can be changed at my pleasure.