Fri 9 May, 2003 10:12 am
Not the Somerville Vortex vs. the Boston Matrix or any kind of show like that but,
The movie..Matrix-Reloaded.
Saturday 17th, afternoon, early evening.
Where: ?
In the past we have gone to Copley..its worked best for most involved.
We've generally met up in that restaurant nextdoor..I forget but, thats worked as well.
Been a few..yeah, sounds good think Ill go already...
Just putting the word out.
I'm a maybe. Will be just back from NY by then, and may be overwhelmed with home stuff.
It would be great to see MrJ if you can convince him but, understand the whole getting back thing anyway.
Hmmm.. I might be interested in going.. I'll have to check with the gurl and see if she's interested..

fer some reason I get the impression she is but let me know
great to know you're interested in going there fella...always nicee to have your company
Ok, see you there. I'll be the bi-laterally symmetical guy wearing clothes. You can't miss me.
excellent Craven..look forward to seeing you then!
Who is fishin's gurl??? I have been wondering this for a long time and I'm not gettin' nowhere. Puh-leeze, someone, enlighten me! PM is fine. (Yes, I'm pitiful and nosy and lots of bad things but I ain't apologizing.

Sheesh, haven't you seen the pictures?
No? Where? SealPoet's, yes, but not fishin's... I think... now I'm not so sure.

Can anyone point me to said pictures?
this could be kinda fun actually
pictures...humph, just wait till that gurl hears about that and what the man has to do to reimburse her for the indignity, or at least for profit sharing...jeesh
and 498
You know the site. Put it before the rest.
I could be way wrong and I could be in for a beating here but I'd say my interpretation of said pics is spot on.
Oh cool! I hadn't seen those before! I only saw the first page, I think. Woo-woo! Applause!
Do you think I'm right? I mean they are by no means open and shut but I think I see the glow.
The question is..who are those people anyhow?
I donot beieve in their existance...I think its some sort of digital mayhem.
I could however be wrong
heehee, glow? They'd only just started re-thinking about it then..... I think.....
I'm up for the movie. I think Dag wants to go too.
excellent k, will be nice to see you and dag
heheheheheheheheheeeeeheeeeeeing from the eastern end of Lake Ontario.
If you guys get there early save me a seat.