A few of you might remember my son was born with a severe cranial facial anomaly that is called a Complete bilateral-wide Cleft of the lip, hard palate, soft palate and gumline. In non-medical terms, that means his upper lip was in 3 pieces though the nostrals, his gums were in 3 pieces and he had no roof to his mouth on the inside.
He has had 2 surgeries to fully repair his cleft. The average is 7. The local physicians said 30+ surgeries to fully repair his cleft. I took him out of our state of residence for the surgeries due to what I felt was... Our local surgeon's Incompetance.
My issue is this...
Kevin is enrolled in Head Start at the age of 3 years and 1 month old. He has been there for 2 weeks, next monday.
For some reason, Speech therapists, Early intervention specialists seem to think.. I'm a moron and have no idea what I am talking about. When I tell them precisely the issue with his speech (hypo nasal with issues on glides and Fricitives) and his Oral Defenciveness due to a Therapist who happend to be an 80 year old idiot forcibly manually manipulated his freshly repaired tissues with a rubber glove, and refused to reward any speech attempts he made in speech therapy because it wasnt the "buh" sound.
Sorry for the rant but it makes me furious!
Anyway, I am tired of being treated like I have no clue about what is going on. I am tired of people assuming because I didn't go to collage that I haven't taken the time to learn about my son's condition and that I wouldn't be involved in my children's education.
Are parents of children with "conditions" that... I don't know.. obtuse to not be involved? I mean do they blindly allow "professionals" guide their and their children's lives with out question? Is the fact that I am a "advocate" for my child really that special?? Or different Or unique??
I'm just so tired of banging my head against the wall just so he can have the services he so desperately needs.
www.widesmiles.org is a website dedicated to clefts if people want to know more about what I'm talking about. Kevin's was Bilateral.. meaning both sides of the lip was split.