And what's Seacrest's claim to fame other than hosting this show? Never heard of him before... or this Randy either. Or Simon, come to that, although we all know all about him now. Eh, they're all a bunch of yahoos.
Speaking of British (Simon), when I was in London last Christmas, I watched Deal or No Deal... I get back here and realize it's been Americanized ... what's up with that - I mean, it's not THAT good of a show, is it? LOL Okay, there's 20 people, a host, and a guest and we all have a suitcase/box/container with a number inside... blah blah blah
I watched another show which involved a host, two contestants and a Vanna White person and they turned a bunch of letters over and had to make the longest word out of them -- It also wasn't that scintillating but it's funny how THAT one hasn't been high-graded over
Okay, I'm feeling a little catty tonight, but you have to admit, many US shows are based on UK ones
Sorry to go off-topic - maybe we need separate posts - one for trashing AI, and another for trashing various shows