The Fiction of "Fact"

Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 02:57 pm
Bone fragments encased in limestone can last a near infinite amount of years, no matter how fragile the bones are. And carbon dating is the most accurate form of dating known matrials. Do you dispute the concept of carbon dating as well?
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 02:58 pm
astounding wrote:
come on, 90 million years? that is a long time, and I doubt such fragile material like bone could survive for that long. and it says they gradually lost their legs through evolution of course. where are the bones of those that were in the process of losing their legs? This is a load of crap. Everything has to be proven to everyone here through millions of years or else its just not logical. that entire post harvester is a load, I sincerly hope you people don't believe this.

Who said anything about finding bones?

You are "astounding" with your lack of knowledge.

Logic has nothing to do with your argument. It is completely divorced from reality.
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 03:00 pm
Let's put it this way Mr. astounding, if you cannot prove any of the things you claim are facts, why should I believe in your abilities to be skeptical of evolution?

the same works with evolution, if you cannot prove it why should I believe it. thank you for clarifying this.
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 03:00 pm
harvester wrote:
Bone fragments encased in limestone can last a near infinite amount of years, no matter how fragile the bones are. And carbon dating is the most accurate form of dating known matrials. Do you dispute the concept of carbon dating as well?

90 million is beyond carbon dating I think. Farmer would be able to tell us that off the top of his head. Many other isotopes are used to get beyond the carbon limitation.
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 03:02 pm
astounding wrote:
Let's put it this way Mr. astounding, if you cannot prove any of the things you claim are facts, why should I believe in your abilities to be skeptical of evolution?

the same works with evolution, if you cannot prove it why should I believe it. thank you for clarifying this.

You don't have to believe anything. But don't expect to be taken seriously if you can't follow the simple rules of logic.
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 03:02 pm
and yes carbon dating is completly inaccurate. No way is the world 90 million years old. I think that is how long it would take evolution to turn a lizard into a snake, if submitted in some type of equation...whatever the carbon dating system uses... totally inaccurate readings.
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 03:02 pm
astounding wrote:
I doubt such fragile material like bone could survive for that long.

Fossils, not bones.


Give science a try. It might be interesting for you.
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 03:04 pm
astounding wrote:
and yes carbon dating is completly inaccurate. No way is the world 90 million years old. I think that is how long it would take evolution to turn a lizard into a snake, if submitted in some type of equation...whatever the carbon dating system uses... totally inaccurate readings.
I gave you an equation to do earlier. You still haven't done it, have you?

You aren't interested in anything but professing your ignorance and wanting us to accept said ignorance as some great revelation.
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 03:18 pm
Chumly wrote:
Let's put it this way Mr. astounding, if you cannot prove any of the things you claim are facts, why should I believe in your abilities to be skeptical of evolution?
astounding wrote:
the same works with evolution, if you cannot prove it why should I believe it. thank you for clarifying this.
Don't dodge the question Mr. astounding. I'll ask it again: why should I believe in your abilities to be skeptical of evolution if you cannot prove any of the things you claim are facts?
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 03:22 pm
the question posed is being dodged by all of those here who believe in evolution. Why should I believe it, what makes you guys so whole heartedly believe in this? that was one of my originaly questions, which is yet to be answered. You believe what people have told you, or read in a book or article. You shouldn't believe me>to answer your question. Now answer mine, why should I believe in such a theory that cannot prove itself?
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 03:24 pm
JasonL wrote:
I agree Setanta, that Science does not disprove God but in fact shows us how God does things. The reason I say that, well it's quite obvious I think, is that I am a believer in a supreme being which in this case would be God. Evolution may and probably is the way God was able to create the different species that inhabit the world we live in today. But as far as humans coming from apes is concerned I just don't believe it. I'll admit I don't know much concercing the theory of evolution but I thought I would just post my thoughts anyhow.

I have no beef with this point of view. I would point out though, that the genus homo does not derive from apes, but rather from a common ancestor, which i believe is ramepithecus, although it has been sufficiently long since i studied that in particular that i may be wrong. However, as to the basic thesis that there is a deity, and that said deity accomplished the diversity of species on this planet by means of evolution, i have no argument with that.

Personally, i see no reason to believe that a god exists. I do not deny, because i don't know. I also don't care. Therefore, in the simplest terms, i am atheist--without god. Most people would argue that i am agnostic, but that is bootless, because i proceed on the assumption that that which is not proven is not real. What is important in this discussion, however, is that a theory of evolution does not stipulate origins, and is therefore no inimical to a contention that a diety exists.
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 03:27 pm
ast wrote-

why should I believe in such a theory that cannot prove itself?

Well obviously you shouldn't in your self-appointed role of making it easy for the other side. You wouldn't be able to accomplish the task if you believed it.
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 03:30 pm
astounding wrote:
the question posed is being dodged by all of those here who believe in evolution. Why should I believe it, what makes you guys so whole heartedly believe in this? that was one of my originaly questions, which is yet to be answered. You believe what people have told you, or read in a book or article. You shouldn't believe me>to answer your question. Now answer mine, why should I believe in such a theory that cannot prove itself?


Earlier today, I posted a summary of the proof presented by Darwin. You are the one doing all the dodging.
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 03:30 pm
A simple test for you astounding. Take a microscope (if you have one) and scrape some toilet sample bacteria. Now clean your toilet with a common antibacterial agent, such as lysol bathroom cleaner. Observe the once thriving bacteria with your microscope. You'll notice most if not all are gone. Do this every week, with the same antibacterial. Keep in mind not to scrub the toilet with a brush to forceably, just simply spray the antibacterial on the surface. You'll notice that after a few months the bacteria will evolve or adept themselves to accomodate such a hostile environment. Simple evolution. And it only takes a few months. And soon you will have a thriving dwelling place for the bacteria, until a different technique or chemical is used to wipe out the bacteria.
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 03:31 pm
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 03:34 pm
astounding wrote:
the question posed is being dodged by all of those here who believe in evolution. Why should I believe it, what makes you guys so whole heartedly believe in this? that was one of my originaly questions, which is yet to be answered. You believe what people have told you, or read in a book or article. You shouldn't believe me>to answer your question. Now answer mine, why should I believe in such a theory that cannot prove itself?
I never asked you to believe Evolution, you can believe whatever you want! I never said I believed Evolution, and again you can believe whatever you want! To be perfectly clear as far as I am concerned you can believe whatever you want.

But if I am going to believe you have the ability to be intelligent, then I need to know you have the ability to discern facts, and in this you have failed.

So far you claim you can prove Mars is real, and so far you claim you can prove you are real, but so far you have failed to prove either.

So Mr. astounding, I'll ask it again: why should I believe in your abilities to be skeptical of evolution if you cannot prove any of the things you claim are facts?
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 03:49 pm
Don't bother me, I'm busy painting dinosaurs on the walls of caves.
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 03:56 pm
astounding wrote:
Mars can be proven to exist by getting in a shuttle and flying there.
This may help you Mr. astounding in proving Mars existsShuttle Dog
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 04:13 pm
I answered you chumly, I believe I said you shouldn't.

Harvester that is crap man and you know it. The whole evolution in a toilet bowl is quite simply this. ADAPTATIONS TO ONES CHANGING ENVIRONMENT plain and simple. Here is a test for you. If evolution exists, why doesn't a female smokers embryo develop immunities to carcinogens? wouldn't, if evolution holds true, an embryo develop stronger anti-carcinigenic tissue of some sort or something?
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Reply Wed 19 Apr, 2006 04:16 pm
astounding wrote:
I answered you chumly, I believe I said you shouldn't.
OK if I should not believe you have the ability to be intelligent, then on what basis do you claim to have the ability to discern facts?
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