Wed 7 May, 2003 06:52 am
This made me laugh before I remembered how much I am paying these guys to make important decisions. This article is part of our $15 billion construction project known as the Big Dig. For those from other parts, as part of the same project we now have a great bridge with an absurdly long name-- "The Leonard P Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge." Don't you just love politics!
Makes me wonder. Outside of toast and fries, how many tunnels, buildings, bridges, bills and babies wil be named "liberty" before this current fad is over. I hope we can tell them all apart.

In India, politicians have been doing this for quite some time, remanimg Bombay as Mumbai, Calcutta as Kolkatta - this when half of the population lives below the poverty line !!
I suggest they name it the "We spent $15 billion building it but you are still gonna sit in traffic because we didn't give you any more lanes tunnel".
I voted for the O'Neill Tunnel, just because I think 'Liberty' sounds silly, and there's no greater example of a true Bostonian politician than good old Tip O'Neill. Well, Ted Kennedy aside....
In many ways, he's just like the Big Dig - too much money for too little, was around too long and hard to navigate your way around.
Another suggestion: "If you are not from Boston, you are going the wrong way. Wherever you're going, you'll never find your way. Go back! Go back! Tunnel" or maybe just "The Turn Around Tunnel" for short. Except all of those lost souls from outside the 128 loop will actually try to turn around in the tunnel....
Maybe we should just sell tunnel passes?
I was just reading about the ltest tunnel news in the globe this a.m. It's become a party war - who'da thunkit? I think coming out of the liberty tunnel would be a bit strange, like being born or born-again. No thanks. Tip tunnel is good for me.
How about "a good way to avoid somerville" tunnel?
"The Chowdah Tunnel"
"Antoine Walker's Ghetto Fabulous Tunnel"
"Tunnel To The Other Side"
"The Bah's Are This Way"
"This Really IS The Secret Tunnel To The Cape"
MOAT : Mother of all Tunnels
"Saddam escaped thru a tunnel like this"
Mitt Romney went so far as to pull the whole: it's a patriotic thing, you know, to support the troops.... Grrr....
Great, slappy - now I'll shout NOMAH everytime I go into the tunnel.
"Believe me, there IS light at the end of this tunnel"
How about the "ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO ENTER HERE" tunnel?
I voted for the Oneill tunnel however I gotta agree with the variety of others thoughts here as well that werent in the poll.
I would consider "your an idiot if you think this is going to be a nice ride and arent you glad it cost a fortune to not feel any different tunnel "
Does anyone out there really believe that this thing is going to be called anything other than "The Big Dig" for the next 50 years? Hell, they've been building this thing for the last 13 years and they still aren't even close to being done. The stuff they started with is already in need of repairs.
You're right fishin...Ill call it the Big Dig tunnel no matter what they decide to call it, and I prolly aint alone.
What needs repairs? Nah, you're just looking at it the wrong way...its under construction.