Wed 12 Apr, 2006 11:55 am
using the work computer for anything but ashley business is cause for instant dismissal. Who gives a **** this place sucks.
Now that's a winning attitude ! Attaboy!
Yeah, but then there's that little issue of rent. And, don't forget that cub of yours that goes through shoes and paintballs like they grow on trees.
And, eating is kinda nice sometimes.
Wimmins has always got some minor quibble . . .
squinney wrote:Yeah, but then there's that little issue of rent. And, don't forget that cub of yours that goes through shoes and paintballs like they grow on trees.
And, eating is kinda nice sometimes.
yeah yeah yeah..this place still sucks.....
they all suck -- in different ways...
squinney wrote:Yeah, but then there's that little issue of rent. And, don't forget that cub of yours that goes through shoes and paintballs like they grow on trees.
And, eating is kinda nice sometimes.
I fancy some dark hershey's kisses
Not 'til you've finished your tossed salad.
squinney wrote:Not 'til you've finished your tossed salad.
I'm ready to join the clean plate club....
5:30 and total STORE sales for the day $0.00. I've had one up....
I need a drink....
I just can't stomach this place... I have to find something else... and now I'm getting calls up the wazooo to play with summer coming on......
Love over gold. I feel your pain.
screw it.... I just poured aHUGE[/b][/size][/color] glass of red wine....
Enjoy it.
You've probably had worse things in your mouth. :wink:
Wine? Did someone say wine? Damn, I've got a meeting tonight
Sorry to hear about your job situation, bear.
Squinney's right though, food matters.
I have been working my ass off all my life. I have a right to bitch.
There is NO job Utopia.
Either the job sucks but you get paid well or you love the job but the money sucks. Sometimes the money and the job suck. It's a rare situation that the job and the money meet all needs.
Its better than having to collect unpaid gambling debts. I used to go through more bats . The money wasnt too bad, the retirement plan really sucked.
I made great money for many years doing what I love,,,, and I intend to again.....