Fri 7 Apr, 2006 09:30 am
Will we see the Dems take control of one or more of the houses of Congress this fall? This thread is generally intended for open debate and predictions.
The fact that the Dems are tied with the Republicans on national security in this poll is shocking, really; why, I've been assured many times by Conservatives on this board that the citizens of America just won't trust the Dems on security issues. Seems they don't trust Republicans either.
OK let's see how long it takes before the validity of the poll is questioned?
"These numbers are scary. We've lost every advantage we've ever had," GOP pollster Tony Fabrizio said.
They have even loss Sensenbrenner.
I'm willing to make a prediction that nothing much will change, but that Republican unease and voter discontent will grow. The Democrats have a shot at making a small gain in the Senate--but the power of incumbency being what it is, i doubt that they can do more than pick up a couple of seats. Given the power of incumbency, i'd say the Democrats might slightly improve their position in the House, but i think it highly unrealistic to think that they could take over the House.
I think it more likely that disenchanted Republican voters will stay home, and that incumbents on a Republican ticket would simply be returned by a lower margin.
I agree with Set. I believe the Democrats may pick up some seats, but not enough to control either House. I would be very surprised if the Democrats were to gain control of Congress.
Only one poll counts, and that's on election-day. Far more interesting would be a carefull analysis of the various seats to be filled in the coming mid-term elections. Mid-term elections tend to draw lower than average turnouts, and don't often signal radical change in Congressional policies. Always there are exceptions, but I don't think so this time.
I am not sure if the Democrats want to win in November. Better to gain a few seats, but keep the focus on the Republican controlled congress until 2008.
It's their mess.Why let them off the hook so easily?
I would be satisfied with a Dem overall pickup in both houses. I think that's a very achievable goal, and if one studies the votes these days, closing the gap between the two parties may lead essentially to the same thing - de facto control.
Republicans have passed many a bill by a bare margin of victory; just a few victories by Dems would put an end to that.
What it wouldn't do is provide the Dems with the all-important investigative and subpoena powers that they need to get to the bottom of the lies and manipulations of the WH. It would still be up to the Dems (and the DoJ, apparently) to convince the Republicans to hold the Executive branch, and each other (abramoff) accountable for violations of the law.
wild card prediction: if the Plame case keeps going the way it has been going, the Dems have a real shot at winning.
Plame? It's that addiction to dead horse beating that keeps the Democratic party down, imo.
The pendulum is swinging back, as it always does, and the Democrats will win some seats back. The worst thing that could happen for them is to win the house and spend the next two years laughably trying to impeach Bush. A few thousand Schumer, Reid, Dean and McKinney soundbites later, ANY Republican could win the presidency, beating the best of the Democrats.
The Democrats should stick to shoveling largesse to their special interests, trying to ignore Hollyweird, and try to find a leader who doesn't look ancient and sound like a perpetual knee jerk. Obama is a real possiblility, and should be promoted, or Michael Steele will be the first Black president.........wouldn't that be a hoot?
The President lied us into war, covered it up to get re-elected while the Republican Congress enabled him and this is a dead horse? You are dreaming.
Asherman wrote:
Only one poll counts, and that's on election-day.
So it took how many posts for someone to deny the validity of the poll?
Asherman wrote:I agree with Set. I believe the Democrats may pick up some seats, but not enough to control either House. I would be very surprised if the Democrats were to gain control of Congress.
Only one poll counts, and that's on election-day. Far more interesting would be a carefull analysis of the various seats to be filled in the coming mid-term elections. Mid-term elections tend to draw lower than average turnouts, and don't often signal radical change in Congressional policies. Always there are exceptions, but I don't think so this time.
Didn't you say somewhere you were historian? Did you study any Twentieth Century American History? Oh wait...I guess not. Never mind.
I think I'll wait and see who the candidates are and make my decision accordingly. Democrat or Republican it makes no never mind to me. Bottom line is they're all politicians and somewhat corrupt and dishonest, just a matter of voting for the one who seems most decent.
Sturgis wrote:I think I'll wait and see who the candidates are and make my decision accordingly. Democrat or Republican it makes no never mind to me. Bottom line is they're all politicians and somewhat corrupt and dishonest, just a matter of voting for the one who seems most decent.
What??? You don;'t know who is running in your district yet?
Roxxxanne wrote:Sturgis wrote:I think I'll wait and see who the candidates are and make my decision accordingly. Democrat or Republican it makes no never mind to me. Bottom line is they're all politicians and somewhat corrupt and dishonest, just a matter of voting for the one who seems most decent.
What??? You don;'t know who is running in your district yet?
There are usually a few local characters who aren't mentioned much prior to the big day, nor do they do much campaigning. Add to this the simple facts Roxxxanne...some 6 months left to election day...a few more Tom DeLay situations and the slates could change quite a bit. Who knows, maybe even that Hillary critter will drop out of her race. (I can hope and dream can't I?)
You can only be voting for two candidates, a Senator and Congressperson. What Congressional District are you voting in? I can't fathom you don't even know who is running.
I only have one person to vote for this time and she is running virtually unopposed.
Roxxxanne wrote:You can only be voting for two candidates, a Senator and Congressperson. What Congressional District are you voting in? I can't fathom you don't even know who is running.
I only have one person to vote for this time and she is running virtually unopposed.
I thought you meant for all openings including every little community seat that is available...after all, those folks can eventually move up the ladder towards those bigger seats such as are found in Congress and the Senate.
It is Friday night and all Roxxy has to do is flame. Sad, no?