After a long battle with different kind of clothes- mainly brother's and
father's-our washing machine gave up life. Specialists tried to resuscitate
it, but in vain. Last night it gave up its last breath, and this morning mother
and sister cried on her soul.
You know my quadriplegia brother, Ok, I let him handle the repairing
process. So, he asked some friends of him to take the deceased to be
fixed. This is one good way that give him a hundred percent score of self
confidence. Anyway, after two journeys to the technician which was with
no benefit, my mother the super heroin stepped in.
This happened last night when I came from a long errand, I was outside
frome the early morning to the evening. She told me that she is planning
to buy a new one. " You give me an amount of money and I'll go get it". I
told you about mother before, stubborn, yes, a woman with a plan, yes,
doesn't care, yes. Ok, I knew that I wouldn’t reach a compromise with her,
so I greed to take her and learn something as she said.
It seemed that she is popular, everybody knows her and she knows
everybody. She says that always

. The dealer gave her a valuable
machine with a reasonable price. He also agreed to take the rest of the
money monthly, in installments. I don’t think that I'll get this deal. Before
bringing it home, she went shopping, get some fish and other lunch thingy.
Of course, I was following her in every move.
When I'm with her, I'm not concerned about her health. I think about her
when she does stuff a lone that I know isn’t suitable for such age.
Anyway, being with old ladies is fun, isn't that?!