Green Witch wrote:This is not a good solution to the health insurance crisis.
The bill passed has little, if anything, to do with the overall healthcare "crisis". The only reason it passed is because the State of MA has until July 1st to implement something to reduce the number of uninsured in the state or we lose $385 million in Federal healthcare funds.
People who are below the Federal poverty level will get coverage at no cost with no deductible (children and parents with children will get steered in the CHiPS program - MA has some 70,000 people elidgible for CHiPS that have never enrolled in it...). People with incomes below $46,000 will get insurance at significantly reduced rates based on a sliding scale. Currently uninsured people with incomes over $46,000 (the majority of whom are self employed) will be able to buy a catastrophic care package at reduced rates.
The law also changes the State Tax code and makes all healthcare insurance premiums a pre-tax item so some of the costs are gained back in reduced income tax liability for both the employer and employee.
But.. again, this law was passed to address the possible loss of Federal funding. If it wasn't for that it'd still be buried in some conference somewhere.