Tue 4 Apr, 2006 05:42 pm
aight can any1 on this site tell me how to crip walk not anythin hard jst the basics n **** like tht and if ppl hav vids can they show me plz i found a real gd vid on youtube but tht aint teachin it jst a big collage of videos n ppl doin it
I know that the crip walk is a very secretive thing, and most people are worried to tell how it goes for fear of getting offed by some gang member. I however, am a badass, and have no such fear. Therefore, I have decided to risk the danger to impart the secrets of the crip walk to you.
Here is how to crip walk.
First you stand up straight. Arms akimbo, hands on hips.
And you start with the head bob...and bob, and bob, and bob, and swwiiiiiiing that head around to the right, and then you get the arms in position...arms out to the front, hands facing out, and clap, and clap, and clap...and then you pop your ass out behind you...and you shake that ass...and shake it, and shake it, and shake it...and then you flail your arms out in all directions as if they were made of over-cooked spaghetti, while simultaneously twitching your legs arrhythmically and flicking your tongue at people like a snake...and waggle, and waggle, and twitch, and twitch...and then you begin to caw like a crow at random intervals...and caaaaw! and caaaaw! and caaaaw!
That's basically it.
Enjoy, and don't forget who told you how to crip walk. aight? aight.
are you available for one-on-one tutorials?
Practice in front of a mirror. I'm sure you'll get it in no time.
i think i've got the crow-caw down pat... but how will i know if i'm shake-shake-shaking my ass in the proper manner??
I'll watch and make sure. :wink:
This is so heartwarming. It's beautiful when the crip walk brings people together like this.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall at Region's house...
house-schmouse, i've been trying out a few moves here in the office.
i'm hoarse from caaaaw-ing, but i think i'm getting the hang of it.
UH-OH, gotta go -- the boss just called me into his office...
Maybe you'd be better off just sticking with the hokey pokey.
my boss wants me to go get a drug test, "contingent upon remaining employed" -- whatever THAT means.
hmmm, maybe i'll go find me another hobby now...
Dude, I can totally help you out here. "Drug test" is
corporate speak for "go out and get us some liquor, son"
Trust me, I used this at my last ten jobs or so.
Works every time.
Something tells me that Reg might be escorted outta the building today. I'll go get the car warmed up.
i stepped up and pee'd in the cup...
hey everyone, im 18 and i jsut saw a video of these guys doing the crip walk but it was soo advanced and ****, so i was wondering if ne one knows of ne sites that have tutorials for beginners. I kinda got the idea of it but its hard to do jsut by reading it off a post. so if ne one has a vid they can send me or something that would be sweeet. my email is
[email protected]
thanks a lot!
I have just this minute donned some groovy young person clothing, including one of those golfing hat things, and have gone outside and made a cinematic film of myself.
You must excuse the standard of dance, as I have slight rheumatism.
Why E, you old dog . . . who knew your were such a terpsichorean wizard ? ! ? ! ?
Aye! Verily, I am the coolest dude in Droitwich, innit!
I dunno, there used to be crips in our neighborhood, and I don't remember any cripwalkin... must be style that's passed me by.
Gawd. Looks like tapdancin'. Everything old is new again.