Fbaezer, I do comply with you. Our electoral system is perfectly organized and in theory should work perfectly well. In theory. As many things in this country, the system can be polluted and malformed.
The voting procedure you describe is correct, but I digress in a couple of relatively irrelevant things. The first, the card is not punched anymore when you vote, though it should. The second, not all parties had representatives in all the prescints. Among others, this was PRD's problem, but it was their fault and none others. Probably this is where the issue spawns from, since every representant - YES! - has to approve the vote counting.
Now, I'm not 100% sure about this, but when the act is filled it is sent to the district, and that information is collected by the IFE
electronically and counted. There is when the supposed algorithm created by Hildebrando - Calderon's brother in law (?) company - would act, right? It does sound kind of funky, since all the parties do have the number of votes received per act. I guess this numbers dont match, and thats why AMLO is yelling "fraud", other than that I wouldnt understand.
Today I read "El Universal"'s columnist, Francisco Cárdenas Cruz, and dang... he talks about several things. Calderón, after the post PREP recount said that he allowed the "vote by vote" claim of AMLO, even dared him to, but now he refuses it, as well as his party. Now, did Ugalde recognized Calerón as the winner of the election? Because he can't do that, the Electoral Tribunal is the one that, after reviewing the procedure, claims the winner, not the IFE. Did Fox help Calderón by placing social programs at his service? I wouldn't doubt it. How about the media after the Radio and Television Law? There's a clear bias, days after the last edition of "El Privilegio de Mandar" (a parody of the electoral candidates), Joaquín López Dóriga (anchorman of Televisa) was going to receive AMLO - he said so in his radio program in the morning, but suddenly forgot about it. And that final speech in the parody was definitely NOT scripted humor.
Did the PAN received, before the other parties, a copy of the voters listings? How about those "missing votes", duplicated acts, people that couldn't vote in special prescints for foreigners, and the fact that there where less ballots for president than for house representants? Of course, I dont believe all that AMLO says. He has gotten quite hysterical, attacking even a juice and bread brands, but I do see that there has been a couple of ODD things going on. In the end, the TRIFE will decide...
Crap, after re-reading this post, I notice that is full of gramatical errors.